I ask because I'm not sure why I feel this way. But most people who are off a socialist or communist persuasion just disgust me. It's like they hold nothing sacred, and want to destroy everything great about society. They seem to have this weird obsession to destroy greatness.
Why do I find communism/socialist so repugnant?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because anyone who's far gone enough to believe in it is a degenerate retard and you're reacting to the repulsive people telling you about it as much as you're reacting to the broken ideology.
Sounds like you're gay and hate everything that doesn't accept gays.
Show some sympathy for the mentally ill, OP
your mommy daddy would be hurt by equal wealth distribution
>It's like they hold nothing sacred, and want to destroy everything great about society. They seem to have this weird obsession to destroy greatness.
>Why do I find communism/socialist so repugnant?
The results
Communism mostly serves as the religion of self-hating bourgeoisie white people. As such, you should hate it.
It is drenched in hypocrisy at the start, and its ends never result in what they intended.
"That's because real communism has never been tried!"
Real communism doesn't and can't exist. It is against human nature and against reality, period. It's like wanting everyone to spontaneously transform into cuddly fairies and elves and live in peace together "just because". And meanwhile on the way to this fantasy we starve 80% of the population and hamstring the other 20% with absurd mental handicaps.
Its base was always rich white kids with nothing better to do. First they felt sorry for "the workers" even though they themselves never worked. Then they felt sorry for "the oppressed" even though they themselves were never oppressed. They can't relate to people in general.
It's what results from white people becoming atheists, because they just displace their inherent senses of "original sin" and a potential "heavenly existence" onto a secular base. They're delusional retards and the secular equivalents of Puritans or Calvinists.
Because you are a reactionary faggot who worships your rulers and owners like a cuckold.
Read The Devils by Dostoevsky. He lays it out perfectly. I don't have the ability to say it better than him. You hate them because they are evil.
t. 17 year old edgelord commiefag who still lives with his parents
...wait a minute
Yeah, millions of years of human evolution to excel in a tribe environment with a leader, but we'll just turn that off... Like women just turn off hypergamy now that we tell everyone feminism is the natural order.
Do you ever get tired of being dishonest with yourself about human nature? It can't have great effects on your day to day life.
Have you been to a Dutch Reformed church? How exactly would you describe the regular church-goers as delusional retards?
it's based on a dishonest interpretation of reality
because you're human
I was a dumb anarchist when I was your age too user it's ok
But don't post here anymore
come join our new Redpill General!
Bump for the Newfags!
Probably because communists are the lazy bunch in society. They want to be paid just as much for flipping burgers as doing brain surgery.
>let me work hard and give away half my life just to make minimum wage.
Marx should have taken a course in human nature before writing his manifesto.
>a willing slave calling others cuckold
Very humorous. This is the second time I've seen an communist idiot call non-communists "cuckolds". The sheer stupidity of shits is quite amusing.
I can almost let Marx off the hook a bit, in the mid-19th century no one actually knew whether human nature was malleable or not, and it very well could have turned out to be (from the vantage point available to him).
It's fucking inexcusable, though, for Marxists to exist in the 21st century, when we've seen exactly how it turns out in practice, and we have a much better idea of just how much of our behavior is shaped by genetics.
It's a nihilistic philosophy of death man, I used to be one before I seen the light. That and it's stupid as all hell, god damn
A rare leaf. I didn't know uncucked leafs still existed.
because jewmericans have been brainwashed so hard for decades, beliving communism and socialism are the same.
when the truth is the opposite. capitalism and communism are the same: pure materialism without morale, and the diference is how you distribute it.
real socialism is aiming for the greater good, when values and moral matter, not like materialism (capitalism/communism). and thats why the jews hate it, thats why national socialism from Hitler was the most dangerous thing for them. but Hitler was late, the anglojews were already sold by greed/capitalism, cause jews saw there a way to corrupt the west exploding that greed sin using capitalism as the final weapon. and then just invented and forced communism on the other half just to create "an alternative" to capitalism, knowing it was designed to fail, so that way they will said: "see? only capitalism work!"
thats how they crush socialism, with materialism, from both sides (capitalism/communism). and after that, they just corrupted more and more the capitalism into the current state of nothing matter, no ehtics or morale at all, only profit, into this globalist multicultural shithole, when the rich 1% (elite jews and former white old traitors) rules free on top, making the people more poor and fighting between ones and others, in this corrupted capitalism/democratic lie, when "there is no alternative! this is the best! communism, socialism, etc its all the same shit doesnt work!"
national socialism was, and still is, the better way.
honestly, I believe capitalism itself to be way too socialist. Wages are just wealth redistribution by another name. The only non cucked society is a feudal one.
Here is how world works, burger bro.
Pic related.
Commies in reality detest society and individuals. They failed most of Marx's predictions on how communism will be achieved like "that working class will ,mass revolt after a massive great war" but it never happened in industrial western countries... "That wealthy will continue to get rich and poor will suffer" but it was disproved after great depression in which both wealthy and poor suffered...
Cultural Marxist are so desperate to live in Communist ""Utopia"" they would destroy every social norm, society, culture and morals just to live in that unachievable "Utopia".
It makes you really think on just how far commies would go to achieve their great "Revolution"
Commies are idealist weaklings who can only dream about the "utopia" which will never exist, but they will do anything to achieve it.
Because you're a brain dead Trump tard who was raised on conservative media like Faux news, and look up to obese middle aged fat guys with anger issues. Also you probably don't have a college education and lack the critical thinking skills accurately calculate the consequences of economic or social polices. Fuck you for being such a diptshit, it's people like you who are the true enemies of freedom and Democracy.
>real socialism
Fuck off solar panel salesman beanerkike
Too bad 21st century colleges are communist indoctrination camps. So much for progress.
>Hitler was a solar panel salesman kike
another jewmerican brainwashed who doesnt even know that the zi part of nazi is socialism
I didn't think they let jews in Spicklandia. I was wrong.
>It is against human nature and against reality
Epic meme.
>starve 80% of the population and hamstring the other 20% with absurd mental handicaps
Even the Soviet Union didn't do that. You're just exaggerating. There were two famines, one of them very serious, in the Soviet Union though.
>more white than you will ever be
keep trying jamyl obongo hussein
still not knowing Hitler was a socialist?
*tips tinfoil*
Not an argument.
Colleges aren't communist indoctrination. Not even close. I'm at a very liberal college and I've heard Marx mentioned all of two times, neither of them in relation to communism.
This dude gets it.
Marx corrupted Socialism and made it about (((his))) personal idealistic Utopia which is destined to fail.
>((( you )))
Hitler was a faggot and died like one. I'm only loyal to the Orthodox Church. The rest of this shit is mammon.
hivemind :)
Like communism isn't a reaction to capitalism
Noice, leafbro.
But dont insult spainbro. He is right in one way.
3bh I have more respect for 'Non-communist' communist countries like Stalinist Russia, Yugoslavia, and Communist Poland than for their utopian ideals.
All these nations promoted cultural achievements, valued historical achievements, and attained great scientific breakthroughs. A utopian socialist society seems like a bleak prospect.
marxism will always exist because a minority don't believe in free markets. they think society would be better off strictly regulated and micro managed. sad but true
>muh human nature
What do you mean? Wouldnt socialism be bad for america? It being so large a community.
>I'm only loyal to being a cuck
that xplain all
based latviabro
Marxists are scum because they reduce everything to materialism.
The Nazis were Market Socialists. So yes, they were a Socialist party, just not the kind of Socialism that Redditors circlejerk to.
The difference between them and Strasserists is pretty much how the Jews were evil. Strasserists believed Jews were only the enemy as they are the epitome of Capitalism, whereas Hitlerites viewed it in a more biological/race sort of way. The Night of the Long Knives happened because of this difference in perceiving the Jews.
That quote is from Strasser not Hitler
>implying that was communism
You should know that no state has ever had true communism or socialism.
>inb4 no true scotsman
Communism is a theoretical system that has never been tried, simply because it can't ever be tried. It's like trying to make a 2 dimensional object exist in a reality dependent on 3 dimensions. It works fine on paper, and only on paper.
The soviet union, post-Bolshevik and post-world war 2, had to revert to a pseudo-nationalist entity, similar to what the US is today.
The OP was talking about communists, not communism. The USSR may not have achieved communism, but it was still communists in power. I'm sure you would have no problem admitting that if we were discussing negative things about the USSR.
Nah, you've just convinced yourself to be complaisant in your pathetic wageslave life and learned to love the shackles of your bourgeois masters. It angers you on a deeper level when people break the conditioning and you want to pull them back down to your level.
and the jews turned capitalism into exactly that too. just look at current globalism and mass immigration and all the current 0 morale degeneracy, all with the same goal: a way to make population from 1st world countries more miserable, with more chaos, with more troubles, so that way nobody can look and face at the top, when the elite 1% is ruling.
with socialism, that people will have no chance, they will be removed, like Hitler did. and thats why rich people who initial supported Hitler then try to cross him, cause they saw he was serious about removing all that selfish/materialism elite, not just the jews per se
>public, cooperative, or social ownership of the means of production in the framework of a market economy
Could you define how national socialists are market socialists?
>but it was still communists in power
By definition, because they did not implement communism, they are not communists. They were pseudo-communists, implementing pseudo-communist policies, resulting in pseudo-communism.
There's a difference between a communist and a communist in power. One is destined to fail and the other already has.
>Socialist calls me a cuck
that greatness often comes at tremendous cost. 100s of men died while building the hoover damn because they ran generators without proper ventilation. No one ever applauds them heroes. None of them were ever paid death benefits. Nobody here even remembers them.
All so we can remember one mans greatness. J Edgar Hoover, a notorious prohibitionist who stole millions of peoples livelyhoods and sent fathers, mothers and juveniles away to rot in jail.
The damn was necessary, the deaths were not. No doubt they felt pressured by the constant threat of the Great Depression outside their door, when wages had fallen so low that millions were hungry and out of work.
This is what we have to thank for our government and business officials. We celebrate "their" greatness while we suffer in obscurity.
>I still dont know what socialism mean
back to school, this time try to not being raped by the priests
Or, you know, the GOVERNMENT FUNDED nasa program!
I've taken a social science class to see how it was and the professor ended his first lecture with "we can not continue to consider capitalism morally acceptable," and the entire class clapped for him. I dropped the class after that.
great argument bro
>that pic
dear fucking god man, how ignorant are you?
"we can not continue to consider capitalism morally acceptable"
thats 100% right, but I understand he said it in a pro-commie way? if thats so I understand why you dropped the class for sure
If I can inquire, why is it true in your opinion?
Same reason feces is repugnant to you
thanks bro
read this:
capitalism has been corrupted from decades, only profit matter, there is no morale in materialism
make another commie general worthless faggot
>Hitler was a commie
good job jewmerican, stay pleb
You seem like you don't understand the beauty of freedom. I hate 99% of my fellow men. The only greater good is looking out for number one. I'm sorry but I could never agree that there is a greater good that socialism could bring about for me.
Have you ever read Marx?
Freedom never existed and never will.
It's just a stupid meme to control people by making the people think they're free
there is no real/total freedom living with others, only grades, and socialism is the one who bring you the most freedom an individual can achieve while living in a society and not by just yourself in the wild
If freedom doesn't not exist, then control does not exist. Just as love can not be without hatred and joy without sadness. The only meme is that there is no free will.
lol ok
They hold their ideals sacred. Unfortunately ideals only go so far before practical ones need to be implemented. Once that point is reached everything about Communism begins to fall apart.
I almost pity them. They want a perfect world that can never be. The fact they chase this dream heedless of the consequences however reminds me why I hate them.
How does socialism bring me freedom more so than capitalism? In capitalism I can be my own boss and reap all the benefits of my work. I'm willing to listen unless you're gonna give me the "can't spoon feed you," line.
This is called sanity, OP.
Industry and production remained in private hands, simply regulated by the state. Unions, a commune of workers, never grew in Germany due to government repression.
As socialism is largely characterized by the absence of private property and production being controlled by the government, Germany was not Marxist-socialism, nor was it pseudo-Marxist-socialism.
Communists are actual losers who want to crab bucket everyone else. That, or they're up to their usual jewish tricks
They are suicidal and want to destroy the world around them because the world can't offer them what it used to.
and you can do that also in socialism, read:
but not to the point to abuse it causing harm to society. and if you love capitalism because there is no morale limit, you should really be an anarchist or some "totally no laws" guy cause thats even more free than capitalism.
so again, if you want the most freedom state while having a moral/ethic code, socialism is the best.
and if you want the most freedom no matter what, with no moral at all, capitalism is not the best one for that either, that will be like I said total anarchy/no laws at all.