Thinking about traveling to Africa soon.
Do Africans even use Sup Forums?
Thinking about traveling to Africa soon
how will you relax?
Can I have your stuff?
Lurk moar before you post. South Africans and Egyptians post here all the time
bring back as many Boer qt3.14's as you can or don't come back at all.
could you murder someone over there and get away with it? seems like it might be pretty easy
>travelling to Africa
What are you going to eat there? What are you going to drink??????
Went to Tanzania, climbed Kilimanjaro, came home.
No one chimped out while I was there. But tourists are important for the economy so they're better protected against blacks than they would be in a US city like Baltimore.
africa is a big place
where in africa are you going? the poverty scares me because if they find out your american they may just see dollar signs and do whatever they can to cash in.
Americans and Africans have a lot in common.
Yes, Shia, they do. If you try to hold Season 6 there, we will find that flag.
traveling to africa is the same thing as being in a mad max movie but this one is filled with black people.
I went on a hunting safari trip to Namibia 4 years ago. I found the guides online and I thought it was going to be a steal because it so cheap.
Little did I know that as soon as we got deep into the savannah that those scumbag subhumans were going to rob me of me and my dad's wallets and hunting rifles. We also had all of our cash on us (they don't have ATMs or credit cards over there) and our passports. We were trapped in that god forsaken country for almost 3 weeks, and you wanna know the worst part?
The fucking guides were two white guys. Yep two fucking Boers. That entire ethnic group is a bunch of lying thieves. I'm happy their being genocided to be honest.
The fuck lol. You could probably mirder anyone as long as you seriously planned ahead, alibi Ect. What satisfaction could you get by robbing a man of his life, and his family?
I traveled to Kenya a few years ago. There were a lot of black people and the air had a weird sweaty metallic smell.
Heading to South Africa? Cape Town is cool and Johannesburg is post-chimpocalyptic
Yes, they love coming to a place where every other word said is "nigger".
Is nigger as nigger offensive nigger in nigger africa nigger as nigger it nigger is nigger in nigger america nigger?
Kek. I like how you wondered about that.
No if you kill someone, and niggers see you kill that person they will try to necklace you because the niggers see the blood spilled as an opportunity to go feral.
Why the fuck would you wanna go to Africa?
>Best Korea prefers butts
My niggas
What's the difference between a tourist to Africa and a racist?
>you will never fight your way through a post-chimpocalyptic landscape in your armoured Toyota technical
OP is Rachel Dolezal;