Is college worth it?
Is college worth it?
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if you enjoy what you are doing yes
If you study something you are genuinely interested in, that offers a liveable wage? Yes. If you go without any real direction and don't work hard? No.
I am currently majoring in creative media production. I am in my first year and my first year was fully paid for by scholarships.
Everything you ever wanted to learn is on the internet. Sure you might want to go to college to pay out of the ass so you can have someone force feed you what you want to learn to get that paper that says you learned it but they don't even do that anymore. They just force feed you Marxist shit. If you looking for money user just learn a trade you will make decent money and have a much more steady job that's actually waiting for you after you graduate. If the college cancer is fixed in the future you can go back into it later in life and not have to worry about the crushing absurd debt also.
No one is genuinely interested in math and science. OP isn't going to work for NASA or Google. Mediocre interest leads to mediocre skill which leads to low pay and shit jobs.
Just learn a trade OP. Have a real skill
Yes, if you dont autistically choose a dumbfuck degree like English or Political Science.
If you chose Accounting or an Engineering discipline, you WILL get a job after graduation, and it WILL pay better than 95% of your high school graduate friends that didnt finish college.
Sure some went to trade schools and are earning pretty juicy incomes after you graduate from university at age 22, but theirs is a waiting game - how long until my back or joints start fucking up? - how long will my lower back stay healthy? -
Make sure to get a major in something you have a passion for, something that you can sell easily.
Outside of the mandatory general classes and other non major classes, the rewards of a degree/certificate and higher are far more profitable than a highschool diploma/GED. You will be treated better, payed better, and will receive more position offers and recommendations for future jobs.
Plus you have easy access to tutoring and networking with other students whom can be a wealth of knowledge, comradery and resources.
I would say yes, college is worth it.
That sounds like a pretty useless major desu OP.
Yeah, I got a massive scholarship for my video skills in highschool.
Dunno, never went. I became a factory worker after highschool while my friends went to college. Almost all of them regret it and wished they had worked instead.
Sad thing is I have never had a job.
If you want to learn more and earn a higher wage sure.
However I don't think its for everyone
I assume "creative media production" means stuff like marketing? Particularly movie trailers trailers and that sort of shit?
>Is college worth it?
Yes, if you get a STEM degree. Yes, if you get some other degree in literally anything else else AND it's free. I speak as a math-retard who has a sociology degree, paid for by military tuition assistance. However, it gives me some leverage when debating lefty cucks who act like their (((education))) means anything.
Video, audio, websites, graphics.
I have actually played around with the idea of trying to get a job at Infowars.
Depends what you're studying.
If it's one of the core subjects like STEM, English, History, Law etc. you will make more on average but avoid the stupid shit like 'international management'. A degree still opens a lot of doors, it's not the fast track it used to be but it gets your name on the list and gives you a chance you wouldn't have otherwise. It'll also be a fun 3 - 4 years.
About to leave college in my junior year.
Tired of paying the university blood money just to finance an institution that cranks out brainwashed idiots under the guise of """education"""
I have an associates degree and years of military experience in a skilled field applicable in the civilian marketplace. At this point I honestly don't think finishing my four year would help my resume enough for me to justify staying in school
America "white" women are degenerate sub human who have mixed babies
TFW Nigger worship america become Rhodesia status
>tfw I'm quitting my job as a subsea engineer and going back to school for a masters in aerospace
You can only move up so far in a job like that without a college degree. People who go to college and become educated in something practical will almost always tend to make more money in the long run.
By the way, this whole "college is too expensive" meme would end if more people went to community college for gen eds. That's what I'm doing and I'm only paying a fraction of what my friends off at uni are paying.
t. proud owner of a STEM degree
I'm in community college for a business transfer degree, likely finance involved. I just want a decent living wage.
Are you making real money in it yet or do you have an internship lined up? If not you should quit.
Its just one of those "passion" majors, like illustration, writing, or animation. If you want a good job its super competitive
No. I have a professional degree and I wish I'd just learned a trade right out of high school.
It was for me. I wanted to become a pilot, so I did NROTC.
>full ride scholarship, no debt
>officer inna navy
>get to kick it in pensacola for IFS & API
>get to kick it back home in Texas (Corpus Christi is alright i guess) for Primary
>get to wear pajamas to work every day
>eventually get wings
I'd rather fly than sit at a desk all day every day.
>played around with the idea of trying to get a job at Infowars
You won't unless you're willing to work for free.
I took most of my gen eds in high school.
I am already a sophomore in my second semester, which fucking sucks cause I have to find a minor already.
I learned more in a week of reading the internet encyclopedia of philosophy than I did from six philosophy courses in college.
if you want 2-4x more money than the average dude, sure, go to college, and maaaaybe that'll happen. otherwise it's a huge waste of time and money.
Don't listen to Sup Forums. It is worth it if you can afford it. If you can't afford it no matter how much you're able to stretch your dollar then there are some awesome alternatives. But as a career and a life experience, yes, college is worth it. Go for it. If you can't afford it, then I'd recommend going to community college for one or two years while getting your basic courses out of the way. However, I'd strongly recommend going direct to a university. There's a lot of experience that happens in those first two years.
I make enough to afford a house and take care of my family. I'm fine with my life as it is now.
>nobody that gets old has a bad back or bad eyes or knees. Only old tradesmen.
Looks of good English positions in the civil service. Or there is in the UK anyway.
The question is if your college is respected by your system. Collage was invented to be worth it, but question is if there are any laws that still work in USA, since you pretty much allow illegals to study and accept people into "genius" universities if they write 100 times "black lives matter".
There are engineers with shit grades that get starting salaries greater than what a 40 year old unionized carpenter spends his entire life working towards. That's reality.
>take 7 years to get degree
>shit gpa
>get job 3 months after graduating for 32/hr
>getting upgraded to 80k/year salary shortly after
its alright. Get your degree and ge tout
For me it was. I majored in Computer Science at a state university. My first job was making 45k a year in 2012. I left that for a job making 60k a year in 2013. I left that for a job making 102k a year in 2016. I never would have got my foot in the door without my degree.
Just avoid loans at all costs. Do what you have to do but don't live off loans while in college or you will be fucked in the long run. Work 2 jobs if you have to.
College is not worth it if you major in some stupid bullshit like sociology, history or something dumb and unpractical like that though.
Only do it if there is a practical major that you actually enjoy (for me it was computer science).
If I could do it over again, I would join the airforce reserves/national guard for the GI Bill. Then I would go to a local community college for 2 years and transfer to a major university for my last 2 years. You could probably get through college without any debt if you did it this way.
I have thought about joining the military, but I don't think they would accept someone with Aspergers.
Not in Canada
Honestly? I don't know anymore.
I went to college to get a literal degree in "Video Game Development". I realized quickly that I was better off learning coding/programming and dropped out.
I joined the military and now that I didn't have a cushion to fall back on I've ended up getting a license and sell insurance now. It pays okay but so hate the work.
Honestly, my biggest mistake was not doing my research in high school and jumping on a degree blindly because I thought the name itself implied I'd get a job in that field straight out of college.
Funny that you mention that. I was diagnosed with Asperger's when I was 14! I totally lied at MEPS to get it though. I did Army for 4 years before college. It sucks but it's worth it in the long run. Plus they break you down and then mold you into a decent human being when you are going through boot camp. Like I said though, if I could do it again I would go with the airforce reserves (aka easy street) not active duty Army if I could redo it all.
Only Dual degrees in STEM/ECON and a CS degree. and you must graduate in the top 10% of your class. so for a few it is yea
Kids fresh from high school don't know what they want to do. I majored in physics straight out of high school but dropped out. Eventually I went back and got an electrical engineering degree.
These are the kind of courses I would recommend against.
No journalist has a degree in journalism, they read History or English Lit.
Same applies for this, successful video game developers all probably have a background in IT programing not specific in video game design.
>Eventually I went back and got an electrical engineering degree.
My cousin did this. He now works for Amazon in one of their datacenters and makes a six figure salary.
Yeah it's true. I'm only 23 but I still feel lost in life. Selling insurance to old folks isn't something I want to do for the next 15 years even if I could potentially make six digit monies. I'm going to do this job as much as possible while learning coding in my off time because I still need a roof over my head. A degree is a definite necessity though.
I'm a Biochemistry major at a school in the top 30 universities in the US. Shit GPA, am not really interested, but I'm gonna pull through and have my degree as a backup for grad/PA school if my other goals for making money don't pan out... I'll just leave it at that.
It probably is, but is expensive college worth it? Not so much. Use the cheapest option available. For example: Do preliminary courses at a community college and then transfer. Put some work into it otherwise you need not be surprised if you are paying too much.
Also of course it makes sense to think about job prospects. You go to college to get a degree that qualifies you for a job later on. If you just study what you like and there is no actual business behind it then it will also not be a surprise not finding a job.
Why is college good? because you are generally more knowledgeable and on higher rank than similar job without degree.
Yes in Canada. We have fairly competitive wages for construction and trades and such for sure, but with the high floor comes a comparatively low ceiling. I know 21 year olds just graduating who are getting 100-120k starting at TO, Waterloo and Windsor. Don't know of many construction workers getting paid nearly that much, and I have a few old high school friends who went the trade school/college route and it's not as cracked up as people ITT are making it out to be.
>Only Dual degrees in STEM/ECON and a CS degree. and you must graduate in the top 10% of your class.
Not true. I single majored in computer science (CS) and I was in the top %50 of my class. I now make six figures working for a well known tech giant. Your degree is only necessary for getting your foot in the door at the first job you get after college. Everything after that is all based on your intelligence and your work ethic.
I made shitty grades (2.85) and got a pretty high paying first job by forging my transcript.
Collage should only be for those of above average intelligence.
Every low iq numbskull can go now.
>successful video game developers all probably have a background in IT programing not specific in video game design
This is true. I majored in computer science at a state university. Blizzard sent recruiters to my school on a yearly basis. They recruited computer science majors. They don't send recruiters to DeVry to recruit "game development" majors.
Highschool kids in my town can make over $100,000 a year working at the sawmill
it takes some effort to finish though, overall college is still worth it for stem+loans or free+business
lucky son of a bitch. i want to fly extremely bad
however i do have a gi bill to pay for all of my tuition towards anything i want to study, so i guess im luckyish too
courses like this should probably have a big red warning sign on them "CAUTION: THIS DEGREE DOES NOT WARRANT A JOB"
You can always change. I'm 24 and making good money for the past 2 years but I'm quitting and going back to school to get a masters to have to opportunity to do the kind of work I actually want to do.
>courses like this should probably have a big red warning sign on them "CAUTION: THIS DEGREE DOES NOT WARRANT A JOB"
LOL so true
Just be smart enough to realize what courses actually matter in the real world and you will do well after you finish college.
Godspeed. This job is draining and I'm glad to have it but I'll likely do the same as you.
I have dreams and aspirations, but I'm no fool. I need to build myself up financially before I can go and try and get my degree again.
For people, It's always going to be needs over wants until you can make that want work for you.
>BS degree
How should I kill myself so my parents think I didn't do it?
I took a geology degree at the university of Saskatchewan. 1.5 years later, still no luck finding work. Should I go back to school to get another degree that's related? (Environmental Science, Toxicology, etc).
Are you going for something in the STEM or medical field? Then yes
If youre going for anything else then save your money and learn a trade.
>7 years
Makes me feel better about the path I'm on. Similar boat.
I'm in an unknown school and can't really find anything I'm interested in. Should I bother picking a random bachelor's degree or try trades?
Just get el /biz/ degree
It depends on your major.
Having a major in Geology sounds cool, but you're having poor luck since you'd probably need a licence, certification, or some minor to help you get a foot in the door. A degree works best when it lets you apply for a broad range of jobs without the degree being too broad itself.
Yes. I went in the Army and used my GI bill to pay for my education. Now I am becoming a Genetic Engineer and will create Aryan babies so we don't have to worry about brown people.
Thank me later, OP.
Make sure you don't have to take a Soc Justice course.
If your male ,don't date on campus.
I've found that chasing women on campus is a purely Chad pasttime and something kids who just want to get laid do.
I was like that before I realized that I'd rather have a life partner than a lay and regrets years down the line.
>tfw 3 years into a worthless political science degree and i still have 2 years left because i'm retarded
At least I have zero loans and no debt, although I guess I have to go to law school to have any chance of making a living
Trump just allocated 900 million to the USGS in the US budget proposal. Also Landsat 9 is coming next year. GeoAnon has hope
Try to see if you can switch majors. If you were smart and given the option, you more than likely have taken all of your core classes. That being said, law school is probably the better option.
if someone else is paying for it then yes
This. Glad I paid 40k for paper that's not fit for wiping.
There aren't that many good options I could switch to... I can't do STEM because I'm bad at math and would have a different set of core classes which would put me way too far behind. Basically, I'm stuck with soft-sciences and other useless shit because I fell for the liberal arts meme that they shilled so hard on campus.
You need to work backwards. What do you want to do? Get on LinkedIn and look at job requirements- many of them list preferred degrees.
Don't know what you want? You won't find it in college. They just want your money and "career counselors" will funnel you wherever a bs class has an opening.
Better to get a shit job than go in debt. Or do peace corps. Or military. Or church volunteering. Learn what you want and are good at without the debt.
In college? Again, check out LinkedIn. Watch out for STEM meme- some roles require graduate/master/doctorates which mean more schooling and higher cost.
From a pure ROI standpoint you want something with low barriers to entry from a 4 year degree. Comp sci, finance/accounting, statistics/math.
Use your time in undergrad to network and do internships. If you are in a challenging, quantitative, or analytical field you will likely find paid internships. English majors must work for free since they bring no skills.
Leverage internships for referrals and full time positions. Enjoy your salary, health benefits, 401k, and paid time off.
Also, watch out for automation and ai Anything too repetitive or analytical can and will be automated.
Creative media production with an emphasis in audio video production.
Learn a trade.
Welding is the best one available right now.
Idk how old you are or your financial situation, bit even if it sets you back switch while you can.
I had the option to switch from English to comp sci, but didn't want to "be set back." Then I had the chance to add a comp sci minor, but didn't want to grind.
Now I'm capped out in the current tech support job teaching myself programming and trying to get to another department.
The academic setback is nothing compared to the real life setback. Do it now when you can take advantage of internships.
In my university I received a minority grant for being white (my college is roughly 35% white)
No. Lawyers are getting replaced with ai as we speak. They will take all the entry level attorney careers.
So you will either be stuck making 30k at some mom and pop shop, or hope you went to a T14 law school and your dad got you in some nice firm.
>I am currently majoring in creative media production
So Starbucks barista
>2 random Sup Forumstards
>both are aspies
Is that a BS degree or a B.Sc. degree?
Yeah. College is 8k a semester and my degree gets to have a big name Uni on it even though I'm going for a cheaper, smaller campus.
>College to be a Mechanical Engineer
>School gives me 2k every semester. just because HS fooled them into thinking I had a 4.0 GPA
>Countless stupid little scholarships add up
>Paying less than 500 dollars per semester
you cucks are funny as hell.
>Sup Forumstards think university is a job training center
It depends on the field, but in general absolutely not
i guess it's back to the original plan, hopefully i'll have the balls to finally do it right
If you're good at math fall for the stem meme, if not learn a trade. Anything else is fucking useless sjw tier garbage
So, if you are in a soft science try to get as much data analytical/stats training as you can.
I work at a tech company and we have analytical for each department- sales, marketing, customer service, product management, etc.
If you can't do a full switch then try to work that in. I know you said you're bad at math but in the real world it doesn't matter, you just look that shit up on google or have excel or SQL do it all for you.
You can do it user. Trust me. You'll find people way stupider than you have good roles because they "know excel" or "learned market research" in college, and it SOUNDS fancy or analytical, even though its really not.
Bite the bullet now. Party later.
>You can do it, user. Trust me.
>Bite the bullet now. Party later.
I really am not equipped for being a healthy, productive adult member of society. I have never been to a party in my entire 3 years at college, but I'm still struggling to get by. I had an exam once that stressed me out and I went to take a nap afterwards and woke up 27 hours later. I was only going to law school because you currently can make a decent living wage in a private practice around where I live, but in reality I'll probably just kill myself. Thanks for the advice though
I never went to a party my whole 4 years.
I was an English major nut really wanted to wrote a book.
Was fat and did lucid dreaming so slept a lot.
Graduated and took 6 months to find a job that turned out to be a sales cold calling job. They had happy hours every week and I never went to the, because I was so exhausted each Friday.
Eventually my phone experience was able to get me a customer service job on the phones working overnights and weekends. Learned on job and moved to help desk support.
Now I have better hours and coworkers are nerds like me. I have money, we go out, have dinner, sometimes get drunk. Got in shape, met some girls. Turns put people like me.
I have more fun in the real world making money doing a real job than I did broke at college. Don't fall for the lib bs that college is for parties and fu. That's for hot girls and rich douchebags.