Stop doubting Trump

Stop doubting Trump

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I'm not saying this for you OP, you're an obvious shill normie Redditfag, but i will say this for my people...

We all loved how Trump wanted out of affairs that didn't concern us, like Syria. But we also loved Trump for the fact he doesn't have a set agenda, he won't blindly follow one path no matter what changes in time around the world.
Well guys, this is a game changer, he nor us could've predicted this. I'm sure he will make sure Assad had something to do with this before acting, have faith. If Assad really did do this, we should stand with Trump and say the use of chemical weapons on one's own people is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE. He isn't here for just us, he is here for the rest of the world too.
I saw those clips of children choking to death and i say if Assad did this.. then this great country is coming for him and it will be quick. Trump won't draw shit out like Obama and we know it.
This is his first real big military decision as president. We should support him and see what happens.

Assad has been doing shit like this for years. Sup Forumsfags suddenly feel bad because Trump said so? Fucking sheeps.

All Trump said was basically his equiv of
>deeply concerned
I dont know why morons and shills suddenly think we are about to go to fucking war, if we were going to, it would have been when Obongo was still fucking president

Assad didn't do it though. Jesus, you redditfags are fucking moronic

Yes because we all know Hillary would have been a much better fucking option
>would be even more hostile than Trump could possibly be
>while importing shitskins and giving amnesty to illegals
>while actively working to take our free speech and guns
>while being immune to any and all criticism because MUH FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT
Dear god i hate facebook

We dont know who did it, and even if Assad did it, it wouldnt fucking matter anyway
Why the FUCK does the media think the average american cares about some worthless shitskins in Syria?

Oh fuck off, it's not even a real sarin gas. The whitehelmets arent wearing full body suits.



How the hell did Sup Forums come to the conclusion that siding with a third world Arab dictator is the person they'd rather justify than the president of their own country?! I can't even...


Honestly, we don't know what Trump knows. He may be well aware of Intel saying this is bullshit to get us into war but he's got to make a public statement condemning the act, regardless. We don't need another multi trillion dollar liberation campaign.

Because it's a false flag

Exactly, he had to make a statement regardless, otherwise the media would go

Never had a doubtful thought about the man.
I voted for the lulz.
The hits keep rollin

I never started

Focus on Russia. NOW.

We will crush them. DEUS VULT

>we the people

Everything is a false flag on Sup Forums! This could just be shill nonsense that is being used to distance us from Trump.

It's not our fucking problem. Every time we intervene we make shit worse. Let's sit this one out, whatever happens happens.


I'm hoping he sits this one out in Syria, it's his first big decision under pressure in office. If he fucks this up he may be losing most or all of my support.

I never have. Only retards are doubting him.
Either retards who fell for the he is hitler meme and are upset he isn't gassing jews or the people with such low IQs they have to make money by shitposting on websites with scripts.

Absolute nonsense, if you blindly trust anyone in government you're a fool.

>everyone's a retard except me

Here we go again. Be a good goy and kill a Arab dictator for the greatest ally.
Dictatorship is evil goy

Look taking out Assad is all good and fine IF you aren't just taking out Assad and instead are declaring holy war on all muslims. Until then let the dictators put down extremists as they wish like the rabid dogs they are.
>muh chemical attacks
Haven't we heard this story before?

>Politician rape kids in Asia

>A country's government gases it's own people and children with US weaponry.

Sup Forumstards truly are evil partisan hacks.

>Stop doubting Trump

When the Ryan-care BS was going on we all were worried that he abandoned us. Then he came out with some 4D chess and set Ryan-care on fire after he supposedly "supported" it. Syria will be the same. This is the way Trump negotiates. You have no fucking clue what is actually going through his head and if you think you do then you are obviously wrong.


>it's all 4D chess just stop doubting Trump he'll turn it all around he was just manipulating the liberal media ignore the Tillerson comments and Nikki Haley's comments just turn your brain off everything will be find 9D CHESS!

>"support him and see what he does"
kill yourself




>Implying I ever doubted for a single second
you callin' me a shill, nigger faggot?

you buffoons shouldn't even waste your pathetic berry picking brainpower trying to figure out Trump's 9D chess. You're already in checkmate.

>if assad did this
pro tip: he didn't

Systematically kill hundreds of people on camera with firearms, no one bats an eye.

Kill less than a hundred people with gas, everyone loses their mind.

What has he done that would make you doubt him
>inb4 muh jewish son in law
Again, only if you legitimately thought Trump was going to go full hitler should you doubt him right now.
He is already a billionaire on the verge of retirement age. Why the fuck shouldn't you trust him? He is not in government like most politicians are just for a nice pay out. Its possible he's being led astray as well but that falls into not trusting his compatriots and not Trump himself.
I will hear out all complaints about his advisers but to even pretend that Trump himself is not to be trusted is stupid.

Fuck off redditor trash , this isn't "The_Donald"

>implying implications
I dunno who he's talking to but it ain't me. I voted for Trump because I fucking hate spics and want to see them all slowly dissolved in acid from the feet up. Fucking spics.

>implying i once mentioned 4D chess.
You shills are really desperate.

>implying he did this
>muh WMDs
>muh we need democracy in the middle east now!
God damn its played out. Jews better start thinking up some new war crimes to justify this shit soon.

really made me think

Disagree. We're not the world's police, and quite frankly we shouldn't be trying to fill that role anyways.

Once our borders are secure and we have legislation/EO's in place to stop 'refugees' from flooding in, once we've worked out an amicable solution to our healthcare system, once we no longer have starving veterans on the streets, then maybe we can consider coming to the aid of people halfway around the world.

i will always doubt the man in charge of our country's global aspect/nuclear codes

Easy for you to say, leaf. Your Country wouldn't be the one going to war in direct opposition to a Russian backed army that is perfectly ok with the use of chemical weapons.

you go there yourself then and do it fag.

Today I realized half of Sup Forums voted for trump unironically.

If you voted for him for anything other than lulz and happenings you have only yourself to blame.

I am not doubting him

Go back to the_Donald, cuntface

Ivan please leave


Stop sucking teh mangled jew dingus.

Stop giving us reasons to doubt.

>here for the rest of the world too.
nice try shylock now get into the fucking helicopter

I never have.


The Emperor is wise and all knowing