Is he playing 5D chess or just went full retard?
Donald Trump says Syria chemical attack has changed his view of Assad
He might have been compromised
fuck the neo-cons, why can't McCain just die already?
US can take out both Assad and Kim Jongs Nuclear shit within 2 days and not even blink.
Assad is gonna get the Navy SEAL treatment soon
It depends on what he does if he keeps up the proxy war I'll be disappointed
Becuase Assad has to die, we dont let these types of people walk free and long may it continue
Bring some civility to that continent
Go grab a gun and help do not make my countrymen do it
it's time to wreck them
all wars are banker's wars
America first. Syria is not part of America. Therefore fuck it.
He's trying his hardest to not look like a Putin Puppet, that's the same reason Bannon was taken off the NSC. They're very close to taking him down so he's in full damage control mode right now.
Why is it terrible when Assad does it but ok when our drones do it?
Really activates my almonds.
Trump went full retard unless he makes a statement that he was wrong.. Russia bombed a rebel held area that was making chemicals to release on civilians... But if y'all thought Trump was OG this proves otherwise... Sad I actually had hope for this administration..
I'm totally a lifelong Trump supporter, but I'm concerned about [insert issue] and was was wondering what our thoughts are on [insert issue].
4D chess.
He knows it's a false flag, because it's fucking obvious.
It doesn't cost him anything to say he's furious about that attack.
When it's revealed the rebels did it, he can go harder against them.
Kek has abandoned Trump as he was only a catalyst for further chaos
Trump is basically wrong if he says something I don't like. I supported Trump because I love Russia more than America, and I thought Trump would allow Russia to gain more control in the world. Unfortunately we were wrong and Trump turns out to not be shilling for Russia.
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people. We should have voted for Hillary.
You Fuckface... Sipping on that Western media koolaid far too much.
Actually true, plus with St. Petersburg bombing it serves as catalyst for Russia to send troops to Syria in full force... I doubt they'll do it though..
Russia doesn't have the money to send a full force there. Their economy and currency is being raped.
11 11
It's false flag. Assad has never committed a chemical attack before, and he didn't this time either. It's just CIA out in force.
Obviating your shitpost, people from rest of the world don't want (surprise!) war.
Assad is the only who is fighting ISIS. Israel is not doin it, Watar is not doin it and obviously Saudi Arabia is not doin it. He only wants to protect his people from those murderers.
He's winning the war now and obviously he don't need to use chemical weapons. So what's the point?
This "5D chess" shit is literally a reddit meme.
What happened Sup Forums? How did it come to this?
Goyim, goyim, we need to go to war for our (((GREATEST ALLY))), but without jewish soldiers, lol. FIGHT FOR OUR (((GREATEST ALLY)))
> Assad is the only one fighting ISIS
Even though the United States has launched more Airstrikes and HVT raids AND taken back more land from ISIS than any other force? Okay.
Also, when ISIS is gone, then what? You think everyone will just go home? Are you retarded?
Oh fuck off, it's possible to support Trump without being a mindless drone. Do you really want more Americans to die in another pointless fucking (((war)))?
wait 4 days
He'll say that he found out it was ISIS after all and start bombing them.
country will be thrown into even greater chaos, some new terrorist group or ISIS will take over syria and rampage through even more of the middle east.
It will create 30million more new rapefugees that will flood into europe.
I really want you to be right
> Netanyahu calls on world powers to remove chemical weapons from Syria
How is this a bad thing? If all the chemical weapons are out of Syria, how can Assad use them or be accused of using them?
Sound like a smart choice by Netanyahu to keep Assad from being blamed for more chemical attacks.
shills and proxy cucks get fucked
> muh globalist
> muh nwo
> muh cia
> muh neocon
> muh oil
the tinfoil hats a burning up tonight!
> Implying this isn't being used by Shillary trolls to turn Sup Forums against Trump.
Top kek, newfag.
hello Libya 2.0
don't worry though
the EU will take them all in
Everyone and their mother is monitoring and recording every single vehicle, airstrike and skirmish in Syria.
Where's the evidence? Any evidence?
That already happened. Guess who already used captured chemical weapons before? (Hint: not Assad).
There's a difference between shilling and having legitimate concerns. I love Trump and want to continue loving him, and I just don't want another fucking ground war.
And I've been here since 07' you fucking nigger
1. Navy SEALS didn't kill Gaddafi. Lybian people did.
2. No American soldiers died in Lybia, Durning the Gaddafi conflict
Trump is in over his head, he is turning out to be a good puppet.
t. Igor
He is full retard.
Looks like trump is just a typical neocon faggot
We're not going to war with Syria you autist. That's the last thing Trump wants. If anything, Russia will just be sanctioned more
>he believe so-called "chemical weapons" exists, lol.
Even the "Democrats are the real racist" people are woke about this.
t. simpleton
I can't really tell if you Syriafags are shills or not, but I am leaning toward you being shills and here's why: There is zero (as in none, nada) evidence that the Trump Administration is angling toward a ground invasion of Syria, or even a bombing campaign against Assad forces. No evidence for this. Not a shred.
And in my experience, shills often make claims with no evidence to support them. I've watched them do this on here over and over and over again. And here you come, with no evidence to support your beliefs, making claims that Trump is gearing up for war in Syria.
It's very shill-like. Do you have an explanation for this?
>trying this hard
yup, it only created millions of rapefugees which are now destroying europe and canada. we even have over 100k of them here in the usa
>Is he playing 5D chess
I doubt it, but I really hope so.
This is the actual truth right here and if you trace the origins of the insurgency in Syria back it will lead to the (((mega))) banks like Sachs. Assad is nothing though, just the son of a CIA appointed strongman, the Syrian people deserve better, not another appointment and the only solution would be a clean slate with free and fair elections to cut all the cunts out especially the banks and their oil and gas minions.
>trump says
wake me up when trump "does." until then it's just politics.
t. Hasbara kike
> Chemical weapons don't exist
You could litterally make a chemical weapons with items from the grocery store.
I hope you get gassed by some angry Africans when they take over Germany and send all whites to death camps.
> It's our duty to take in refugees
Trump said never. If Canadians and Europeans want refugees who gives a fuck. Let them die out.
he's being neutered as we speak.
why are people still fucking fighting over oil
just ban oil and be done with it jesus christ
too be fair.
his "intelligence" services are saying its assad. What is the president suppose to do?
Actions speak more than words
I just hope he doesn't turn out as bad as Dubya Bush. Neo-cons really are scum.
maybe it really was assad. sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one
So what was your interpretation of Nikki Haley's little presentation today at the UN? I'm not saying that it's definitely going to happen I'm just scared, honestly.
War is very, very, very profitable.
>What is the president suppose to do?
How about release the proof?
Better yet, ignore it and concentrate on what's best for American citizens. Not Israeli citizens.
He went full retard
you are utterly the most retarded person I have every come across on this board
you too retarded to even be a shill
just a lowly moron
what else can I even say in response to this
Except that Syria has done absolutely nothing to the US, the only reason the refugee crisis exists is because our military fights for the Saudis, the UN, and Israel.
the simplest answer is rebel stockpile, just like it happened before
Assad is the most retarded answer, b/c you have to make up so many logical inconsistencies to make it fit
What Trump wants is one thing, what the Deep State wants is another, and the crux of my worry is how much can his will overpower the Deep State's.
confirmation here:
Litterally not an argument and you didn't give a rebuttal to anything I said.
You're just a pathetic, faggot, leaf with nothing else to say.
Go get raped by a pack of niggers.
If Trump is against Assad that means he's all in for ISIS/FSA.
We got fooled again.
>trump does something retarded
>if you don't 100% support him you're a shill!!
neocon puppet
Except it's not the simplest answer, since it makes no fucking sense for him to do it since he's now being condemned globally and looking down the barrel at a possible US intervention. Assad would have to be a maniacal retard to do this to himself
Hi Barry
It was probably rebels or it was a stash that got hit and exploded on it's own. So collateral for having gas weapons. Either way, not our problem. It's not like Sup Forums cares about people getting gassex.
>just went full retard?
he was full retard the whole time, why do you think this is so funny?
It's bullshit propaganda. When you hear the term "ASSAD REGIME" you know it's propaganda. Jew media.
God damnit you're a faggot.
> Trump says something that Russiaboos on Sup Forums don't like.
> They all cry like little faggots and make "DROPPED" threads.
He has been playing 5D chess all along, it's just that he's a pawn instead of being the one making the moves.
Sup Forums was pro-Assad before Trump ever made any waves. Calling opponents to his positions shills stops working when Trump goes against traditional Sup Forums beliefs.
The problem is, he's now getting official US intel, and the US is the lapdog of Israel.
>12 posts by this ID
> It was a stash of chemical weapons that got hit and exploded.
Which would have destroyed all the gas you idiot.
shit tier bait
You don't have to like Russia to not want to touch the Middle East. Just stop. Get out of there. Tell Israel to fuck off. Stop with the neocon bullshit
>Russia shills unironically believed that trump would bow to them
just keep slinging old copy pasta insults like retard you are
>total destabilization
>further mass migration crisis
>further growth of islamic extremism
so why did Trump bring up obama's fucktarded "red line" rhetoric with the implication that obama's problem was that he didn't follow through with his threat at the time? seriously i want you to reassure me here, i voted trump for a lot of things but the MOST important thing was that he seemed to realize that iraq was the stupidest fucking decision we had ever made as a country and we would never do anything that self-destructive again. and now he is literally copying obama's warmongering rhetoric regarding syria. but please PLEASE explain this shit to me.
> Uh oh! Someone in a thread is replying to people who are replying to him! IM A FAGGOT LEAF SO THIS MUST MEAN SOMETHING!
Do you enjoy fisting your ass every night?
>If Canadians a want refugees who gives a fuck
They can walk right down over the massive un-protected border here m8
& btw we don't, they were a tool to get liberal votes - They are getting mistreated here already
Because Assad isn't a real person right?
You're just making shit up?