What are the political orientations on here? Just getting an idea of the demographic
What are the political orientations on here? Just getting an idea of the demographic
I'm a National Socialist.
Most people here are either that or libertarian. Then there's a smaller amount that are conservative or civic nationalist. Also there's a couple of leftists probably idk.
yea im a nazi too
Most of Sup Forums jokes that they are right leaning, but infact they are lolBertarians whose candiate got BTFO by Trump.
Gary 'bake the cake, but do not ice it" Johnson
I'm right leaning libertarian. Also political compasses are shit.
dunno what this makes me
Used to be in the green/red, slightly ventured further into the blue but I've stayed mostly on the authoritarian line.
I'm libertarian, wasn't sure if I belonged here.
You do.
Here ya go CIA
Purple people eater.
That's like 80% of us myself included
Get on my level.
That's me dawg, but in 3 more to the right
You are a miracle person
3 years ago I was libertarian right, a year ago I was authoritarian right. This is me now and honestly I'm fine with this. I've come to a lot of conclusions that have put me here. I reckon if you actually spoke to me you wouldn't hear what you'd expect from somebody of my political position though.
Idealistically I'd be a in the Purple, but we live in a world that is so fucking crazy outside of this country a strong military and borders are needed.
With these upgrades, you never stood a chance
Pretty much all real libertarians are for a strong border and military. Most believe that the only acceptable tax is one for the common defense m8
From a thread a week ago or so,
Out of 125 responses:
27.2% Libertarian
18.4% Nazi
16% Conservative
11.2% Fascist
10.4% Nationalist
5.6% Monarchist / Traditionalist
4.8% Centrist
4% Classical Liberal
0.8% Liberal
0.8% Commie
Also the personality types are there if you wanted to know that.
That list is fucked classical liberal and linertarian is the same fucking thing lol and nationalist just means you support your country
It's just what people answered.
I know m8 still a weird list. I feel like most of the libertarians on here are nationalists and same for the nazis even the conservatives aswell
Guess I'm a real Libertarian then.
I picked only nothing but random answers without reading the questions, and this was literally the result.
>tfw commies have the intelligence level of a black kid trying to cheat test answers off of the smart kid in class
>Being ideologically libertarian makes you a libertarian partisan.
In other bullshit associations, guess that makes you a marxist, National "socialist'".
>did two 180s on fundamental values in 2 years.
I'm sure you'd come across as an impressionable retard. Just what I'd expect from your position.
I think that all men should be surgically and hormonally turned into traps at birth and all women should be gassed
So quite centrist desu
I'm an Ancap
No tax is acceptable any "libertarian" that says so is a spook communist. Taxation is theft is not a mindless meme. Taxation by a state is little different from being shaken down by the mob for protection money. Do not fall for the statist meme of muh social contact. A Stockholm's syndrome survivor will find any excuse to sympathize with their oppressor
t. globalist
Libertarian Right reporting in.
blue is year ago.
Nationalist Libertarian here
Here ya go, mate. I should probably update this though, as it's been awhile.
I'm serious.
You're just begging for memes right now, son.
F stands for faggot
i am a technocrat. Havent found any technobros...
This is a few months old but meh. I voted Gary Johnson. Fuck Clinton, Trump is meh.
>being this new
I feel this is very true in my beliefs.
Give me more Daddy. Mmmm
Only good commie is one who pretends to be my mom and licks my dam balls
Centrist, everyone's worst nightmare.
What kind of political compass is that one?
Well mostly there are but they don't know the terminology for it.
Ya i get taxation is theft im not advocating for any taxes personally but most people arent that extreme or fucking ancap
Center-left libertarian.
Have you guys ever heard of the FREE MARKET?
I thought id be more right
Dont judge me for I am a leaf
Only retards need a chart to know where they stand.
>tfw was extremely right but Sup Forums is pushing me slightly left
stop it
I'm conservative
This is how it works, folks.
People who hold serious convictions or beliefs are retards.
t. centrist
The farther from the center you get the more autistic you are
Spot on
Wait, so we SHOULD vote for Brianna Wu?
There's many people that ironically say they're a Nazi or whatever as a meme, but mostly we're all in the bottom left corner. The racism and antisemetic jokes are also just dark humour.
What study is this for? Could be cool to see the results so you should post it once you're finished :)
anyone who puts their opinion on this 'spectrum' is consenting to its terms and allowing their opinion to be cucked before they've even offered it
lol the burger thinks we are being nazis ironically
>but mostly we're all in the bottom left corner. The racism and antisemetic jokes are also just dark humour.
>using the word "racism" and "antisemitism" unironically
>le "Sup Forums is satire" meme
>le smiley face
Fuck off retard.
You're either a plebbitor, kike or from /leftypol/.
Political compass is a known site that will give left-libertarian to almost everyone, it's bullshit if you want to gauge actual ideology.
Classical Liberal is a form of libertarianism
This guy gets it
there is no spoon.
i believe that left and right only exist as a form of control methodology, and that it's just an act to keep people fighting each other and enthralled in bullshit, so we never wake up and truly red pill that they are all working together to achieve a 1 world government.
I don't know what you call that. it's just what I tend to gravitate towards.
For the sake of the war I'm a neo nazi cuck killer with a penchant for raping feminists though.
Heil Kek
>Political compass is a known site that will give left-libertarian to almost everyone, it's bullshit if you want to gauge actual ideology.
This. The questions are designed to convince you that you are a left-libertarian, by constantly misrepresenting the "conservative" stance
I don't know if it's intentional or not. Leftists do not, for the most part, actually understand conservatism.
Where does Jewish-American fall on the map? That's me.
>captcha for this post hopefully not related.
Loaded questions galore truly.
One thing I can never get over is how black and white everything is. A or B. No room in between. "Strongly agree" vs "agree" don't mean shit when half the time the answer is "well A but X and Y, so more like Z".
Have a (you). It seems like nobody else will give you one and this is a pretty useful post.
Far Libertarian Right... so.... AnarchCapitalism
Was mid lower green, now mid upper red. Monarchist.
democratic socialist represent
every time i take the test i go a little bit more to the right.
I was actually more right winged 6 months ago.
INFP centrist kill me as soon as possible
nice post
Fuck off. Just stick around and learn and lurk more. You are just inviting shills to post their extreme left leaning bullshit charts to pretend that everything posted here is le irony.
>27.2% Libertarian
>18.4% Nazi
This place is dead.