
>Come to Sup Forums one day
>Think the Holocaust happened
>See a Holohoax thread
>"How could these people possibly believe in conspiracy theories"
>Go through the thread myself
>Math makes sense
>Multiple sources and documents for everything against the Holocaust
>Holy shit it didn't actually happen
>Fastforward about a year
>Anyone I've ever tried to talk about it complete denies it
>They never cite evidence "muh highschool history teacher said..."
>Feel in the wrong or ignorant about it

Did the Holocaust actually happen Sup Forums? Has everything you said just been memes? The more and more shills that are coming here are slowly convincing me, but all the evidence that I've seen for the Holocaust happening is circumstantial at best. It just doesn't add up.

Give me reason to believe, are we the bluepilled?

Other urls found in this thread:


Ask yourself if you would trust the word of a bunch of jews who would have a lot to gain by lying about it. There's your answer.

Jewish memes and coincidences aside, what do they have to benefit from it? I've not once hear a Jew or Jewish family gaining anything out of claiming to be victimized by the Holocaust aside from maybe a few who were on TV or wrote books about it

>Being a lying jew
Who would have thought

Believe in the holocaust with all its ridiculousness:

- 1 steam chamber (IMT XXXII 153-158, III 567);
- 1 electrical chamber (IMT VII 576-577, XII 369);
- 1 German atomic bomb (for instant cremation work at Auschwitz) (IMT XVI 529);
- 1 tree (used as murder weapon) (IMT VII 582);
- 1 portable oven (IMT VII 586);
- 1 pedal-driven brain bashing machine (IMT VII 376-377);
- 1 bone-grinding machine (IMT VII 439, 549-550, 446, 593);
- 1 spanking machine (IMT VI 213);
- 1 lampshade of human skin (IMT XXXII 258, 259, 261, 263, 265, 269);
- 1 pocket book and 1 pair of driving gloves, all of human skin (IMT XXX 352, 355);
- 1 pornographic picture painted on canvas of human skin (IMT XXX 469);
- 1 book bound in human skin (IMT VI 331);
- 1 saddle, 1 pair of riding breeches, 1 glove, 1 house slipper, 1 ladies' handbag, all of human skin (IMT V 171);
- 1 torture box (disguised as an ordinary wardrobe) (IMT XVI 561, 546, 556-557);
- 1 chair stuffed with human hair (IMT XIX 506);
- 1 mattress stuffed with human hair (IMT I, 252);
- 1 pair of human hair socks (IMT XXXIX 552-553, XX 353);
- 1 jar of human soap (IMT VII 597-601);
- 1 piece of tanned human skin (IMT VII 600);
- 1 gas van (IMT VII 571);
- 1 door mat made of human hair (NMT V 1119-1152, Trial of Oswald Pohl).

We know these objects existed, because they were "proven" at Nuremberg by means of "official documents" and "sworn statements".

Say you believe in the holocaust. That's the trick! You believe Hitler's final solution was to steam the Jews to death like lobsters. And, of course, the Third Reich's ultimate plan was to get Jews to climb trees and then cut the them down.

The beauty of the holocaust religion is that no one can dares question you or your story (hence why there are so many fake holocaust memoirs that get Pulitzer prizes).

So believe! Make up something ridiculous and accuse them of denial if they question you.

I'm interested. Not calling you wrong, but can I see the evidence you're talking about?

Why is Auschwitz still relevant? You have to be like 90+ years old to be in Auschwitz in past or be a child, but then you don't know what you talking about.

It did happen, and there is plenty of evidence for it, even though stormniggers are in denial

I mean, from what I've seen, the problem is it sounds like you're saying that a whole bunch of jews didn't die, when what people are really saying is far fewer than 6million jews died, and most of these died because bringing food and medicines to labour camps wasn't exactly a top priority for Germany at the time.

I would also accept that, with the anti-semitism that did exist, Jews were probably the last ones to be given medicines when they were available, but considering how rare it was that good food or medicine even was available that really wouldn't make a difference. I do also accept that there were probably guards and doctors and other Nazi officials working in some of these camps who were predatory monsters and conducted some insane experiments on jews and POW's, but that does not the traditional holocaust narrative make.


This is why 70% of Christianity is blue-pilled and shill for these kikes besides them LITERALLY KILLING GOD. I have never met a Jew I liked or didn't harass me as lesser for my faith and then expect a handout because "muh 6 gorillion"

t. redpill Christian

it did happen, but it was greatly exaggerated in terms of numbers

I should add, I'm not a denier, I just understand that the "official" narrative of 6million jews in gas chambers is bullshit.
I don't think the Nazi's had the first intention of letting the jews (or communists) out of those labour camps alive.


Truth comes out, the Jewish race is the boy who cried wolf.

No, it never happened. But it should totally happen again.


Holohoax is the biggest con job in history. Subverted generations of people to believing a Jew fairy tale. In a way, you have to be impressed with those kikes.

Doesn't change the fact that Hitler was right.

I have this wild theory that many 'holocaust survivors' are actually members of the nazi party who posed as survivors to escape persecution.

You are one stupid fuck. Did u ever hear about holocaust reparations? Its one of the biggest swindles out there.




Imagine today getting a loudspeaker and trying to go outside and preach about how bad the Jews are. The public's reaction (which will not be good) to your actions is the reason for the Holocaust. They get to free reign to continue fucking us over in every facet of our lives because it's practically a cardinal sin to criticize them in western society

Ill leave this here. A jewish Holocaust revisionist debates on a talk show


>I've not once hear a Jew or Jewish family gaining anything
Same here. They must be the poorest, most disenfranchised people in the whole world.

My ethics professor said to lie is the worst offense that one can commit.

>Hey, have you ever noticed that Hollywood is full by Jews? Like they run it or something.
>HOW DARE YOU, your kind of dangerous thinking is what led to the HOLOCAUST

I understand what you all are saying but how do you react to something like this? I can see how you could refute the number with math but how do you invalidate the official documents? I only heard of a single official document stating a "final solution" which was supposedly interpreted in multiple ways.

And what do you say in response to the testimonies of people who said none of this happened at Auschwitz? Why do we believe the others over them? Why do we silence the testimonies of ridiculous torture? Why is it illegal to investigate the Holocaust if it supposedly happened? It just doesn't make sense. It's too much coincidence

>- 1 German atomic bomb (for instant cremation work at Auschwitz) (IMT XVI 529);
I looked this one up because it seemed silly and the transcript doesn't support this.
Jackson asks Speer about atomic energy experiments, Speer says they were behind because researchers had fled.
Jackson then says he has information about a secret weapon that was tested on a village and 20k jews and vaporized them; Speer denies its existence and says it's improbable.
Jackson asks if it was likely an exaggeration to bolster civilian and troop support and Speer basically agrees before discussing similar propaganda.

Has anybody actually claimed this weapon existed?

Also in reply to this post, it's stuff like this here It's only okay to use testimonies, facts, or trials when it's in favor of proving the Holocaust happened. As soon as evidence presents itself of outrageous claims it seems to just... disappear? Truth does not fear investigation or something like that right?

I'm like you op. I'm still on the fence. Though it does seem like rather big coincidence that all of the supposed death camps were only on the Soviet occupied territory at the end of the war. General Patton's sentiments (and ultimate demise) also raises some red flags.

But on the other hand I have heard numerous pieces of evidence that it must have happened... so like I said I still can't say eitherway myself until I study it further.

Well any official evidence would be procured German Official Documents, but as far as I've learned there is only ONE document that alludes to a final solution which it doesn't specifically state to be extermination, it could even be deportation. The other "official document" was found to be forged and falsified by some canadian professor I believe. While there may be arguments against the agenda revisionists are trying to push, I don't see the evidence for the holocaust. The strongest thing compelling me is the math, that it's not possible to burn that many bodies.


>Leaf tries to use photoshop.png

>The strongest thing compelling me is the math, that it's not possible to burn that many bodies.
Is it really not?

Didn't you answer your own question with the second part? Truth never has to conceal itself with censorship; the fact that it is illegal to even question if it happened should raise flags. Truth should be questioned because in doing so, the facts refute all claims and prove truth to be true.

I believe some sort of concentration event happened but no where near the extremity that people claim; also: every "death camp" that has been investigated have turned out to merely only be concentration camps; further adding to the probable credibility that (((they))) know how to work a system

Stormniggers are the ones who claim it happened and try to justify it too.

It isn't, they claim they put the bodies in coal-coke ovens and somehow cremated them in under 30 minutes which is legitimately violating the laws of physics and illogical. It'd take more than an hour to even get close to fully burning the body especially using a shitty brick coal coke fuelled oven. Not to mention every batch was supposedly over 2000 people and they were being gassed 24/7 at least under an hour apart.
And no, you could only fit 2 bodies maximum and adding another body would make it take over 2 hours if the water from the bodies didn't keep outing the fire.

so let's break down this guy's argument
>using internet text of one person's account as proof of the Final Solution
>implying misnumbered plaques was the foundation of the "no 6 million dead" claim
>implying deportations of any number of people means millions were systematically murdered
>ICRC says only some prisoners were accounted for and others weren't (for some reason) and most that weren't were the ones that were murdered (pretty nice coincidence), then calls their own document propaganda (definitely not compromised)
>implying Nazi estimates of jewish population + some guys with "authority" (that authority being unknown of course) over the matter saying 6 million died is evidence of arguably the most despicable act in human history
>implying consensus of population in 1949 was actually based on an estimate from a decade earlier (because that's exactly how normal people find out how many people of one group is in an area right)
>implying "official document" (a document so official that it is inherently immune from being forged apparently) is evidence of 6 million people being systematically murdered without anyone finding out for years
>implying SS officer wouldn't lie and support the narrative after germany was defeated to save his ass

you tell me what you think about this "evidence" user

Well what I read was 48 ovens max, 1.5 hours per body if we're being generous. The ovens only started burning in 1942 and the ovens at Auschwitz only ran for 12 hours a day. If you do the math with how many bodies the could have incinerated by the end of WWII it comes out to be 150,000-250,000 I believe. But the narrative of 6 million killed, 4 million at Auschwitz, and even the revised numbers of 900,000 at Auschwitz just leave me in disbelief. That 200,000 number that can easily be calculated doesn't even take into consideration the time to transport bodies, let gas rooms clear, etc.

Which is why I'm so conflicted, it's good reason to believe it to be question but in a way it is also a bluff in an argument. There's no evidence other than "look at what you can't do, something must be up" but that does not justify the falsifying of numbers

There are no official German documents mentioning a genocide of labor camp prisoners nor otherwise.

And no that infograph is cherry picking bullshit, the guy who wrote it always cites his blogspot/Imgur account as "proof" for the holocaust and nothing on it is legitimate.
Literally wikipedia copy pastes and USHMM copy pastes.
Fuck him.

Why silence them? Easy. When you pack something with the weight of six million deaths, they can NEVER be questioned ever again. Anything less extreme than that and you start poking holes in it. Try to silence someone poking holes in what should be "innocuous" and you make yourself look highly suspicious.

I can't imagine the the mental hurdles you must go throw to deny the entire holocaust.
>People never kill one another, everything's always been ok

okay thanks retardbro

>I'm going to fight a war on multiple fronts against multiple super powers while killing a minority in the most complex ways possible

The zyklon is a funny conspiracy theory the allies bolstered up,
How does a pesticide pellet's coating evaporate without a heating element to kill everyone in a room in the middle of the winter?

Obviously it just worked.

They literally said they used Zyklon because it's a cyanide based pellet and chemical executions would invoke muh feels.
The Zyklon was stockpiled for clothes scrubbing in a room near the infirmaries in every camp including the non-death camps.
Typhus infected lice was a huge problem throughout Europe especially in areas where a ton of people were crammed in the same living space.
They even shaved prisoner and guards' heads to curb infection rates.

Not an argument.

I understand where you're coming from on this, but in an actual debate that's just a more sophisticated way of saying "so?"

How do you prove that the SS officer was coerced into supporting a narrative?
How do you question the legitimacy of a document without raising question to your own?

I can see how logical people would question these claims, how it wouldn't make sense. But how do you prove it wrong?

Not that I'm denying you, but could I grab a source from you on this? I would find it interesting to read more into the "gassing" claims of the Holocaust

You cannot deny a conspiracy theory that has no backing. Read the citation.
Go on Wikipedia and hit up the footnotes that have the sources and read through the books. Then read through THEIR sources.
You'll find some hilarious inconsistencies that seem eerily similar to some kind of Roswell hysteria and all your school teachers and theirs read books citing these faulty/false testimonies and declarations multiple times.

Raul Hillberg cites Yankel Wiernik 5 times in The Destruction of European Jews.
Read Wiernik's works and Hillberg's compilation of informations and you'll know what I'm saying.

Well, how about you make your own YouTube video proving that Zyklon B is harmless by testing it on yourself?

USHMM and all the official sites all claim it, and then you have the testimonies or compilations of testimonies by historians sourced by them.

"Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers at Auschwitz" by Pressac is a good source for the mainstay claims, everybody from school teachers to politicians have mouthed something he's wrote in regards to the holocaust.

Why so elaborate though?
Why would he deport some?
Why not just kill them all when they're in the ghettos?
Why not just kill them on the trains and let it be done with?
Why pay for millions of dollars of food and supplies for them in camps when you can just kill them?
Why spend resources on a population you want dead?
Why have an infirmary if you're just going to be killing people?

That's not what I'm claiming it's fucking cyanide.
The claim is that they evaporated and fumigated the room after being dropped on the floor.
I'm not even shitting you this is stuff they put in school textbooks.

Also before you came into this thread how did you think they gassed people and with what?
Did you think they had running taps that ran magic liquid cyanide or chlorine gas?

This. If he wanted to exterminate them, why not take them by droves into the country side / pasture and just drop a bomb on them? This has never made sense to me.

Honestly I used to think it was just gas pumped into a room, like some guy killing himself in his car with the exhaust fumes.

There was persecution of the Jews and for good reason.
It is massively exaggerated.
It is used for propagandistic purposes by globalists and internationalists.
It is no reason for the white man to hate himself.

Your terrorist country killed more prisoners than the Germans by bombing the supply lines and shit. Then they realized that they were the bad guys and tried to spin it by creating a holocaust and blaming it on the losers.

the holocaust was just a social experiment.

If the zyklon was only for lice why did they go the trouble to manufacture zyklon without the warning odor agent added and make custom labels for it?

Making a Jew work for free is a fate worse than death for them.

That's not what the official history/lore of the holocaust is. The Nazis had stocks of zyklon pellets, like the yard pesticide you'd toss on your lawn, and that is supposedly what they threw into the gas chambers to kill people.

Historians do claim that Treblinka had a building where they pumped carbon monoxide from a captured tank engine into rooms to suffocate people.
Apparently the Germans didn't know what wood generators are because diesel engine fumes take a while longer to kill but I digress.

That'd be implying the Germans had safety laws for the stuff.
High demand mass production was getting desperate in the 40's so it would make sense they'd cut all the extras out of essential production.

> but can I see the evidence
it's literally in his post you dumb burger faggot.

>why would people smart enough to create masturbating death rooms with built-in roller coaster ejection furnaces take an artificial stink out of a pesticide they're using large amounts of?
>ha ha Sup Forums - 0 : Lampshades - 6 million

History student here.

I've read archive documents OF Germans during WW2. Plenty of people living at the time knew that the holocaust was a real thing.

Its exaggerated but real. Unless you want to suggest that ALL letters sent to and from Germans during WW2 are fabricated.

Can't say anything about this, lol.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




>civilians and unrelated officers discuss rumor that people are being killed in gulags
>proof that there were people being killed in gulags

Oh and that anecdotal
>I read this but I won't link it

I admit, I'm pretty damn guilty but fuck me post the archive senpai!

>I've not once hear a Jew or Jewish family gaining anything out of claiming to be victimized by the Holocaust
Ummmmmm....What about the state of Israel?

Hi I'm late to the party. What about the videos literally showing piles upon piles of dead bodies that all look to be starved?


Piles and piles of bodies are like piles of shoes, they don't prove the cause of death at all.

Also emaciation is 100% a symptom of typhus mixed with malnutrition.
Normally you're body bloats some near the end due to the destruction of proteins and mass production of insulin for emergency sustenance but typhus victims just get drained of everything.

Pic related is Sgt. John Ransom, prisoner during the civil war. He contracted typhus while incarcerated.

>Post the archive.

An archive is physical document bruh. They're in my university's library and in online databases that you need subscriptions for.

Its the only actual plus side of paying so much for tuition.

Holy shit that's bad. Is there proof the Jewish prisoners had typhus though?

Still anecdotal then honestly.
But yeah letters between people mentioning rumors doesn't prove the rumors to be true.

I know for certain there are no kill order documents and at Nuremberg they laughably presented a letter from Himmler stating that deaths needed to be REDUCED so that is out the question.

If you can find copies of the letters or any scanned archive materials outside of the university please share it though. Freedom of information is necessary in a world slowly beginning to lack proper academic resources.

There's no way to prove or disprove that the SS officer was coerced. Pointing the question at one side like that is pointless because you can't possibly draw conclusions for any side from nonexistant evidence. All we can do is look at the testimony, consider the position he was in, and draw conclusions from there. Germany was defeated. This SS officer's life was in his hands. He would be murdered had he said "We killed every last filthy jew we saw" as he would be admitting his war crimes, he would obviously be deemed a liar if he said their claims against him were a hoax which would not have ended well and most likely with death, or he could say "Yes they existed but i didn't participate/i'm sorry/will take a plea deal" to try to get out with his life (ultimately the path he chose). From this we can gather that the officer had it in his best interests to say what he said regardless of if it was true or not, and thus, can not be used as evidence one way or another. A friendly term to sum up what i'm saying here is "conflict of interest"
As for the document, I am not in the position to raise a question on it because I cannot even read the language let alone examine it's legitimacy (although I believe I have heard of points being made that prove their forgery, which would explain why the documents are never seen in the mainstream media when discussing evidence against denier's claims), I am merely providing a possibility to counteract the claim that the existence of this document UNDENIABLY proves the Final Solution happened.

Also user, the burden of proof falls on those making the original claims. The original claims are that the Holocaust happened, when people are saying things like "but wait this math shows that's improbable" they are making counter-claims, and then it's up to the person making the original claims to bring out the evidence and prove them wrong. Not the other way around.

>he was on a diet, stop being so judgmental.

Yes, this picture was taken after the liberation of Ebensee by the allies, they had the infirmary patients stand outside and took pictures.
One of the most used and famous pictures of it, though Ebensee was not a death camp.

Come to think of it none of the allied liberated camps are 'death camps' and only Soviet camps are.
Good thing the Soviets are truthful, transparent people and gave us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about things only they could have seen.

Okay two more things still. The eye witness testimonies?

And then the trials where nazis defended killing Jews in these camps?

The British wrote Hoess' admission for him and presented it for him too.

Even if the trial didn't have the policy in which you can claim anything and need no actual proof or present witnesses to testify (mentioned in the first few statements are these such rules, check the Avalon Project to find transcripts of the trial)


But wasn't that the whole point of him showing up here in the first place?


>that all look to be starved?
precisely. Starved, not gassed.

No one claims that there weren't concentration camps. No one claims that no Jews died in those concentration camps. The issue here is whether or not there was a planned, mechanised extermination by the use of industrial-scale execution devices like gas chambers. And apart from the highly inconsistent and obviously biased testimony of Jewish internees, there is no evidence for that.

Think about it. If Germany was gassing Jews, how would any of them have lived long enough to become so emaciated? Shouldn't they have just gone straight into the gas chamber? How would the allies have liberated camps with tens of thousands of inmates? If Germany was set on killing every last Jew, how could so many of them have survived several years in Nazi hands? Isn't the more logical answer that the camps were primarily for forced labour, and that the poor condition of the inmates at the end of the war was because supplies stopped getting to the camps?

The fact is, the camps that there is actual documented evidence for have quietly been re-classified over the last few decades from extermination camps to labour camps. Only the camps which were liberated by the Soviets, which none of the Western allies were allowed to inspect, are still officially considered to be extermination camps. The Soviets were well known for faking evidence (they blamed the Germans for Katyn, for example - an atrocity committed by the Soviets themselves). Any historical claim presented today that was based solely on evidence collected by the Soviets would be laughed at by any serious historian, but with the weight of over seventy years of propaganda behind it it's basically impossible to challenge the narrative surrounding the holocaust in western countries.

Anne Frankly I wish it was.

im not a denier and there's plenty of evidence of mass murder the number is irrelevant. But, your pic is fucking nonsence.

i seriously wish i had the time i wasted reading it back.

I was under the impression that torture was regarded as useless in the modern day. After all, you can get a man to say anything under threat of torture, making it useless for interrogation.

That is, unless you want them to give a certain response.

If you were tortured and told that if you admitted to a crime you didn't commit you'd walk would you do it?
Nuremberg was a complete mistrial and mockery of proper legality and fairness.
Like I told the other dude you can read the transcripts at the Avalon Project site by Yale.

You know the witness testimonies are good when the prosecutors beg the witness not to show hand drawn maps to prove they were there (Feb 27th 1946 transcript) or say that the Germans had a guy who threw babies into an oven in a fenced in field with a red cross flag in their camps.

There are very few legitimate eye witnesses.
Samuel Rajzman, for example, one of the biggest cited 'witnesses' admitted he was exiled in September 17th, 1942 in a House of Representatives hearing (page 121 I think. I need to find a link for ya) rather than sent to a camp.

There was a lady I think was there personally at one of the processing facilities, who was on Spielberg's holocaust victim documentary (includes a South American actor who says he dragged 2000 bodies upstairs with canes within 10 minutes with 3 other sonderkommandos)
who was scared to death whenever she showered because she believed in the gas chambers but she never got gassed and got released.

Typhus was big during this time and the Germans did overpopulate the camps. Wen your supply lines are being burned, you tend to focus on your supplies on the counter attack and not the prisoners. While the Germans are responsible for their deaths, it is no where near as evil and deliberate as they make it.

give us the link you dirty goy


People at my work were comenting this


I don't have sources to deny it, help me Sup Forums

If there's plenty find some and prove it happened, friend.
Burden of proof is on the accuser

The citation is a book that I can't find a PDF of.
>50 dollars
Now I'm curious who she cited on page 121 that mentioned the stairs of death

Speaking of sources, (((Konnilyn Feig))). Top kek.

Scrolled to the bottom and noticed the creator is
a retarded, smug cunt.

dachu photo taken by the us army.

>this is = to modern day cctv footage that would get anyone convicted. does it prove 4million, no . explain how that matters

Bodies with no cause of death identified. They never performed a forensic study of the bodies.
Also Dachau is not part of the holocaust, though arguably it may be part of the 'eugenics program' claims but that's not my field of autism venting.

>They never cite evidence
