racemixing will consume every bloodline to the point of everyone looking similar, if not the same. There is nothing you can do to stop this
Racemixing will consume every bloodline to the point of everyone looking similar, if not the same...
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Why hasnt that happened with other species? You know only white people and westerners think "colorblindness" is a virtue right? Tell that to a North Korean.
yes, but isn't the goal for the plebs to be one color and the elite another
other species don't have consciousness with which to rationalize anything you've said
So everuone is going to rationally cone around to the idea that race mixing is so great that they all move to different countries to find someone to have children with? Ideas based on rationality dont universalize.
Excuse the typos. New phone.
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>There is nothing you can do to stop this
Eat a dick, kike.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
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also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
It's not the everyone becoming the same color that's worrisome. It's that the human race as a whole might lose 20 IQ points by mixing with niggers.
>Why hasnt that happened with other species?
It did. A wolf looks about the same as any other wolf anywhere you go.
It was only after humans got involved in selective breeding that we got tons of different races of dogs.
TIME is honestly the most degenerate major publication out there, not even because of their gay-ass covers
we will see user
we will see
>racemixing will consume every bloodline to the point of everyone looking similar
Wrong, Africa will still have africans, asian will still have asians, latin america and the middle east will still be the same, but white countries on the other hand...
wasn't saying you were wrong, you just used a bad analogy; the reason this hasn't happened to other species, aside from viability, is that they don't choose to behave this way, but how would we know anyway.
in other terms, different color cats and dogs breed together all the time. bad analogy.
people choose, and are also led like sheep to choose certain options due to one thing - consciousness. appeal to someone's consciousness by making government sanctioned racemixing propaganda, and yes, migrant rapists will move miles and miles to other countries just to forcibly fuck the women
Nah, I can prevent that.
You, however, are stuck here.
Actually you can selectively breed with people who have desired traits. The only thing keeping the expansion of undersired traits booming and creating this resource comsumption is social services. Gib me dats wont exist in the future, it cannot exist indefinately, and another population boom with end once again with massive equilibrium. Aka billions will die. Hopefully before we figure out clean fission.
>Hopefully before we figure out clean fission.
Can you elaborate?
Won't fission give us enough power to travel through space?
>Why hasnt that happened with other species?
for the same reason there are still different ethnicities and races today, because it was difficult to travel
generations it takes sto racemix: 1
generations it takes to unmix: 999
Whites are the tipping point, once they get bred out of the gene pool, achieving an arabic-negro-mulatto underclass will be easier
The Asians will be the last to fall either way
>racemixing will consume every bloodline to the point of everyone looking similar, if not the same.
given current demographic projections everyone will look like niggers then
I guess I'll feel right at home
sucks to be you, beaner
>tfw whites will probably figure out space travel one day and liberals will make them take black people with them
>Tfw New coke was a ploy to use corn syrup instead of sugar. New coke flops because it tastes different but then you release (((coca cola classic))) but instead of containing cane suger its corn syrup and you fool the goys into thinking its the same thing.
>2100 - 83
>not posting the Belgian one.
>There is nothing you can do to stop this
you're right because it will have to be mandated or forced.
Theres a billion chinks,poos and africoons, none of which are racemixing with each other so wont be for a long time,
Because well murder eachother in a war that might spiral out of control and kill everyone instead of half the planet over resources.
We DO need to deal with overpopulation, but if the only people that survive are 3rd world shitholes not worth a nuke, what's the point
Thank God I wont be alive to see it.
I'll die watching it all tumble down the cliff with the hope that things can improve.
I hope I won't be alive to see the final wreckage.
might aswell kill myself
Eventually the white population will dwindle to near extinction assuming a race war doesn't start. But thats when survival instincts kick in... you shitskins have witnessed what we're capable of when we're exploring, casually wiping out entire hoards of you who stand in our way. You've seen us destroy entire nonwhite city twice with a single bomb out of anger. Imagine what we'll do when we're actually fighting for survival?
The fork has been struck. There will be mixing at the higher end, but it will be among those with high IQs, so the future elite will be East Asian, white and within spattering of black, Indians and others. The lower IQs will be mixed up, you already see it happening among shit tier whites and Mexicans, blacks and Mexicans and. BLacks and whites. Sure, NAXALT proves that some black white relationships are not shit tier, but the off spring, those 75-90 IQ people those ones will become the Matrix 2000 megamulattoes.
But, maybe I am wrong, maybe as IQ drops old tribalism will become stronger. Family ties will deepen and a new identity focused ideal will emerge.
If Charles Murray is correct, the whites will be on top over and underclass. That's what I am training my daughters to be, they tested at 132 IQs blue eyes, hazel hair and on track to be 5'11"
>other species don't have consciousness with which to rationalize anything you've said
so homo africanus has no consciousness ?
What is up with these images? Who made them? I see a soccer ball on top of the wording. Is it for a sporting event?
This supposed 100% mix of all ethnic groups simply will never happen. Think of all the different ethnic groups in China and India alone. With a far stretch there will be a bunch of latino-white hybrids in American and Northern Europeans will look like spaniards but those gene pools are just a drop in the gene pool of humanity compared to Asia. All that will happen is that new ethnic groups will emerge. Don't forget your average human is 150cm tall with brown eyes, black hair and slanty eyes. Lefties can jerk off all day about racemixing being the end of racism but all you will get will be a few new races which in time will homogenise whilst Indians and Chinese continue to fuck like rabbits on raperoids. All Africa will be completely populated by Chinese. Screenshot this and post this 100-200 years from now
the actual reality that we have to face as normal humans is the threat of designer babies. right now there is some little boy being manufactured in a chink lab. he has a hodgepodge of "desirable" traits ranging from his height, eye color, lack of genetic diseases, and other things that we either fear or want as humans when rearing children. he is more intelligent than 99% of the world population. he has significantly more resources devoted solely to him, ensuring that he succeeds in life to rule over the rest of us, the new subhumans. at some point in the near future he may be given cybernetic upgrades that could expand the processing power of his mind, and constantly monitor his health to make sure that disease never destroys his potential. he won't have any distinct race, and the subsequent designer generations that follow him will be even racially ambiguous. it may get to the point 100 years from now when we are colonizing mars that there are babies being born as literal martians, meaning that their dna has been altered to survive the climate of mars with minimal equipment. they could look completely different than any human that you've seen before.
your biggest worry shouldn't be finding 'muh white wife' to continue the white race with, because race as a concept is already fucking done thanks to globalism, and its never coming back. your goal should be to scheme your way into getting a designer baby for yourself, or changing the laws of whatever country that you live in so that positive eugenics actually comes to the plebeians that you and i are. otherwise your progeny are still fucked even if you manage to reproduce, since they're going to be untermensch in a world of ubermensch.
nice theory mate but I'll stick to what works
hans, please. paternity fraud is so rampant and german girls are such sluts that you should be more scared than i am.
No it won't.
It will only consume/overwhelm the majority of the bloodlines... in the WEST.
It's 'our burden'.