This is urgent

This is urgent.

My wife is 1/4th Filipino. My kids are, obviously, 1/8th Filipino. Everything else is western European (including me). They have brown hair/eyes and light bronze skin. I'm pale and green-eyed.

I want to move to move us into a conservative white community, but don't want people to think they're spics. We're clean and respectful Christians. Would you accept us as neighbors, or have I crossed the threshold of being a race traitor?

Religion >>>> Race


>They have brown hair/eyes and light bronze skin
So they look like every Southern European?

Same girl as above

Another pic of her with her Asian boyfriend

Hmm, I think I'll just tell my kids they're Spanish and Norwegian. Filipinos tend to be Spanish anyway. Also, the complexion is uncanny. Fantastic, user.

Fuck off, they have no identity call them mongrels or just human.

If your wife is only 1/4th Filipino, you are white and your kids turned out with bronze skin, you might have been cucked. Only having 1/4th of Filipino ancestry makes you virtually indistinguishable from other whites.

Well, do your kids look white? Me personally, I don't care about mixing. But if the community is that conservative, they won't be questioned obviously if they look white enough.

This, tbqh. If you can successfully assimilate into their church, than you'll be fine. A few things might depend on where exactly you live, but overall shouldn't be a problem. Just be sure that your family always dresses nice - a tucked shirt and chinos instead of jeans pretty much doubles your trustworthiness in peoples eyes.

I was surprised too, but I'm positive I wasn't cucked. They look like me with brown eyes and naturally tan easily, whereas I always look pale. I think it's just the dominant genes. My son loves Aryan girls so I think he'll fix my mistake.

How old are you and your kids? Do they browse Sup Forums?

>This is urgent
>gives demographic info about himself and family which likely is not true
>garbage race bait thread
shalom, OP.

Attached is my arm, and my kids. Not Aryan master race or anything, and I do all I can to be a respectful Christian family. Just don't want people to brush them off as spics when they're not.

I'm 30, kids are between 1 and 10.

The solution is staying out of white neighborhoods entirely you race traitor. Don't dilute the already fading white gene with your mongrel children by introducing them to the population.

If you have even a single fucking iota of shame or ethnic pride, you'll encourage your mudblood children to fuck niggers or the like and not dishonor the white pool anymore than you did with the gift your father gave you.

Here's the truth OP.

The only people who will think less of you for being spics are kekistanis on here. Nobody else gives a flying shit, and as long as you can all speak English properly and don't have any accent no one will care.

>Inb4 leaf
>Inb4 cuck

My white grandchildren would only be 1/16th Filipino... You're delusional if you think there are no brown-haired Aryan Warriors with similar miniscule traces of mudblood.

They don't really look that mixed. I know a kid with Italian, Irish and distant Native American ancestry and he's darker than your son.

Maybe if he's moving to Canada between a bunch of Asians and faggot cuck hipsters. In the US, people are going to note he married a spic. And that's exactly what a fucking Flip is, a spic. You don't intermingle with Spanish rule for five hundred years and adopt their culture, names and mannerisms and get a pass because instead of Native Americans you were island chinks. Your wife and your kids are spics, and they will drive the value down of any neighborhood you move into. They will intermingle with white children and you will be personally responsible for the continuation of white genocide.

You have to go back.

Does your wife look nonwhite? Why would you think they'd be confused as such?

Immigrating legally to the US is almost impossible. The requirements are outrageous.

That's what I remind myself. Even middle class black families go without crosses being burnt on their yards these days. Thanks leaf.

No, your brown grandchildren would be 1/16th Filipino and its a curse you'd send right down through the genetic line. How much shame is in your father's eyes when he tells everyone his son married a goddamned flip?


What are you ethnically, as well as your wife other than her flip ancestry. I bet she's closer to 3/4 flip than 1/4 flip.


People don't assume she's a flip or even a spic. She literally just has brown hair and brown eyes, but my kids tan easily. They're facial structure is Nordic, like mine.

Then you have nothing to worry about.

>have I crossed the threshold of being a race traitor?

USA must be the most SJW in the planet. Their liberal foreign university students bring their ideals and culture. They bring their (((genders))) """identities""".

>My kids are, obviously, 1/8th Filipino

Keep your mutt filth wogs out of white communities you vile racemixer. If you wanted to move into a white community you would have had children with a white girl, you moronic piece of shit.

But they are spics

Only her grandma is Spanish Filipino, everybody else in her chain is a variety of white.

>Would you accept us as neighbor
Not in a million years.
>or have I crossed the threshold of being a race traitor?
Yes. You won't be spared on the day of the rope.

Your kids look Mestizo senpai.

That's true in a liberal community but not a conservative one.

I could be asking that same question about myself. I'm almost half Injun, yet pass as white, with blue eyes, brown hair, and have Mediterranean-color skin. Am I good?

literally nobody cares about your skin color if it's not 1/2 nigger tier black.

breeding with filipinos is nothing new, youll be fine, if needed move to a navy town lots of flips in the navy.

damn fuck I hate you half breed super chads flips so much

goddamn it you fucks invade the TV networks here like virus

>pinoy manlets


not our fault your cheesy tv networks there rely on mestizos and mulattos.

I got married 7 years before taking the red pill. I would have married a Nordic babe like my great grandfather would have wanted, but hindsight is 20/20.

Those kids look very Southeast Asian to me. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it just seems like they're more than 1/8th. Then again, genetics is a tricky thing, and that photo doesn't reveal all the details. I'm half Sicilian, half Scotish/English/Irish/Swedish. My wife is Mexican. Our kids look like light-skinned Italians. My dad is darker than they are. When my wife was pregnant with our third child, she was hoping that this one would be born with darker skin so she wouldn't be the only one in the family with brown skin. Unfortunately for her, our daughter was not only born with pale skin, but her eyes remained blue. By the way, what would your wife think if she read this thread?

Your TV is shit. It's only amusing when Duterte is on.

> By the way, what would your wife think if she read this thread?

She's reading it. I created it because she said "I wish I were more Filipino so I could have pride in something," to which I replied, "No, you should wish you had blue eyes so you could pass for the master race." Then I made this thread, which she is finding amusing.

So two darkies and a lighty, that sounds like a mutt to me

>You won't be spared on the day of the rope.
>Implying there will ever be white genocidal executions in America, let alone be conducted by white people, who wouldn't purge Jews, Muslims and niggers first, if they ever had the power and opportunity, which they won't.

Meant for >119684627

I'm a faggot.

Nice. Hi, Mrs. OP!

If there's ever a "day of the rope" in this country, it will be when we finally hang all the tyrants, not the "race traitors" and children of "race traitors".

And frankly, it's long overdue.