What is Sup Forums's reaction to his demotion? Is this the end of Bannon and the alt-right? What will Bannon do?
What is Sup Forums's reaction to his demotion? Is this the end of Bannon and the alt-right? What will Bannon do?
The guy on the right is inferior lmao. Baboon facial features
>Is this the end of [...] the alt-right?
i hope so. that fucking strawman needs to go. it doesnt even really exist. its just a strawman created to lumb every trumpsupporter, conservative, or anyone who just is against to croocked ass (((establishment))) together and discredit them all based on a few negative examples they mostly fake themselves.
with that strawman you dont have a bunch of liberals being pissed at the establishment, conservatives that dont want the liberal agenda, or trumpsupporters that like trump together with all kinds of people, from all kinds of social classes fromm all parts of the USA hating the dems for all kind of reasons, but just that bigot racist alt right. everyone who identifies himself as such is either a shill, or a usefull idiot. if you dont know what of those you are, you are a usefull idiot
>What is Sup Forums's reaction to his demotion?
Who the fuck cares? Election's over, Trump won. You lost. Move on with life.
Oh I didn't like Hillary either so I didn't exactly lose. I lost in the same way that the US lost because things are going to get much worse.
well the guy on the right is a nigger
You must be poor and have a very small wiener. Im sorry for your loss bro.
Steve Bannon and (((Breitbart News))) are not alt-right. The alt-right hates Jews. Kikebart News was founded by a Jew and is run by Jews.
I have seen a lot of heroin addicts where I live. Bannon has the skin and look of a druggy.
Really? I actually don't follow them so I didn't know that. Its hard to keep track of so maybe you can help fill me in: Who hates the jews now on the right and who doesn't?
christ, did the person who made this meme even look at their skull structure?
The alt-right hates Jews. Mainstream conservatives, on the other hand, are unapologetically pro-Israel.
>class and disability shaming
smhfam that's not very tolerant
The timing of it is very curious.
Guy on the left probably is.
Has that been part of the divide between the alt right and traditional conservatives? I'm honeslty just curious about all this.
source for quote
Bannon was a qt
WHo the fuck cares? The only people obsessing over Trump atm are butthurt faggots asblasted that he won. Move on with life. Get over it.
>Traditional Conservatives
Do not bump low-effort bait threads. If you see:
>racebaiting picture
>minimal text
>"Sup Forums BTFO", "How will Sup Forums recover? or similar
Either sage your reply or ignore the thread altogether.
I'm not and I dont but I do like those d u b s you got yourself there
He is superior.
if you have to claim that you are superior, then probably you arent.
Are you saying that I should just stop paying attention to the news and never honestly evaluate anything Trump does?
That would make me a Trump supporter.
Trump's alt right phase is over, now back to neo con business as usual.
Thank you for being my platform so far! No refunds!
War in syria soon coming soon fellow poltards
t. kid
source on the claim of the picture?
really makes me think
Pssssst. They were gonna get worse regardless.
It's literally nothing. He was only on the NSC to oversee it's depoliticizing, which he completed. He went to all of one meeting
Why do you assume some shitty actor is better in any way? Danzel is getting old so i don't think any of them is in top condition.
Stupid bait thread.
Why is this like the only thread I've seen today about his firing?
>took the position as a place holder
>attended one meeting the whole time
>stepped down in preparation for whoever will be there fulltime
How is that a demotion again? Does this pre-scripted Shareblue/CTR crap work on any demographics that aren't infested with leftist shit heads?
Well of course he's superior. Bannon has made it to the halls of international power in the most powerful office in the land, and the other has been a professional make-believer. Bannon comes from the race that build 1st world civilizations, and the other comes from the one that never invented the wheel until a White man showed them one.
Honestly, when viewing the historical timeline of both, the belief that blacks are even close to the equivalent of whites is absolutely laughable. We were building Rome while they were contemplating mud huts.......literally.
>Implying the alt right ever existed in the first place
>Bannon fighting Kushner
>Kunshner wins since he bangs Ivanka
>pushes Bannon out
Serves him right, he trusted a Jew.
>Baboon facial features
Denzel got fired?
I love this thanks from a brother.
"We were building Rome while they were contemplating mud huts.......literally."
The ancient egyptians want a word
>guy who made this pic believes the guy on the left believes he is genetically superior to the guy on the right
Congrats, both that specific breed of Chimpanzee and Whites evolved for a forest environment, ignore the fact that when whites started interacting with blacks in the colonial age both apes and blacks could only use sticks and rocks!
Isn't then argument about intelligence and not looks though?
stay where you are, i'm calling animal control
>Have Irish heritage
>snub nose
>look like a white chimpanzee
I'm that gorilla dick nigga.
See: Then promptly gfys
You still look like a baboon but I guess we can swim so take that whitey