>releases objectively terrible comedy special >universally panned >Netflix redesigns its entire rating system in order to assist her >Currently in a media blackout about her specials, all articles being written about her are positive or attacking her critics
This isn't some ordinary comedian, she has to have extremely powerful connections or blackmail on some really big people.
Anyone have any ideas about her connections or what this could all mean? Conspiracy theories welcome.
Eli Morris
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Hunter Cruz
or maybe somebody important owns her and wants her to do well because she loves PC shit
dumb thread, bad op
Zachary Gutierrez
She's chuck Schumer's neice.
Carter Watson
Tyler Murphy
She will be mist
Ryan Kelly
Lucas Nguyen
ew I can see his balls
Kayden Reed
She's related to Chuck Schumer
Adam Gonzalez
>>Currently in a media blackout about her specials, all articles being written about her are positive or attacking her critics Except for every single independent news outlet including YouTubers and facebook memes. Most people think she's a joke. So there are a few Jews supporting his Jewess, there are hundreds of thousands of people who think she's retarded enough to give her shitty video a one star review. She's not powerful because most people don't like her and no one likes the people who like her.