What's more important when looking for a mate? I know a girl who's attractive, traditional, pro trump, conservative, and shares my traditional (Catholic) beliefs. Cons- she's half Japanese, half Polish. What do? Girls with her values are one in a million in today's degenerate society, but on the other hand id technically be racemixing. What's more important? Our kids would be 3/4 white, would it really be that bad?
What's more important- values or race?
Why does it matter? Americans are mutts
Yes. Find a white woman you fucking cucklord. Would you like it if your mother started fucking monkies?
race is more important. Europe has all different kinds of values but they are all White and I'd happily live in any one of their countries.
Dude, if she's just a half bred go for it
But I actually am 100% white. I've researched it a ton. No random Nigerians in my tree.
So would it be better to date some blue haired Marxist atheist who happens to be white? Wouldn't that just be extremely miserable?
Race, this is how all of this started, youre no better if you do that.
Describe her like and we can work with that from there
I'm more along the lines that latitude and history with agriculture determine racial evolution. I wouldn't get to bent out of shape for orientals in the same way I would about abos or negroes.
Quarter jap belgian for a reference.
Gee. I guess all White women are now blue haired marxist atheists now, in that case, it's still important to preserve your heritage user.
Race. Think of the future user, not your own selfish indulgences
Yea, if you marry the kid will be white, her behaviour can be changed you beta cuck.
Not in mine either but you still call me a shitskin.
At my stage of life, most of the girls immediately surrounding me don't share my values whatsoever. The typical sjw look is exaggerated on my part, yes, but the point remains that the girl in question is pretty much the only ethical right winger around here. Pretty much everyone else is a feminist- consciously or unconsciously.
I've never called anyone here a shitskin, user. Honest.
I'd agree to some extent. I'd not mate with a full asian because then no chance of a red-headed child. But If i knew they had blond or red in them already, it would be a go.
Since shes already half, I don't think tis that bad.
>he can read into the subconscious minds of those around him
What if I'm a ginger (I am)? Would a half Asian produce something workable or a monstrosity? I don't need red head kids, but I'm just wondering. Every genetic study says different things
Considering they all mindlessly buy into obvious feminist talking points hidden into school curriculum, I'd say I can judge that well enough. I just don't want to date a bitchy leftist just because she's white, then I'd be miserable. But if I go the other route, I betray my personal beliefs on race mixing. Feels bad man.
The relative absence of melanin in asians is due to a different set of genes than in europeans. They won't be redheads, but may have freckles.
If you find yourself with a slow week, try to read the 10,000 year explosion.
No, because over time it would get worse and worse and then no more whites. Also, I would rather live in a white majority country that is communist than live in a conservative nigger country.
Everything comes from race, values and culture do not magically fall down from the sky, your genetic code determines how you see the world and how you recreate it in culture and ascend through values
Race is the single most important thing
I'll look into it. I've been meaning to read some new material.
values come with the race
But what I'm getting at is that this girl IS mixed race, but her values reflect those of a traditional European. She was raised by a traditional Catholic Polish man. In a society where those values are so rare, could an exception be made? She's white in every way but race, and even then she's 50%.
depends on whether an ethnostate occurs
if a nazi ethnostate occurs then an aryan woman is choice no matter what
if not then a strong independent black woman who knows how to take care of herself is better than 90% of aryan women since they are retarded rootless urbanites
I agree entirely. But in modern day America, an ethno-nationalist state doesn't seem on the rise. In Europe I can see it happening in my lifetime, but America will most likely stay civic nationalist.
She's half white, go for it.
If you believe in race then you can't have kids with that girl simple as that
But didn't you just make the claim that the values are ultimately more important, but that they come from race? Is the amount of melanin in someone's skin really what we should be judging people by? She is more culturally European than pretty much any actual European women I know. Doesn't that count for something?
No clear lines, but in this instance I would say values win. Really the race issue more holistically is a values one - i.e. the real problem is with suicidal leftist and liberal-individualist ideology long before it's any specific problem with people of other races.
If she looks primarily European, even better. If the values are there and she can slip seamlessly into European identity there's no real problem there and any kids you have will definitely be able to as well.
your kids would be 75% white. that's whiter than your country.
>Our kids would be 3/4 white, would it really be that bad?
Most of genetic problems caused by miscegenation appear in second generation, so yes. Dont forget to buy your son a gun.
Lol mixed European heritage doesn't make you a mutt, it makes you white. Fuck off kike.
South Americans with purely European heritage are White. Anyone telling you otherwise is just trying undermine White identity, and almost definitely is a Jew.
It's the leaf fucks that do that
What kind of problems? Sorry if I seem utterly clueless on the specifics of genetics in general (I am).
user the answer is fucking no, no racemixing. It doesn't seem like you want the real answer, it seems like you just want to convince yourself that it's ok. It's not. Her values don't fucking matter if she's not white. Ditch her.
Race above all else, but get a good person
I'm asking because I want Sup Forums to challenge my world view and convince me otherwise. Why is race more important than values? Answer the question in a reasonable way without resorting to insults and maybe I'll accept it as a real answer. If there's someone who, while mixed race, believes more in European (white) values than most actual whites, should that still be totally disregarded due to the fact she's not 100% white as far as melanin?
Mixed race people tend to be mentally damaged in some way. At worst they're Elliot Rogers, at best they have self loathing that rivals the entirety of /r9k/. If your halfer identifies with European culture, it's almost by necessity that she hates her nonwhite half. This internal conflict will nearly always cause a derangement of some kind. As you can probably tell, it's not 100%, there is a slim chance the mixed race person will end up well adjusted. But for every child you have you're going to be rolling the dice again and again, and they are not in your favor.
What you and from what it seems, your interlocturs don't understand, is that race is more than skin color. If europe, by having agriculture, has a population 10 times that of africa, and is still subject to natural selection, than they have a higher number of mutations due to their population, while still removing the bad mutations. Thus, the evolution of negros and europeans can diverge drastically inshort periods of time. Particularly in terms of behavioral selection. I'm of the opinion that basically all populations in the northern hemisphere with a long history lf agriculture, have undergone roughly the same selective pressures and so the hardware is fundamentally the same. However, what you lack, and the people that oppose you have, is a sense of group identity. What good are european values if they don't beefit european people? Why would anyone care about an abstract principle, if it doesn't advance them? It's as if you've fabricated a false view of your interst.
values obviously
keep the girl, she is a rarity
stop taking opinions from a bunch of internet trolls
the only mentally damaged one are people like you, white weak nerdy virgins
eat shit and fuck every nigger in this thread saying race because its the most bullshit ive heard today