What is the most redpilled country in this part of the world?
What is the most redpilled country in this part of the world?
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The United States
there isnt a single one
>socialized healthcare system
The headhunters in the Amazon are pretty redpilled.
UK. I can see the Falklands!
Paraguay and Chile
If by redpilled you mean marxist then yes, europe has nothing on latin america
fuck off commie.
Chile for sure, not only is the country way better than any other these days they had Pinochet.
Cubans in Miami are redpilled, but the rest are commie faggots
Argentina is the most White,but I don't know about red pilled.
I always had hope for Paraguay. What about Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador?
Based Pinochet
Cuban Americans are extremely redpilled. Miami fag here and majority of them voted trump
I don't know much about them, but Paraguay is getting on the way
Argentina is a mixed bag. I think they have a good bit of homosexuals (please correct me if I'm wrong), but otherwise it seems okay.
>You lived long enough to watch Sup Forums accept your whiteness
Hugo Banzer, bolivian
>What about Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador?
Bolivia is a jungle of Indians a shit-hole of a country.
Peru might be the only country whit more corruption than Brasil bu that's debatable. plus its full of thieves a shit-hole of a country.
Ecuador is just as bad as the rest, but slightly better than Brasil at the moment, so a shit-hole of a country.
pretty much the entire "Plata región" is white
You are still a socialist shit-hole thou.
southern brazil
Seems okay. Everyone seems to forget that the Bolivians got Che.
Well fug. So which country is the best down there? Brazil? Chile?
you guys that cite Pinochet are like Uruguayans that never saw the 1950 World Cup and still talk about it
Chile is no different than any of your commie shitholes
NO. getting full of sjw's and gender politics
OP asked about REDPILLED and there's no REDPILLED country in this continent
Dominican Republic. It's only one that realizes that Haiti should have never existed.
Canadas pants
Aren't your "people" about to re-elect Lula?
Stay away from Brasil this place is fucked. Chile is way better.
Brasil is getting better but we need a few years before things are alright again.
us and maybe panama
Brazil is rich, but on it's racials aspects its sucks. The whittest region is the southern one
It's a shame what's happening to your country, with the the abortions, fag marriage, and weed. (Yes, I know that the US isn't much better). Hope it gets better for you. At least you have a nice flag.
Chile is doing great, if one day you come to brazil, go to the south (Paraná, Santa Catareich and Rio Grande do Sul)
None, Chile is ZOG's main bitch around this corner and Argentina is an economic testing ground while Uruguay is a social one
In any case it'd probably be one of the less developed countries that haven't been influenced much by the US, like Bolivia simply because theyre so rural therefore theyre more traditionalistic
It won't get better. It will get worse and there's no one and nothing that can stop it.
I didn't mean it was better than to could compare with first worlds countries but it's the best we have over here. at least it seemed so when I went there for a couple of months.
Most redpilled Leader after Hitler
If I'm ever down that way I'll be sure to stay south. I'm planning some sort of trip for the summer of 2018.
Illia was just a chill good guy. Calling him red pilled is a huge stretch.
Great paraguayan leader
Dominican Republic.
It is surviving despite having Haiti in the same island.
everything below the white line is pretty white but corrupt and poz
again, OP asked about redpilled. The thread is pointless.
If he had asked "Hey guys whats the country doing better in economy or quality of life or security down there?" you could be arguing and discussing something, but redpilled? oh boy, any Eastern European country is 90000000000000000000% more redpilled than any country here.
what about the interview between illia and rockefeller
*Grande Rhein do Sul
oh, try to go to western Santa Catarina, specially if you like germans
The middle state is Santa Catareich
I've gotta give you credit for your honesty.
I will
fucking true
this, yeas the state s beautiful.
Good luck we might have increased our stability util then, just don't hold your breath.
but don't go to São Paulo or anything above.
Tell you what, if none of them are redpilled, which one come out on top in other measurements?
>socialist shit-hole
bro-tier anticommunist.
Maybe Chile.
see Bolivians are usually nationalistic and traditional but that's not because they're redpilled but because they're mroe of a rural society and haven't been influenced by the global poz like Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil and anywhere in South America with some civilization
Brazil is the richest, Chile best HDI, Argentina the less crime rates
Pinochet left the goverment 17 years ago.
Now we have a female socialist president
In my point of view, paraguayans are tradionalists and nationalists as fuck
Sorry m8 didn't see that earlier post. I always had some hope for Bolivia. It made for a good Top Gear episode if nothing else.
Does Mexico count? Mexican mestizos are pretty red pilled.
Brazilian whites are redpilled too, depending on where they come from.
Cacetinho of the south
Here we go
Cubans are pretty redpilled. In Cuba, Blacks make less money and have a different currency than Whites for doing the same job.
maybe Brazil is near Uruguay, And I think Paraguay would be between Poland and Croatia
Can't argue with those digits
Not quite. I've been there and you're thinking of the dual currency. One is for ordinary citizens and one is for tourists.
where did you find that?
The chart? I found it in one of my political science textbooks. Look up "Inglehart cultural map".
Danke Schön
btw, we should talk more m8
We should. What's a good way to do so?
Colombiano here. Urugoy is right, all SA is bluepill central. We are fucked. I don't want to go home in December but I have a contract lined up after I graduate here in Estados. Fuck my life.
Don't have one.
Hang on. I'm making a fake email
alright, i'll make one too
If the site is legit, mine is [email protected]
kill yourself you retarded nigger