What does Sup Forums think about Furries?

What does Sup Forums think about Furries?


Furries are unironically the biggest cucks

>that image

>current year meme

No thank you, I'm an MLP guy.

Kill them all

I'm not even sure wether it's ironic or not.
Me too. I didn't finish S6 though.
Loved the earlier seasons, Fluttershy is so cute. I used to watch weaponology after a couple episodes and some beer.

Degenerates, the lot of them. The two Furfags I've had the displeasure to talk to were both ashamed of their appearance, and thus I believe the whole furry shit is just animal fuckers and borderline suicidal cunts.

If they want to be animals let them be slaughtered like them. Or let them "join" a real life pack of hungry wolves. See how they like that.

fuck off

I'm a furry, so I think they're OK.

I'm really in it for the sci fi... but the tits are a plus

Almost everyone here is a furry

Yiff in hell

degenerates, left for dead in times of emergency, etc.

sauce of the original image?

Yiff in hell!


Don't post Chen you worthless furryfuck.

(depending if you're inferring you are one)

You All Get A Free Ticket To New Auschwitz Con.... Furry Camp!

Who /mlpol/ here

Personally liked it because the reddit fags and shills weren't there, plus the sheer hilarity of them mixing well was nice. However wading through horse porn degeneracy sort of made the symbiotic relationship have its downs, but I'm willing to search through horse porn again for good threads, but if it were reinstated I'd have no doubts they would become desensitized, much like antibiotics with the few resistant breeds then reproducing for more favorable genes, or like having your hopes crushed so often you begin to stop having any, but that's a bit more of a stretch.