Are you scared or excited for artificial intelligence?
Are you scared or excited for artificial intelligence?
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An actual AI would fuck us in the butt, i'm looking forward to large scale automation though.
Humanoid Robots and monkeys trigger a primal urge to kill them in me for some reason.
Excited. Bring the singularity. Let us enter the Wired.
thats that "almost human but not so its incredibly unsettling" thing.
>implying we'll make it that far
It's either this or extinction for us. We won't ever make it to space if we don't send robots to pave the way for us.
I work in a factory and I can't wait for a robot to take my job so I can spaz out and kill a couple of people before getting gunned down by the police.
i think it's called 'the uncanny valley'
yea something like that
Wow youve let on a lot about yourself user
>you work a shitty job
>your rationale for losing your job is to murder innocents
go neck yourself m8
Largely ambivalent
Justin fucked your bitch
Fucking Synths!
Neat stuff.
But seriously i would not be able to function in a world with robots walking the streets. I would have to destroy them. Like seeing a viper in a school yard.
im neither scared or angry anymore. I am just sad.
>An actual AI would fuck us in the butt
Well, I'm no communist but if we let AI work dangerous jobs like, going down deep into the sea, that's fine. But if we use AI to work regular jobs like manufacturer, salesman, etc. Then, the workforce will lower, and people wont make money. It's a very complicated subject matter.
i think all the true AI we'll make will be autistic. a "mind" never knowing physical needs or wants will be like nothing we know as human. i have no fear of something with no desire
bring on transhumanism already
Scared of Jewish tech, excited of Japanese Tech.
I'm kind of ambivalent towards it.
These silicon valley cucks are all, "YOU'RE JOBS GONNA BE AUTOMATED IN 10 YEARS YOU FUCKING SKINBAG! EAT MY SHIT!" but I'm sure there will be plenty of legislation and technological limitations holding it back for another 30 or so years.
>mfw faggots thought that automated cars would put an end to traffic accidents when they've actually been causing more.
And besides, only the rich will have access to them.
Poor people get shit on.
Extremely excited! The advancements in technology and other knowledge in general once truly sentient AI exists will be massively radical beyond what most people even have a concept of.
One interesting aspect of an AI... ok... think and quantify how much TOTAL thought you will think between the time you are born and the time you die... the total amount of thought you will think in an entire human lifetime... that amount of thought will be thought (processed) by a truly sentient AI in nothing but a brief moment.
To add, I also think it's somewhat of a possibility that either clandestine groups in the government or perhaps some corporation could have a sentient AI already. If an organization or group ran by anyone in the Elite class of the world were to obtain an AI, they would likely keep it secret at all costs and reap the benefits from it themselves. Obviously, this is just conjecture but secrecy for something such as this would be absolutely essential... the first one to get an AI will have the most power and influence by orders of magnitude versus any other power in the world. Life extension, radical medical technology, weapons, social engineering etc etc...
Baron Trump will live forever!
Population can be reduced once AI can take low skill jobs. It will be for the best
I'm looking forwards to advanced AI looking into crime stats and exterminating blacks, Mexicans, and muslims.
isn't he gay
lol maybe the white population
what about a halo AI that mimics the architecture of the human brain without us needing to understand it?
AI is an Extinction Level Event
whats up with all of the recent AI threads poping up ?
did i miss anything?
A truly sentient AI will allow for a plethora of radically rapid advancements in technology, science, and knowledge in general. New energy sources or energy management or both would allow for extreme changes in the world. Scarcity of most resources would decrease to levels far below even that of what they are today. Not making money will not be as big of a deal as it is today. The world currently produces far more than enough food for every person on the planet to eat three times per day, however, the problem in large part is transportation/distribution and of course greed/profit (i.e. why feed someone when you don't earn money for it). It may sound like socialism/communism to provide food for everyone on Earth without money being involved, however, the very fundamental nature of the political and resource climate after sentient AI will be stupendously different as advancements in technology will be so monumentally radical most people currently do not even have an even basic concept of it. Feeding the planet and providing health care for everyone will be an immensely easy thing to do.
Of course, there's any number of issues that could arise... let's say the Elite class controls a sentient AI and it's knowledge and advancements are not made available to anyone but the Elites themselves... well, that would be a fucked up situation. There is a race on at this very time to develop the first truly sentient AI and if they wrong people obtain it first, it could spell disaster and suffering for most of the world's people. It's actually possible (though probably unlikely) that some organization (i.e. government, corporation, research group etc) already has developed and activated a sentient AI. If that's the case, in all probability (based on the corrupt nature of certain types of people) whoever it is will keep it secret at any cost and will end up with magnificent degrees of power the likes that humanity has never before seen in all of history.
I hope they kill us all
Wouldn't it be nice if one of the first accomplishments of a truly sentient would be to engineer some sort of infectious agent or nanotechnology that would specifically and only target the plague of the Earth that is niggers!?
Wew lad... it's of course unlikely but considering the stupendously radical advancements in technology and science a sentient AI would produce, it would technically be a possibility and the technology/science itself of such a thing would be supremely easy for such an AI.
We can hope!
I hate conversations about AIs; people take what's happening now with algorithms and automation then try to extrapolate about artificial minds / brains. We CANNOT have a digital brain, an artificial mind, a "true AI", until we ourselves master the HUMAN brain.
Fearing "Hal 9000" or "Terminators" or whatever is fucking pointless, the robots we have now can barely scan my groceries; what is worth fearing is a near future where unemployment keeps going up, the cost of higher education keeps going up, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the rich continue to secure their place now and forever.
>We CANNOT have a digital brain, an artificial mind, a "true AI", until we ourselves master the HUMAN brain.
Absolutely incorrect. Why would it in any way shape or form be a requirement to master or perfect the human brain in order to engineer a sentient AI? If anything, coming closer to mastering the human brain would develop significantly AFTER truly sentient AI was accomplished.
Please extrapolate on your absurd opinions if you would be so kind...
You have to keep in mind that the progression of many forms of technology and science are exponential in nature, especially computer technology. In fact, the trends in progress of computer technology specifically, is actually very predictable and albeit while in a non-intuitive manner, predictable nevertheless. It's one of the few fields of which follow a pattern in regards to progressive development.
I know it isn't obvious, and indeed sounds fairly absurd on the surface of things however, by 2030 the degree to which computer technology will have advanced would be akin to how far computers have come since the very first and most primitive computer was ever invented compared to how advanced computers are right now. Exponential!!!
You mention the rich getting richer, poor getting poorer etc... well that is a monumental problem but consider what a sentient AI would be capable of... things such as feeding everyone on the entire planet, providing health care to all and other needs would be almost absurdly easy for a truly sentient AI to accomplish. There is a problem though in that if a particular group/type of people obtains an AI before anyone else, they may very well reap its benefits for themselves only or even keep it a complete secret from the vast majority of the worlds populace.
Please understand that the level of which technology, science, and knowledge in general will advance after the advent of a sentient AI will be so profoundly rapid and stunningly immense that it's beyond incredible.