9/11 no planes, just CGI and explosives

thoughts on this compelling video?
I always believed there to be real planes that were hijacked but with explosives used to actually level the buildings. How does one account for the shitty CGI like quality though?
Furthermore what about the air traffic controllers, the phone calls made from the planes?
So is this real or just disinfo so people aren't sure what to believe?

Other urls found in this thread:


Video is long btw

There are plenty of amateur videos on YouTube from different angles that quite easily disprove this.

your ignorance is long too

You could convince someone to do anything if they had to listen for 40 mins.

Fuck this garbage.

No there isn't.

This goes over many different videos of 9/11
Are you sure there were actual ameteurs and not just better quality CGI that came out afterwards?
Then gtfo? Fucking beaner the whites* are talking

1), your video is full of shit, and 2), I really don't care either way, it just gives me an excuse to purge the eternal sandnigger in the future, and I'm OK with that.

Good goy hate the one true enemy of Israel (the people that inhabit the land we want)
Israel wants you to hate sandniggers so they flood Europe with sandniggers for you to hate. Keep watching your Zionist news shows like The Rebel.
>Haha I'm redpilled praise Israel

Shill misinfo thread

The Pancreas Prevarication. Pancreas? You have likely heard of the mythical little thing that many claim resides inside of you. But you have not seen it. You have not touched it nor do you likely know anything about it. But you think it's there right?


It's a pure fabrication. A lie. Made by those at the top to ensure their diabolical plans for humanity can easily transition into being. One day a new resident of the human body will be discovered and this one will need pills or treatment. As we can gaze upon things smaller and smaller as time goes on it is not hard to believe this future. Your kids may need injections at school for something you did not know existed since it was discovered after your time in school.

Doctors are playing a long with it, the nutters they are. The medical field is ripe with a history of torture, human experimentation and more. This has not changed in our time. The delight in the grand misinformation campaign, playing with our minds and bodies as they LARP the idea of the pancreas with us while we shower the sadists with money.

So, ask yourself, have seen your Pancreas? Do you trust the elites? Do you trust doctors?

If not you are more sane than I started out. Take the Pancreas Pill now.

The Pancreas is a prevarication

Key points:
>Nose of the plane accidentally comes out of the back of the tower, impossible
>Puff balls where the engines we're in OP pic
>Plane just appears out of the background where it should still be visible
>All cameras do silly stuff that is explained with lies (camera goes black after a fuck up, they block the shot on live replay with large headlines)
>Nose of the plane comes out of the back of the tower of steel, intact. impossible
>The guy who shot the most damning video had ads as a CGI specialist months before 9/11. He has an example video made with jet airliners.

>Muh shill!!!
>Le pancreas
Way to not sage you fucking newfag. Back to your president Trump general containment thread. Le Centipede faggot.

Yeah the thousands of eye witnesses are clearly government shills.

I tend to believe 9/11 was an inside job but some 9/11 conspiracy theorists are the worst.

Yeah instead of just flying the planes into the buildings what the govt did was fake the planes hitting the buildings and then triggered a bunch of explosives and then had thousands of shills say planes hit the buildings. Seems legit.


This is /x/ material. Not politics. Sage.


Where are these eye witnesses?
You can see footage from that time with people standing next to the camera saying
>What was that??
>idk I think that building just exploded






Saw that shit with my own eyes

t. Stuyvesant graduate who grew up on Chambers street

I will not sage because users attracted to the absurdity of your post will hopefully see my post of enlightenment.

You may be a misinfo shill, and you deserve to die as a result, but I cannot deny your disnfo and others like it will swell the ranks of the Pancreas Brotherhood.

your dad work at Nintendo too?

>You will never be an Aussie tier shit poster
>You will always be Canadian tier


>John Hutchison
>Hurricane Erin
>high tritium levels at ground zero

September Clues
9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
Dr. Judy Wood - Breakthrough Energy Movement conference in Holland, 2012
9/11: The Great American Psy- Opera

that should get you started

You are trying too hard.

The towers are nothing compared to the Pancreas problem, people die every day due to doctors twisted methods when dealing with an organ which does not exist. This has been happening longer and continues to happen now than the 1 day of 9/11.

People are pretty stupid though. How do you know you didn't just feel entitled to being a witness because you were nearby?
>Y-yeah I saw it I was there! I deserve your praise
Is this you?? I find it hard to believe NO ONE was looking at the WTC but how many people just stand around looking at it?

I'm not really paying attention to your cute disinfo meme


The hundreds of thousands that saw it in person in Manhattan. Again ask yourself, if you wanted to do something terrible and have no one find out you were behind it. Would you
A: Involve as few people as possible and use the easiest method available
B: concoct a plan Involving thousands of people and pray they all keep it under their hats.

>ignores all evidence in thread
>sounds like concern fag
kys shillbot

But you keep responding, I know because it is in your contract to combat those who try say the truth while shoving your own pre ordained shit on the web.

You know what happens to shills after they finished right? You are a lose end buddy, you think your boss is just gonna let you live because you helped him out for shit wages?

You know too much, and yet you sided with the enemy instead of the side of light. When we break the pancreas myth you will be among thew first to die, by our hands or your superiors.

I dont understand how shills can live with the true knowledge and still just try to hide it for a quick buck.

Enjoy your short life shilling mate. You'll wake up dead soon.

Strawman. No one is suggesting that. You don't actually know anyone who saw it do you. Many people should have seen the second plane hit the first tower, though.

Skip to 45 seconds in


I appreciate your bumps Mr plebbit

>convincing CGI in 2001

oh god you must be 18+ to post here. pic related

And very nice post formatting mein fellow Centipede!!!!!11!

Oy vey!

>Shitty CGI
>B-but I fell for it so it's convincing
You must be 18+ to post here


Does your wife know why you come home tired and depressed? Does she think you work in a call center or something? What about your kids, you know what happens to kids who grow up without a daddy...

Or are you a lonely man, earning a more than humble amount of money lying on the internet? I get it, not much else to live for. Get to browse the web for a bit before committing suicide by 3 shots to the back of the head.

Your life mate.


A 747 at full throttle goes pretty fast. If they were to do some math and build a case for the physics of this I'd be more inclined to believe it.

Why does this bus look melted?

Not sure what you mean by this ambiguous statement
The plane was moving so fast it collided with steel and concrete and came out the other side intact?

Holy shit

Everyone stood around watching it after the first plane you mogoloid. It was a massive fire ina skyscraper, and everyone in Lower manhattan saw the second plane hit.

It was also while everyone was walking to school or work

A controlled demolition in building 7?
Any proof though? Should be easy to prove, where are all these interviews?

Do you kow how much mass a fucking passenger jet has? Smashing into a concrete and steel building at 400 mph is going to anhillate it. The pressurized bits of a plane are also built to withstand a pressure differential of 10 PSI, so they're pretty sturdy.

You're a moron.

Wow, it's like planes don't travel really fast or something.


Thats a pretty large area of land too. No way the jet was going THAT fast.

Dr. Judy Wood - Breakthrough Energy Movement conference in Holland, 2012

Firstly they were 757's not 747's the latter being a huge behemoth of a plane, secondly no large passenger jet can reach the speeds the official story says they did, It is physically impossible at that altitude for the engines to deliver enough thrust, you would need rockets. If you did manage to strap some rockets to the plane as you were hijacking it with your trusty box cutter the plane itself would tear itself apart in the thick air at those speeds.
How about those caveman pilots too, being able to control those huge planes by use of a computerised instrument panel giving them all the information they needed like attitude speed heading descent rate, angle of attack from their hour long Cessna training, It's no wonder middle eastern pilots are renowned as some of history's great aviators.

Found the retard

Do you think every plane's controls should be allowed to be overridden from the ground and remotely controlled to land safely? Or would that be too much of a safety issue if it malfunctions? I'm trying to think if there's a way it can be done without malfunctions. There's no hijacking issue on the ground really, can send a thousand police officers in to bust the door in and kill him. But of course have to rely on a computer that can decide to just make the plane nosedive.


fuck off with your disinfo to poison the well CIA.

NOT remote controlled planes
CGI into MSM feeds

I did watch this video and I admit it makes you think, though it is quite outlandish. I dislike that the video omits the five dancing Israelis which is very damning and important information. However I do appreciate that they focus on suspicious msm coincidences which often have military, cia, and jewish bias.

I'm an airline pilot... a 75 could easily do 500 at sea level, yes this is far above Vmo but planes don't just disintegrate at or above Vmo. As a captain at my first airline once told me, if you aren't clackin, you're slackin.

500 MPH that is... not kias

this shits retarded
the planes were most likely just drone aircraft reinforced to cut through the buildings to do as much visual damage as possible
then they demolished them

And you have to fly to Thailand to get laid.

>Next to NYC on 9/11
How many Jigga-Watts would that potentially yield?



you can go fuck yourself too. there were planes on 9/11. these edited videos are CIA disinfo.


No plane confirmed.

>implying pol majority is white

kys please

No coincidence there, goy!

I remember watching interviews from people after the impact and they all said there was a huge explosion nobody even mentioned a plane. People only talked about an airplane only after they were force-fed that narrative by the media.

9/11 was the biggest false flag event in history.

Kek. Can't believe people still buy into the plane narrative.


How can they get away with this?

Honestly, there really probably were planes. They might have been just shells or blank planes but they did hit the towers. The towers themselves wouldn't have even come close to demolishing like they did from something like that, though. Its so outside of the realm of possibility that its an insult to human intelligence across all of human history.

Most people didn't see the planes fly into the tower
I was in NYC when the planes hit and most people didn't know planes hit the towers until the news crews rolled in.