How do we stop people being gay?

How do we stop people being gay?

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>How do we stop people living their lives

a big giant gook butt slam.
see video

stop making men so dam hawt

start shooting them and the ones who dont get a bullet will turn straight real quick

leave him alone. he has to ask the government if he can watch TV

1) If you have "hate speech", get rid of that.

2) If you have anti-discrimination laws, get rid of those.

3) Get rid of state sanctioned marriage.

You dont.

You just do everything normal people do and shut the fuck up about being gay.

No one cares who you fuck.

The way I was cured was with 1 year anti-biotic treatment and fecal implant from a heterosexual male. The treatment was done in Taiwan and works.

You mean being homosexual, or being faggots?

Because there will always be some homosexuals.

There doesn't have to be faggots though.

If it was genetic wouldn't natural selection get rid of them?

> Gay people don't have kids
> Genes don't pass on
> Born this way is BS

How do we stop yeast infections

Xq28 gene. Surrogacies. You know nothin. Never do. Shit got old tomorrow let alone in the past

if they really are 'born this way' then eventually evolution would work it's magic and they'd go extinct from no reproducing though no? and if not then it's just a mental illness or fetish

It's just as much social triggers at certain growth periods as it is about being "born that way".

Freud. Getting all the memes out eh. Maximum goyim bank deposit
>grab em
Etc etc etc etc wormwood etc etc Kushner in Iraq etc etc

just stop talking about it or giving it any attention, the streisand effect applies here

By killing them.

Why the fuck do you flaming faggots care so much?
>waah there's gay people
>waaah MGTOW
>waaah NEETS won't get their shit together and attract a mate

It's like you're all a bunch of menopausal women or something.

Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:

You stink like eggs and your shell is a mirror. A weed. A dead prune

Mods, ban this guy, its all he ever posts and the discord group advocates pedophilia and has a bunch of ugly retards in it

Let it sort itself out. It's both parts of nature and nurture. Anyone who says it's genetic to support the idea is also accepting that once we find the gay gene we'll chop it out and "cure" it. Evidence like that would also prove it's a dead end genetic mutation.

For all the rest that accept it's either a fetish or a mental illness we solve it with therapy. Unfortunately it won't do any good because society would still ostracize these people making therapy useless.

There would have to be a change in the way we treat these people if we discover it's not genetic. We can't be putting more weight on a structure that's already unstable as it is. We'd have to ease up on the ones undergoing treatment and encourage the rest to go to treatment.

The first step would be to open gayness to scientific study. We can't fix gays before we figure out what makes them gay.

>i thought the honeypot was going to be full of HOT dudes

Protect the children through intolerance

>3) Get rid of state sanctioned marriage.


Well I guess don't defend the liberals when isis comes to throw them off the buildings!

you don't, you just move on with your life and let people do what makes them happy because it's a superficial thing to care about