Split 50/50 on him. He's decent against Islam, but is poor on the whole regarding philosophy and theology.
Thoughts on Sam Harris
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He's only against Islam because he's a Jew.
He's an intelligent, open minded, and intellectually honest guy. I like him a lot. He's dead wrong about religion, but I'm a fan.
He went on Joe Rogan's podcast and spent half the time talking about muh Trump and Russia though. And he's not open minded and intellectually honest, see his "debate" with Jordan Peterson
Split 50/50
Can generally tolerate him, but I get bored listening to him bash Trump. I get it. Sam hates Trump. Discuss something else
inb4: I can't handle criticism of Trump. I can. But Sam starts to sound whiney after a while
>He went on Joe Rogan's podcast and spent half the time talking about muh Trump and Russia though.
>And he's not open minded and intellectually honest, see his "debate" with Jordan Peterson
I'll admit he was a little obtuse in the first one, but the second debate he was being perfectly reasonable. And I say that as a big Peterson fan.
haha OP no one watched ur video
Ham Sarris is fucking funny
>atheist Jew is critical of Islam
Yeah and so is Bill Maher. There's nothing new or interesting about that. He is garbage on pretty much every other position.
he's just another """"intellectual""""
they all think the same with little nuance
Ultimately destructive in his inability to articulate a compelling value system to replace contemporary nihilism while simultaneously working to undermine Western tradition.
In doing so, he adopts the widespread mindset of context-free skepticism that is commonplace for university-educated people these days and indirectly responsible for the our civilizational decline.
Don't bother.
he was on the podcast talking about this exact type of fucking video where someone mashes up his words to make it sound like he said something he would never say
this is hilarious
He's complete shit on Islam. Liberals will never actually do anything about the problem. Trump's travel ban is an example of being good on Islam.
You don't have to agree with everything other people think. That's why they are other people.
As for Harris, I think he has a great logical process, but especially on esoteric matters I don't often agree with his priors. I was especially heartened by his inquiry into things like self-defense and torture.
He is always worth hearing, even if you wind up disagreeing.
He is my favorite of the 4 Horsemen.
Smart guy, tries to be honest. Misinformed by the MSM when it comes to Trump, though. Overall, I respect him.
Christopher Hitchens lite
he is great, but he is jewish and that biases him on Israel.
If you never read this Counterpunch article in *response* to Sam's 'why I dont criticize Israel - it is a must read.
even if you dont totally agree, This guy essentially makes Sam look like less of a dispassionate intellectual, and more like a disingenuous Islamophobe and Zionist.
its great writing and polemics.
Harris will never be a Hitchens. You're free to your opinion, but Hitchens outclassed him in so many ways
Dudes a closet Israeli-firster along with Bill Maher and the rest of the edgy liberal shill media. He needs to be exposed.
I've love to see nothing more than Michael Scheuer school him on the Middle East , US foreign relations, and the costs of the United States supporting Israeli interests.
This, he acts like all violence in the middle east is because of Islam, and constantly points to polls in places like Saudi Arabia as if those people will say anything against the Koran. They can't for fear of retribution, and most the violence in the middle east is due to the wars going on there. If we'd stop bombing them, then they wouldn't be immigrating anyway, wouldnt' be so pissed off, and wouldn't be in western countries in the first place. And just because some violence is in line with a faith doesn't mean its because of it. Was Muslim terror a big problem 50 years ago?
He's an idiot. All the brainpower of a stopped clock.
the second debate he didn't debate or even fucking talk. he let peterson talk for 95% of the time and then just attacked his view and half of his time spent talking was a bogus analogy which could've been summarized as
>people make mistakes and it's possible people will make mistakes using religion to teach principles and ethics so we shouldn't teach them
like all bluepilled retard atheist they're living in the corpse of christianity. atheist don't have principles or morals and instead just use remnants of christianity here and there like freak patchwork zombie.
peterson had ideas about how to make a post-god society while sam just kept going in circles like every dumb piece of shit postmodern atheist. slave morality is the worst part of religion, but somehow atheist embraced it the most and that's their new god.
So it's the fault of the west that Arabs and Muslims have been on a warpath of conquest for at least 1400 years.
And you should read more about just how far back muslim terror goes. Start with the Munich Olympics in 1972. Read about the airline hijackings and bombings. This all didn't start on 9/11
Lol OK