Listen up faggots

Stop fucking masturbating! Get those testosterone levels higher. Trust me after 4 days things will become clearer. You will feel much more present.

Then, get your shit together. If you're not in college what are you doing? Are you working? If so are you happy? Can you improve? If you can improve then go ahead. Make more money.
Just get your shit together.

If you don't have your shit together then start working towards getting it together. Most of us here are

Other urls found in this thread:

>...user I'm white like you, put a baby in me!

>In the end of the day, 10 years from now. Do you really still want to be sitting alone in your house?

oh god yes please


Lol you're stupid to think I'm jewish what exactly did I say that isn't positive. Stay in denial, idiot.


You silly leaf, reducing everything down to one problem. Find the prophet of Kek.

There are way worse things people are doing than just masturbating.

>says stop masturbating
>posts porn

I don't trust women anymore
Give me an A.I like Tay and put her in a sexbot please


give me a white girl like this and id be set for life

>10 years from now

You are living on the future. Stop desu.

Good message. However, I genuinely don't want kids. I just don't. I'm 27 years old.



i'll stop jacking it when you faggots stop posting sweet sweet booty

Scum detected

>stop fapping!
>posts fapworthy picture
every single fucking time

Long-term abstinence can reduce serum T. Having an ejaculation does not acutely affect testosterone levels. Ejaculating to the point of “sexual exhaustion” can make it harder for your body to utilize testosterone. Masturbation doesn't seem to affect testosterone levels in any significant manner.

But i already have a white gf and regular sex so i hardly ever masturbate and it's not like i can tell her i don't want sex so i can raise my T level.

Masturbating takes 15 minutes out of a man's day, leaving him free to use the rest to make something or improve himself.

Fucking a woman robs him of his entire life, forcing him to work like a dog for the globalists so she can spend his paycheque on crap she doesn't need and get him out of the house for most of thevday so she can cuck him with every nigger in a twenty-mile radius.

No bloody contest.

what the fuck am i even doing on here still?

> Fell for Woman jew without fixing society first.

It's simply impossible m8
We're living on feminized world now.

It distinguishes the weak from the strong

Your'e 27 now. What happens when you're 60? 80?

i jerked off to the picture you posted. i didn't want to, but i don't care for your high-handed tone.

I've asked myself that question for the last 8 years

Why is it that in every fucking thread... EVER FUCKING THREAD WITHOUT FAIL
Someone posts a picture of a hot, young, almost naked girl and says "heh, don't masturbate man!"
Let me ask you,

I live and then I die? What you mean I should want my children to be liable for my senility and well being? Nah, I'll just die.

I'm half white so I might go the hedonistic route. might get married and have kids, apart of me wants it.

I do need to stop fapping though.

>ejaculation fucks up your testosterone levels
you know thats a meme right?


Are there actually any negative effects of masturbating?

So when your parents are in need in their old age they should just fend for themselves? Life comes full circle.

mfw I turn 25 in a few months

Thoughtful post. Will consider.

It's no masturbation, not no ejaculation.
Actual sex apparently increases test.


Right on

They've been horrible parents. My mom is a roastie who destroyed my child hood as a single mother who slept around and even fucked my basketball coach when I was kid.

My Dad wasn't in the picture.
Yeah, I don't really give a fuck.

I have been lifting everyday for the last 3 months. I have masturbated maybe 3 times and my experience is that after I masturbate I love all energy, motivation and become very negative for about a week. after about 3 weeks of no fap I become a God. amazing gains in the gym, mentally I'm stronger than I have ever been. my ex left me a few days before Trump was elected and I turned my life around dramatically. new job making $12k/yr more than my last position. I have never been this motivated before in my life. I honestly believe if we all progress down the same path we have a chance of preserving our culture, and securing the white races future. right now I am MGTOW...i cannot afford to lose my resources (time & money) to another black hole of a woman. I hope to find someone I can spend the rest of my life with and start a family. But before I am ready for that I need to solidify my gains, and become more 'alpha' mentally.

I listen to a lot of Jordan Peterson, joe rogan podcasts & sandman's mgtow channel for motivation.

If you are too horny to stop masturbating start taking Finesteride. you will lose a lot of your libido and your hair will get thick as fuck. yes, my dick still works.

Become a better version of yourself. you will be amazed at who you are capable of becoming.

>Do you really still want to be sitting alone in your house?

Yes, I am an introvert and look forward being by myself with my thoughts.

I'm not getting married, get divorce and have to pay alimony or child support. I would rather cut my nuts off.

Surely it's the same thing though

>crucifix tattoo
Almost had me

No, there aren't.
Testosterone levels peak on the seventh day and then shoot back down to a normal level on the eighth. Sage.

>tfw no fat 5 days
>be 27
>in trucking school

Nice try, still not falling for the reproductive Jew

How does your body know the difference?

Im 23 and live in small town with not a lot of opportunities. In degenerate central california to top it off. How do I find a decent girl here? What advice do you have for me?

>Trust me after 4 days things will become clearer. You will feel much more present.
Don't just take my word for it, but it doesn't work! You don't feel any more present or organised.

I agree you should get your shit together and find someone to have kids with (though race doesn't matter). But giving up masturbation won't enable you to do that.

Giving up Sup Forums might...

>I hope to find someone I can spend the rest of my life with and start a family.
You're not MGTOW

True, but still higher than previously. Like it or not, the human body isn't designed to ejaculate daily for years/decades.

muh gym muh freedoms gonna lift heavy things to lift other heavy things muh tendons

Damn dude. Basically kys if you aren't satisfied with life already. You dont have much longer to live

Move out. There are wealthy areas around Chicago (moving out soon), and the bars are full of 7/10+ women (richer women are generally better looking), and most of the guys here are beta cucks. You can meet a smart girl very quickly.

lol what a bullshit outlook.

>Then, try to find a nice white girlfriend or a latina
>or latina

You had me until then.

leave. take a risk and get out of your small town. I grew up in a small town and I chose to move away for college, job opportunities, I even relocated for a girlfriend 2 hours from home. I lost nothing in my experiences moving around from city to city. I gained new experiences, friends, opportunities and I grew as a person as I got to know myself better in each city.

>take finesteride
Fucking dropped

>Basically kys
I have a nice amount of money but I have no idea what to do with it. I was thinking of traveling around or something like that

Thanks JBP

I go to college and I try to work my ass off. When I'm focused and motivated I'm a top student, but I can't focus on anything due to bad attention span from internet addiction and poor sleeping habits. I try to focus on an assignment and I'll have 20 Sup Forums threads open. Still have 3.0 GPA but want to increase it and get good at math so I can get a lucrative career.

I have a bad porn addiction that started when I was like 12 and hasn't stopped since and it's warped my perception of women/sex. I try to nofap but I relapse after like 2 days because I can't get laid or talk to women.

What is the secret to discipline? If I can fix these problems I'd be set.

I hade a visectomy at 27 I'm 50 now have no kids and NO REGRETS. Look at the world now. Why bring a kid into this world.

Can I get a quick rundown on this stop masturbating meme?

If i nofap I feel like i have prostatitis or something. Have to pee often and feel an uncomfortable fullness down there.
Does anyone else have something similar

>tfw 27, HKV
>spending money on a vasectomy for me is like buying flood insurance in for a house in the desert

it's a meme that's all you need to know

I have a good friend in his 30s. He recently broke it off with his fiancée. He doesn't want to give up the hedonist thing.

He's a good looking guy and has always had great success with women. He still bags 20 years olds off tinder, but i'm worried for his future.

He's gonna reach that age pretty soon where that shit just gets redundant, awkward and unfulfilling.

Jerking your dick to a video vs having another human being to interact with a pretty drastic difference

Not biologically though it still has the same outcome.

Iv been with the same girl since I was in high school. She's based and loyal.
I just turned 29 and have a degree but hate my job and I'm thinking about going to medical school. Should I do it?

I'm not there to gain mass, I lift to build a stronger mind. the gym is my therapy session.

what is your current career?

Do it faggot. I'm 27 and failing in trucking school because I can't remember all the break PSIs for my written exam to drive the truck. If i was smart like you I'll go. Go. You are already smart enough to get a degree go all the way. Why not? do it, you're only 29 once in your fucking life.

other than loss of sensitivity to the point where sex feels like nothing and exhaustion then no.

If you are addicted to masturbation it can be hell on your Dopamine and Oxytocin receptors.

Testosterone is affected after continued depeation of semen. Its a stress on your body. It raises cortisol levels after the initial rush to clear out your blood and return to normal function.

"edging" or long masturbation sessions feel awesome because of the increased sensitivity right after an orgasm but too much of a good thing is no good at all.

Many people don't know how to have proper sex and that goes for men and women. Good reason why most people, including men; can't enjoy sex or feel it.

It does make motivation go down as once your spent it puts you in a rest cycle. Retention of semen is good for you only because you are not a damn fuck machine you are an animal that runs on chemical and mechanical functions.

Sex is not a sin in moderation.

This is a site for women but your body can work the same. Its not hippy bullshit, its neurology and endocrinology.

There are many women, who like men, find themselves delving into hedonistic hell by buying vibrators, giant dildos and popping pills to increase momentary sexual pleasure.

Men are doing the same now more than ever thanks to the internet and the fact that porn is pretty much one click from here.

Don't degenerate yourself. This isn't even a morality or God thing anymore this is a pandemic of sexual frustration due to a long period of sexual turmoil. Don't fall prey to it. Do something else with your time. Become more connected to yourself and you can connect better with others. Chronic masturbation is an opiate and makes you a cuck.

Raising a family is bluepilled as fuck.

The only alpha thing to do is impregnate tons of women and convince some other poor bastard to raise your seed.

And luckily in this world of numale cucks, that's more of a reality than it ever has been.

Life is too short to be shackled to a house in the burbs with a girl who hates you and will just cheat on you in 10 years anyway.
I have more important shit to do than that.

I'm 36 fucking sitting alone at home :(

in dental school now. choose that instead.
>slightly easier to get into
>slightly easier school
>significantly higher salary
>depression meme is just some urban legend
>all the dentists happy all the time and making bank
do it

Masturbation doesn't have the same psychological effect, I'd assume physical contact and pherimones to play a role as well.
There's a big difference emotionally between fucking the girl you've been chasing for weeks and swiping though camwhores on chaturbate.


For real though. How can I get my test levels up without roids?

Why the fuck do the nofap posters always post fappable images?

If you don't have any motivation then a degree won't help you. I have a bachelors degree in comp. sci., I haven't worked in 4 years.

>tfw been with the same girl since middle school
>tfw both white and college educated
>tfw im the sole bread winner
>tfw our 6th child is due in a couple months
Feels good man

Also you can still to oral surgery, who make 500,000 a year. Endo makes 300,000

>I haven't worked in 4 years.
how old are you and why didn't you get a job with that degree?

enslaved by the filthy american government

Your job is going to be automated

Are you so primal you cannot contain your desires? At least for a bit? It's not like a girl was grinding on your cock after 7 days of nofap.

>not wanting kids
>darkies producing a shit ton of kids

if anything have kids to save the white race you selfish cuck

It's to get your attention. Think if I post this I'll get your attention?

This. The pursuit is what makes it fun. Its a damn annoying game of romantic sexual tension. Courtship is important in this process through out the relationship with BOTH people.

You will feel like something is missing. You will try harder and harder until you get with a girl and its like nothing to you because you not only overstimulate yourself but your body doesn't even know what it wants from her. It wants you to go back to pornhub and look at some girl through a screen.

It turns you into a voyeur rather than a participant which makes you a cuck and a pervert.

Nothing wrong with a little kink but lets be honest, when you saw porn the first time your heart nearly exploded in your tiny teenager body.

I think nofap is something you should experiment with just like masturbation is. Feel out what's right for your body. Working out is more important.

You should kill yourself for giving such poor advice. The 60+ years of your life aren't all decided in the first 25 years. In those 25 years you should be getting some experience to direct your future choices, not necessarily choose your daily grind until you die.

you can rest assured, my not-breeding is not going to affect your white extinction problems

t-that's a nice pressure washer

heavy compound exercises
train boxing/mma and do full contact sparring
only cum 3 times a week max
if you need to be at max test for any reason plan on a full 7 days of no cumming
eat lots of animal fat
limit/eliminate sugar
cold showers daily


"hi user! ..what? yes im a virgin! look ill show you my cross tattoo ok? i got it because im super dedicated to jesus!"

Damn that is one solid piece of equipment

I just want to smell a woman's ass one day.