Why does POL hate us Canadians so much?
Why does POL hate us Canadians so much?
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I think its because they're jealous that we dont have Donald Trump as our president LOL
We have a silly amount of free proxies. Shitposters/shills post as us often. Also Torontofags and Quebecers are real cancer.
canda sucks lol
Justin Trudeau
you have the most redditors per capita
because we suck and is are stupid
I agree with hating the Quebecers but Toronto is a decent city
Why is that a meme though?
I bet that none of you are gonna give me a legit reason
>Shits on Toronto
>Is eternally butthurt about the rising cost of homes in Toronto
Stay mad white boii
They hate us because we let our country turn into Sweden 2.0 while our motto has always been "better than the states lol."
Soon we'll be paying Muslims to rape us, and subsidizing their medical treatment when they contract stds from it, and still brag about how superior we are.
Our only hope is to literally hit the reset button while there are enough whites left to regain control. We need to kill our cuck politicians and end Soros-controlled politics.
lol true also we dont have nearly as much crime in Canada
Are you fuckin stupid
Because 90% of you are liberals of the worst kind
bingo buddy
That clip isnt real
canada has a much bigger conservative population that most realize, it's just our 3 biggest cities are liberal dominant. We are not unlike America, all the rural areas are majority conservative
dont expect them to give any proper reason about why they hate Canada... they never do
what do you mean isn't real, the picture doesn't match the clip but the clip is real
t. A teenager who has never worked a job in his life
You've fried your fucking brain with your internet addiction. Go outside once in a while.
The part where he says because its 2015 is taken out of context. He said that when he was asked why his cabinet is gender diverse
no he's not entirely wrong my friend, the internet is the best way to follow world affairs since it's the only way to be everywhere at once
idk but we a fucked prob rip us
Yah it's called a joke LOL who would actually assume that was meant to be passed off as uncut and unedited?
The only thing to be mad about the rising cost of housing in Toronto is that its driving all the libcucks and faggots and shitskins out to other places, including where I live.
The one nice thing about Toronto was that at least all of those subhumans were mostly contained. Now they're leaking out all over the rest of Ontario.
Ontario is already cucked beyond belief just because of the numbers, but at least I had some geographic isolation from these fuckers. Now even that is getting ruined.
You're the fucking stupid one if you have no idea why we're mocked on the world stage.
Our prime minister turned down international aid from our closest allies when an entire province was on fire. Why? Because he thought it would be cooler to virtue signal and hire 30 niggers from south Africa. Niggers whose background as firefighters was using leather wrapped sticks to beat out flame.
The fire is still burning to this day, a year later. The Africans were on duty for a week before protesting. He wasted all that money just to bring 30 niggers here to fuck our women, eat our food, and take our tax dollars. He refused first world aid in favor of third world aids.
That's 1 small example.
Because Fuck Canadahar, Leaf!
I read the question as asking why pol hates Canadians, and my answer is that most Canadians that post here post cringy liberal shit. Probably half of them are trolling but that doesn't change the fact
fuck off
Don't worry i'll be going back to Toronto. I'm never leaving the GTA ever again.
fucking leaf
constantly polluting the board with syrup bait threads. the worst is that you aren't even the usual shills, you just can't stop shitposting.
>no he's not entirely wrong my friend, the internet is the best way to follow world affairs since it's the only way to be everywhere at once
Spending all day on the internet looking and only focusing on all the negative parts of the country while not celebrating the good is only a recipe for depression. Considering how fucking grim and unpleasent the majority of Canadians are on the internet it seems like it's a growing problem.
By the way Canada, it's not going to be a wonderland of racial harmony once your economy slows
Shut up you fucking leaf
How far away from Toronto are you? They are generally moving out of the city and into the GTA area. Housing costs are starting to rise even as far out as Hamilton.
See Cancer A:
Cuckistan to the north of us is the best of the 3rd world. Socialist meatheads
>Toronto is a decent city
>Defending Trudeau
Gee, I wonder why.
the fuck are you talking about you cum deposit? I've worked jobs before and am not a teenager, I'm supposed to stick my head in the sand and ignore our situation like you, and that's somehow enlightened?
Faggots like you are why our country is going to shit. Your only response is some fucking nonsense about getting a job which is completely irrelevant. Let me give away half my paycheck so I can pay for Syrian welfare and pay carbon tax and maybe and breathing and farting tax while I'm at it.
right now the country is moving in the worst possible direction, so yeah, we are focusing on the negative. This new age nonsense about just focusing on what you want is fucking annoying, you can deny reality momentarily, but not forever. There is no negative and no positive, only what is, and Trudeau is leading us straight into socialist hell
sure buddy
The fires not still burning you idiot
So let me get this straight, your position as of right now is that you truly believe the person who edited that video did not intend that cut to be funny? You really think they expect viewers to not notice that it's a different clip entirely? You are retarded, and backed into a corner I might ad
Pack it up boys, the whites don't want us here. Let's all get up and leave right now.
How am I backed into a corner all you did was send me a fake video LOL
>posting the fake version
wrong buddy, this content is the opposite of why people hate canadians. If you watch the video, it's clearly anti liberal as can be and pro conservative, YOU are the kind of canadian that is hated, liberal cuck
that gave me a chuckle
It is anti liberal and is edited to make Justin look like he supports ISIS
>.< it's not fake you fuckstick get that through your thick skull. It is the full conversation in the house of commons, paused for a second to show a clip of trudeau being an idiot and then quickly resuming where it left off. You are truly the bottom of the barrel
>haha drumpf amirite
Because you are following the Frankfort School of Marxism.
It's going to be a gigantic hassle annexing you.
Don't worry we will wait for you to beg for it.
>I've worked jobs before
>getting a job which is completely irrelevant.
>Let me give away half my paycheck so I can pay for Syrian welfare
You NEET's are subhumans.
>There is no negative and no positive, only what is, and Trudeau is leading us straight into socialist hell
This is what I'm talking about. This defeatist attitude for why your life sucks. Get an education, get a job, find a wife and buy a home together. Is Trudeau currently stopping you from becoming a productive member of society? Stop blaming the government for your shitty existence. Sort yourselves out.
it is anti liberal as fuck, and the editing doesn't make justin look like he supports isis any more than the untouched clip does I will happily send you the original clip if you want
he gets it
Youre so dumb
Justin Trudeau is a cuck
They hate that we shout loud and proud that we're feminists and open-minded... Go Justin, we all support you!
Why are you talking about my life? What the fuck do you know about my life? My personal life is completely irrelevant to this bullshit going on in government, for the time being at least. The reason I won't be raising any kids in this country is because I don't want them born into the debt that THIS idiot is racking up, and then being exposed to all the degenerate islamic scum being imported into the country! You ad hominem fuckers are always the same, completely ignoring the meat of the argument and criticizing gen z for living with their parents and not getting married THERES A FUCKING REASON GEN Z IS LIKE THIS YOU MORON THE INCENTIVE FOR SUCCESS IS GONE DON'T YOU SEE THIS IS SOCIALIST HELL
Lol are you being sarcastic
I hope that's a joke, Trudeau is the most hated pm in recent history in this country his approval ratings are dropping like a stone
We look like a bunch of faggots basically. I hate most Canadians, so I accept all the same projections I put on others
Lol is this nigga on his period
Stop making excuses for why you're a loser. I don't want to hear the uneducated political opinions of a jobless bum. Get your life sorted out before you decide to talk shit about our country.
Pls be my ai gf
Yah, if by being on a period you mean sick and tired of everyone ignoring arguments while attacking the character of ANONS on the internet who they've never even met and literally don't even know the age or gender of, it's fucking retarded. You are incapable of making an argument, and that makes me angry. It's like fighting a mannequin
I bet you support Donald Trump LOL
See this is what I'm talking about with motherfuckers who don't know anything about who they are ad homineming. I HAVE A JOB I HAVE NOT BEEN UNEMPLOYED FOR MORE THAN A WEEK SINCE HIGHSCHOOL AND THAT WAS A LONG FUCKING TIME AGO FUCKSTICKS!!!! I've also never been fired, am well respected at my work, and have a great looking resume. You can all eat shit. I am never rising above my tax bracket because there's no point, I'll be working more for less. DO YOU MORONS UNDERSTAND? The progressive income tax destroys motivation, and if you libcucks can't understand that, you may as well burn in this socialist hell you are creating
We have IDs you stupid leaf.
>Toronto is a decent city
t. resident of Toronto
That's right, bury your head in the sand like I said.
>muh lift weights and fuck hoes and read books
get ready for the system to crash because our economy is based on debt, no one can afford to live, and we have massive demographic catastrophe.
There will be a mass die off at this rate, we'll be lucky to survive and you're too busy being a fucking government apologist piece of shit.
of course I support Donald trump, only brainwashed idiots don't, anyone with an ounce of reason in their mind wouldn't so much as consider voting for the lefties that opposed him
We have ID in Canada too fucktard
Proxy user.
ya you also have DRUMF
people who are still on the govt's side at this point are really starting to piss me off...nobody wants to wake up cause it's shitty BUT COMON PEOPLE this is what I'm talking about, stop worrying about negative and positive and focus on reality as seen through eyes unclouded
Nope and I bet youre just saying that to try to make my arguments seem less valid
You know what, I'm gonna set all the shitposting aside and get all gay.
I love our neighbors to the north. I am truly thankful we share a border with such a peaceful country. We could be border to some shithole middle eastern teir country. Sure weedman has made some meme tier shitposts in his political career, but what leader hasn't?
Thanks for all the water and timber lads...
Not funny. Go kill yourself.
And Justin love's you too.
Canada was fine before Britain sucked us into WW1. We lost many fine men and women started voting. 2 unmitigated disasters. Trudeau got in because of the gay and female vote. Why? Cause he's "cute."
Women in general are too retarded to look passed their emotions. They vote for more government relations every single time because they're too fucking naive to imagine corruption exists.
Big daddy gubnint gonna provide everything, easy is better! Let's vote a fucking snowboard instructor to lead our country, isn't he so cute and funny?
>am never rising above my tax bracket because there's no point, I'll be working more for less. DO YOU MORONS UNDERSTAND? The progressive income tax destroys motivation
You have successful outed yourself as an edgelord kid who has never worked a day in his life. That's not how tax brackets work, dumbass.
Read this and learn more about the world and how taxes really work. I feel ashamed that uneducated idiots like you are allowed to vote.
>There will be a mass die off at this rate
You are quite literally retarded if you think that Canadians will all starve to death in the future. Get off the internet and seek therapy for your delusions. Why are my countrymen so fucking grim?
On the contrary, you are the one who has outed yourself. I know many people who get paid in cash just to stay in their bracket so they don't lose money, it's a common thing here in Canada. I do work, and you can keep saying I don't all you want, I've been working since the summer after highschool and I won't tell you how old I am but it was many, many years ago
The average Canadian is like the average American and has no idea how to grow food or hunt and forage. If anything happened at all to the food supply, millions would starve.
Get your god damned head out of your ass and start calling a spade a spade. Quit acting like nothings wrong you fucking Swedecuck.
Since you're either too stubborn or too illiterate to read what I told you to read let me summarize it for it you.
If you're a single filer who makes upto $9,225 you would have to pay 10% tax on that amount. If you made $1,000 then you would pay 10% tax on the amount of $9,225 and 15% (the next tax bracket) on the $775. Do you get it now, you fucking retard? Remember that the next time you tell your boss you don't want a raise because you want to make more money and he gives you a funny look.
damn right
$10,000*. Forgot a zero.
Just fucking stop