Civilization happened when men chose to trade instead of steal- to specialize instead of being jacks-of-all-trades.
"Making" is a waste of time and effort, just do your fucking job.
The Maker Movement- a sign of de-civilization
would disagree
What's wrong with making shit?
Yes goy, you shouldn't know how things work so that you can fix them when they break. Just do your job and buy things from walmart. (The jew wrings his hands and grins his crooked teeth)
>What's wrong with making shit?
Communists 'make shit.' Capitalist societies specialize. The Jews are fans of communism...
>Yes goy, you shouldn't know how things work so that you can fix them when they break.
Rely on others, and they can rely on you. That is all we ask.
I still don't understand what you have against hobbies that involve crafting things
>I still don't understand what you have against hobbies that involve crafting things
I have no personal interest against hobbies, only hate to see people wasting time when they could be earning good money for themselves.
No Fun Allowed: The Thread
That's a bit of an extreme, isn't it?
If I want to build a table, I need to buy tools and hardware from the show owner, I need to buy wood from the lumberman. I've relied on two different men to provide me something, so I can make something of my own.
a man who calls himself a maker instead of a craftsman should really call himself a faggot
What a load of shit. People learning skills for a hobby is in no way a problem.
>you can't earn good money by crafting things
>if you're not making money you're wasting time
you sound like a kike OP
>If I want to build a table, I need to buy tools and hardware from the show owner, I need to buy wood from the lumberman. I've relied on two different men to provide me something, so I can make something of my own.
The "rely on others" means relying on those who are most efficient in their trade.
Civilization is about efficiency.
>earning good money for themselves
usually means making someone else rich
Maybe some of these makers will start their own niche business or sell their crafts at fairs or online
It's good to diversify income streams and skill sets
"No plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first contact with the main hostile force"
"Don't build things yourselves, buy them from the merchant!"
I build my own shit all the time and it's better than the pressed-wood garbage that furniture stores charge hundreds of dollars for.
>we don't need skilled people, we should make our own stuff
Says every communist, ever. Look where this got Venezuela.
Self-reliance is a virtue.
What happens when you need to make something that your Jewish overlords decide you aren't allowed to buy?
>Maybe some of these makers will start their own niche business or sell their crafts at fairs or online
If you make more money at your 'hobby,' then your 'hobby' is actually a job.
And if you make less money at your hobby, then why waste the time?
>I build my own shit all the time and it's better than the pressed-wood garbage that furniture stores charge hundreds of dollars for.
Or you could work more, and buy a real table from an actual carpenter- for less money than it would cost yourself to make it.
If you are a "maker" who "creates" in your "space" you need to kill yourself right now.
>I have no personal interest against hobbies, only hate to see people wasting time when they could be earning good money for themselves.
That's the most jewish thing I've ever heard.
Upset that nobody wants your cheap shit anymore, Zhang?
>Self-reliance is a virtue.
The communists were also self-reliant. Hell, good they had shovels so they could bury their children right after they buried their dreams of being rich.
>What happens when you need to make something that your Jewish overlords decide you aren't allowed to buy?
Never happens.
HA. You should learn to craft yourself some dignity because you have none.
>If you are a "maker" who "creates" in your "space" you need to kill yourself right now.
Exactly. And I get that you guys are scared of Jews, but 'making' is 'makers' buying tools they will rarely use in order to feel good- this is pol thinks the Jews want...
Stop trying to rebrand building for limp wristed hipster faggots.
The Jews always hated builders, and now they're trying to destroy that too. Retards who think buying an Arduino or Raspberry Pi to make a clock based on the provided manual makes them "creators" need to kill themselves immediately.
Check flag. Check. Not worth responding, just more leaf shitposting.
>You hate makers because you love Jews.
The Jews want to divide and conquer- 'making' facilitates that by making people deal with each other less.
Whereas trade bolsters communities, and helps people defend themselves and their freedom
I make shit to sell to other people so they can put it in their shit so they can make something to sell to another person.
What is wrong with having diversified income streams?
What is wrong with having a hobby that makes a few bucks on the side?
What is a waste of time to one person is another person's passion
You shouldn't judge everyone in such a cavalier way
You will be very wrong some day
>Retards who think buying an Arduino or Raspberry Pi to make a clock based on the provided manual makes them "creators"
I was told that most of these electronic boards were bought to make simple items- and could barely beleive it. Something like 40% of these boards are clocks...unFUCKINGbelievable.
Pol says they hate Jews who encourage consumerism, then go on to pay $80 for a clock...
>Rely on others, and they can rely on you.
I simply can not rely on people to do their job correctly, as I've CONSTANTLY had to grind my teeth at glaring errors from """professionals""" and just lazy design issues that could have been avoided altogether by stopping and thinking
Efficiency has nothing to do with capitalism, free market doesn't fix shit. Abundance of resources is what makes things work, and the reason there's such a large availability of said resources is the free market. It is a direct antagonist and an indirect facilitator of efficiency in both design and construction
It would be more efficient for you to stop talking out of your ass and start reading about what you're using as an argument against DIY, maplenigger
Knowing little fragments about way too many things is not helpful, but if I have a job and want to practice blacksmithing or wood working on the side then I can potentially make useful things, of better quality than can be bought in a store, that could be sold for extra income or given away to friends and family. This kind of knowledge is invaluable when you need a little widget that you can't find anywhere but you know a thing or two and can make it for yourself. Also making things is very spiritually fulfilling.
>What is wrong with having diversified income streams?
>What is wrong with having a hobby that makes a few bucks on the side?
Might as well work another hour, rather than another 6 hours at your hobby (to earn the same amount of money).
>What is a waste of time to one person is another person's passion
Your passion should be your job. Love your job, love your life.
>You shouldn't judge everyone in such a cavalier way
It's a personal right to judge. Hell, without judging, there is no right, and there is no wrong.
truth. another example is "geek" shit like raspberry pi. everyone buys one, rarely do they even get turned on.
[spoiler]>Abundance of resources is what makes things work, and the reason there's such a large availability of said resources is the free market.
>Capitalism does not create abundance of resources.
Spoken like a true Communist.
People that have real jibs (read:salary) don't just get to work another hour to make extra cash.
Also, only knowing one thing because Jews is very blue pilled.
Slide thread of highest quality, 5/5.
>another example is "geek" shit like raspberry pi. everyone buys one, rarely do they even get turned on.
Another thing that 'makers' rarely 'turn on' is women. The smartest people waste time 'creating,' but not pro creating.
you learn by building something simple you retard.
>People that have real jibs (read:salary) don't just get to work another hour to make extra cash.
Sure they can- it's the Jews who tell you to "go home, make your wife happy." Women who see husbands often usually want divorces- which actually makes man work more.
this guy knows
>you learn by building something simple you retard.
>>Spend $100 to build clock
>>Now can tell future employrers that you know how to spend 10x the money to get 1/10 the product.
Civilization is the death stage of culture.
>Your passion should be your job.
Maybe for you, but mine is my family
Most people will change careers several times in life, but family is forever
>People that have real jibs (read:salary) don't just get to work another hour to make extra cash.
>Civilization is the death stage of culture.
Civilization is people who decide to trade rather than steal.
The death of civilization is the rise of barbarians- gangs of looters who rely on force, rather than the mind.
The death of civilization is the rebirth of a 0-sum world.
>but family is forever
Not when your wife divorces you, and you spend 50k to see your kids once per week, while the other 5 days your wife is poisoning your children against you.
"Maker" is gay hipster shit. Real men don't need a faggy subculture to build things.
Struck a nerve, syrup cuck?
I make things for a living and I also make things for myself in my free time. I don't have to go to some gay "maker" thing to do it. Its fucking easy and every self respecting man should know how to make some basic shit and fix things.
>"Maker" is gay hipster shit. Real men don't need a faggy subculture to build things.
Funny how pol thinks they are rebels, when they are even more subservant to Jews (than even Mac-using libtards).
Interesting topic. In the midst of spring cleaning I stumbled onto an old stack of "Maker Magazine" and everything looked liked cuckshed-tier bullshit projects. They are useful for bragging about technical know how but they are completely impotent technologies.
Dan Barber explained that if the problems you work on can be solved in one lifetime, you are not thinking big enough. Makers occupy the polar opposite of this notion, believing there is some benefit to making an alarm clock that buzzes a vibrator some other retarded cuck widget masturbation.
So what people are opposed to is the re-branding of hobbies and crafts as the maker movement?
I guess it's bad, but there are so many more important battles to fight
fuck off kike
>checks flag
>not European
>opinion discarded
How the fuck do you think usefull inventions are made, you fucking leaf.
I make machinery run while the corporation tries to find ways to get rid of me. They are are failing.
At least I'll have a nation to associate my flag to in 10 years
>Dan Barber explained that if the problems you work on can be solved in one lifetime, you are not thinking big enough. Makers occupy the polar opposite of this notion
Which makes makers worse than Leftists- at least Leftists get laid- makers are neither productive nor sexually active.
This has to be the most idiotic post I've seen all week.
There is a HUGE market in the "makerverse" - just make the stuff the makers need - somebody will have the upper hand (own the means to produce the means, just another layer).
Home-made microcircuitry is a long way off.
Also, sage for leafposting.
Op can go back to sucking off pm Trudeau.
You are all mad at the wrong thing. Here is what you should be mad about.
White males 1 % of world population but blamed for everything.
The Italian mob started the savings and loan crisis in the 1970's for a 27 billion dollar bailout on the backs of the public. Then some of the same exact guys did the last financial meltdown, that was a 15 trillion bailout we paid for. The Mafia got smart they moved to white collar crime where they would not have to go to jail.
They became banksters. Do the research. Google Angelo Mozillo and mob ties
to empire savings. The Dodd Frank rules that are supposed to stop the next 15 trillion scam are being be over turned in court by slick corporate lawyers.
Now we have outsourcing where the super rich get more yachts and private planes
by selling out the middle class to India sweatshops. Selling out the lower
class to sweatshops in China/Mexico was not enough for them.
The true evil is unchecked corruption. Watch the animated gif in a new window or tab if you have the balls enough to learn the truth.
>How the fuck do you think usefull inventions are made
No 'maker' has invented anything.
Those who invent actually invest their entire beings into their craft- unlike Makers who only make when they are not working nor prepping their wife for bulls.
Nope. The Maker crowd is the furthest thing from hipster out there. It's geeks and nerds. I love the Maker faires. Instead of "Hey, give me $1200 to make this thing for you", they say "hey, let me show you how." 3D printing got a massive boost from the Maker community. It's not just Arduino hacking either, it's everything. God knows fathers and schools aren't teaching kids how to use tools, be creative, and make shit.
I make enough money that I can spare some on hobbies that are relaxing, interesting, and fun, like building guitars, furniture, and doing art. I don't care about making money from it.
The OP faggot is so obsessed with money, that tells me he doesn't have any, and probably makes a fry clerk level income. And, he's too stupid to actually know what the maker community is all about, and how many people have started companies and been extremely successful with them, because of the maker support.
But that won't stop the leaf douchebag from frothing at all orifices, because he can't do what others can, and nobody will follow his little demands to be just like him. It's adorable how pompous he is - like most irrelevant people are.
>I make machinery run while the corporation tries to find ways to get rid of me
Perhaps a competant person could find a way for machines to run without constant fixing.
>At least I'll have a nation to associate my flag to in 10 years
Whatever you say Jamal.
"Maker" is a jewish forced meme you tard. It was literally coined by Jewish popular science magazines and used to sell Jewish-SJW raspberry pis and other junk to redditors. This is standard marketing. Create subcultural identity, market to identity subculture, profit off identity subculture. Jews do it all the time.
Never been to a Maker fair, huh? You have no clue how cool they are. Maker Magazine is pretty fucking cool, too. But you keep being Mr. Judgy McJudgerson. Look how well it's working out for that leaf.
Making is cool, if you are actually making good shit.
>There is a HUGE market in the "makerverse"
Exactly. But that is not the whole picture. See here:
>Maker" is a jewish forced meme you tard.
Pol thinks they are intellecual giants, yet act like Leftists. But at least Leftists get laid.
Maybe if you gotten your wife into some crafting hobbies she wouldn't have left you
Women need to be engaged and entertained
This is stupid. Makers are capitalist even if they and you are to dumb and stoned to know this.
>Maker Magazine is pretty fucking cool
Cuck detected.
Cry more, leaf. I'll just mock you more. What's the matter, did you get yelled at for eating the glue in kindergarden, so now crafts trigger you? Poor leaf, boo hoo hoo.
>Women need to be engaged
Women cannot be engaged- they can only be handled. Treat them well, but remember that intellectually, they are little better than dogs.
OP is just sad because we have all the guns and he is stuck with fag Justin Trudeau and shitty socialized heathcare
>Perhaps a competant person could find a way for machines to run without constant fixing.
You can't change the laws of physics, you stupid leaf. I can't believe I'm visiting your country on Friday. I'm only going cause my wife has never seen your shitheap land. I wish she'd have went alone.
>Makers are capitalist
Capitalisism is the gathering of capital for INCREASING specialization. Making is the opposite.
>The Maker crowd is the furthest thing from hipster out there. It's geeks and nerds
Maybe you haven't been paying attention, but "geeks and needs" are hipster.
>3D printing
jej 3d printing is a meme. A bad reddit meme.
jej again. Another reddit meme.
You're a unwitting stooge for marketers son.
>I'm only going cause my wife has never seen your shitheap land.
Tell your son's mom to come alone- which is the opposite of what will happen when she can't resist real men.
It's not my fault you can't use tools. A real man would never mock someone for using tools. But you keep lisping at me, like you have a point, little girl.
>jej 3d printing is a meme. A bad reddit meme.
What is with these makers who think that a 3d printer can create parts with the exact physical characteristics as real machinery and plastics?
All that 3D printers can do (poorly, at that) is create shit action figures.
>It's not my fault you can't use tools
You are not using tools, you are being a tool- a useful idiot.
I take it you haven't seen 3d printed guns
I use tools all the time son. Real tools, not joke 3d printers and arduino reddit memes. I also don't "identify" as "a maker" and attend "makers fairs" and buy "makers magazines" and buy meme products advertised therein.
>buy 3d printer
>think that million dollar factories can be replaced by a $400 3d printer
>sell 0 items made by 3d printer
>get laid never
>die blaming the Jews for personal failure
>I take it you haven't seen 3d printed guns
Correct, I don't play with IEDs.
But how do you get laid if you don't identify yourself as a Maker?
Buy a raspberry Pi
Do nothing with it
Exactly. Ask them and none would know how to machine anything. All they know is forced memes from Jewish magazines and reddit (muh 3d printers, muh nigger science man, muh rasberry pi, muh elon musk).
This better not be the repeated shill thread of the day
Fucking Leafs
>muh elon musk
This one bugs me so much- Musk creates products no one wants, but forces government to subsidize it. Makers also create things that no one wants, but lack the government connections to gain subsidies.
>be a Maker
>get laid never
>die virgin
>>be a Muslim
>>breed with multiple white women, who recieve government subsidy
>>die knowing that your desendants will continue cucking whites
>>>Makers are the definition of cucks.
>This better not be the repeated shill thread of the day
>>Addresses how Jews ACTUALLY control whites
>>Called a shil
>>Pol continues to cuck themselves for Trump
>person specializes in skill for job
>engages in hobbies and learns secondary skills on the side
>job opportunities in their main field dry up
>falls back on skills learned through hobbies and/or re-specializes in one of them
You might think this is a far-fetched, but this scenario plays out in real life all the fucking time. Focusing only on one skill will leave you vulnerable to changes in markets. Also, learning for the sake of it is useful, because many fields have transferable skillsets and being able to teach yourself things is an incredibly valuable skill on its own, one that you won't pick up on if you never challenge yourself to learn an array of skills in the first place.
Only brainlets are unable to specialize while also learning other things on the side
t. proud consumer
>job opportunities in their main field dry up
Easy solution: work when work is present, and save money.
Then, during periods of downturns, relax.
Only consumerists need to work their entire lives.