/mlpol/ remembrance thread?
Post pics and stories of the cozy times you had on /mlpol/
/mlpol/ remembrance thread?
Post pics and stories of the cozy times you had on /mlpol/
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Why does Sup Forums love cartoon horses but hate LGBT community? You bestiality loving freaks would rather stay in your basements jacking off instead of finding love, but then when you see someone who is gay you just revel in disgust!
Fuck you guys honestly, bunch of man children
/mlp/ ambassador here. We'll never 4get
It was a nice place wasn't it.
cartoon horses > LGBT community
did I really have to spell it out for you?
inb4 leddit reports thread and kike mods shoah it
Pony fags are always welcome over actual Faggots, R*dditors, and Nu-Fags
Ponies declared a hate symbol when?
never forget
I love cartoon horses but not in that way. People who want to fuck them should be gassed. The show is actually pretty good.
Fuck off
Oh, I see. Well done (((Leaf))).
You knuckle dragging syrup nigger, just because I prefer Horse fetishists over you and your ilk does not make me a horse fetishist by association.
Take you projection elsewhere, like R*ddit
Why do you horse fuckers like this board so badly?
So I guess we're taking them to the ball now?
I want to know this too
Because a lot of us are already Sup Forumsacks and we hate niggers, jews, and sjws
die horsefuckers
>Tfw New coke was a ploy to use corn syrup instead of sugar. New coke flops because it tastes different but then you release (((coca cola classic))) but instead of containing cane suger its corn syrup and you fool the goys into thinking its the same thing.
Die R*ddit
>inb4 Horse Fucker
I ain't no Horse Fucker, But Id take them over (you)
May ebolachan wrap you in her sweet embrace
I hate /mlp/ but /mlpol/ was fucking funny and pissed of reddit
>Sup Forums isn't back to what it once was
Yea no shit
I've been here since 2011, I've never been on Reddit before, you should take your horse porn and go back there instead, you'll be a wonderful addition to the cuckold community...
IS that thing with the horns a woman or a man with tits?
I heard Mexican coke uses regular sugar, but apparently it tastes even worse than (((normal))) corn syrup coke. How true is this burger mate?
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door
reddit got mad over /mlpol/? any examples?
>since 2011
good shit mate.
t. goatfucker
I'm lost. What the heck is with the brony praise as of late?
>tastes even worse than (((normal))) corn syrup coke
Absolutely false. Mexican coke made with real sugar is delicious. Fuck the corn lobby.
Good times, good times...
>he missed out on /mlpol/
/mlpol/ killed off shills and reddit tier threads for its short existence
horse pussy isn't my thing but it scared off r/The_Donald for a day
Mexican Coke a Cola is muy Bueno.
>I've been here since 2011
If that were true then you wouldn't be triggered by Horse shit for the expanse of one fucking day
It's a shill campaign.
>bots flood Sup Forums with spam
>April fools happens and the bots "stop" flooding /pol with spam and we're flooded with horseporn instead
>Sup Forums returns to normal and shills claim that Sup Forums was "better" when it was flooded with horseporn
>clearly this is all a coincidence and in no way connected
>we just happened to get overrun with pony porn by happenstance
>there is no way the mods that hate us would ever try to undermine us by associaying us with the creepiest internet phenomenon short of actual pedophiles.
It's transparent as fuck.
Cane sugar (idk about coke) products are better than corn syrup.
I've been on Sup Forums since 2006 and I go on reddit because the porn is organized and searchable.
How am I a goatfucker?
>Missing out on /mlpol/
it was a fun place. The horsefuckers absolutely swarmed the board with horse puss but it scared off all the shills. Other Sup Forumsacks noticed this and let the porn slide.
Good to know, I had a feeling using regular sugar would make it taste better, even though I don't drink much soft drink in the first place
>tfw I've been on 4 chan since 2005
Not everything is a shill campaign
Shills wouldn't even be a problem if redditers stopped bumping shill and le ironic bait threads
And this all occurred on April fools of all days, what a coincidence
it was fun while it lasted
I'm glad it's over, all you fucking retards can go back to your containment board now.
Bronies are literal sub human scum
I haven't been here since '05
I understand why you guys liked how all the "drumpf BTFO" posters got overwhelmed, but being Anti-Gay but pro-bestiality/pedophilia-ish is hypocritical
tips my fedora to the old fag tho
useless mods
I have.....
...H-heh, that sure i-is funny and hits me in the feels not at all, h-heh...
It's raining...
There are only 11 mods newredditor
it was fun
Gotta clean the creeping coup by Jared inside of the white house now
see you next April 1st
How easy is it get Mexican coke in the states?
Just because we allow this to take place for 1 day with the end goal of purging shills, doesn't mean any of us have changed our views on this
Any gas station has it
This board has been a sucker for bait since before it was Sup Forums, it has nothing to do with reddit. All you had to do was copypaste some hebrew and a hooting mob would form to hand out free replies.
We love everyone but reddit faggots who shit up the board posting in shill threads and being woefully ignorant of board culture. Normalfags need to go.
/mlpol/ was the best thing that has happened on this cuc-kolded site since tray tray
Give it a rest leaf, they're just posing as Sup Forumsacks. Sage and move on
Well, are there any archives of notable moments? Goddamn...
Kek he used google translate...
Your so lucky that you don't have to come into contact with Spanish speaking beaners in the first place.
I've seen them sell it in COSTCO before, not sure if they sell it in other places
>The meme war
you kids think you've seen the shit? Ill tell you about the shit. There was nothing like the dark days of my summer on Sup Forums this was before Trump, befor we even knew of Kek.
This was the lowest of the lows, the deepest pit we ever fell.
Im talking of course about Sup Forumsharbor. Most of you newfags hadn't even made your first roll thread on Sup Forums but for those of us that were here it was hell. Hell on earth.
For days the shills and the bots poisoned this place, filled it with nonsense and degeneracy. Some of the scars are still with us. AND IT WENT ON FOR DAYS days and days it wouldn't end, many gave up hope, many more are no longer with us.
You kids think you know shills? You think you know despair? you know shit. Before that fateful attack this was a place of learning, of deep conversation and debate.
What is it now? Cheap b8 threads and spamming of Trump memes.
maybe Im bitter, maybe im just too old and seeing things with rose colored glasses, but god damn I hope you poor fools never have to suffer like we did.
I'll never forget it. It really opened my eyes on just how bad Sup Forums's problems are. We're going to get it back one day.
I have a new folder for nazi horses
the thing i liked about /mlpol/ that it filtered away all the shills and t_D redditors
sure bronies are cancerous but i would rather share a board with bronies than redditors
Around me at least
>Normalfags need to go.
Sup Forums isn't a secret club this isn't fucking Sup Forums.
MLP is Reddit
Your flag
Daily reminder
This pony shit started like a wildfire back in 2012 and it still going like a cancerous malignant tumor!
I never understood the appeal of this show or the fanbase dressing like ponies or acting like weird autistic man children over a little girl cartoon?
i see......
Where do you live?
I'm over on the east coast
It used to be
Tell us some war stories from Sup Forumsharbor grand dad!
This is reddit tier shit
>started in 2012
>stupid normalfag image
Why did it have to be the ponyfuckers? I just wish it was something else.
> instead of finding love
Oh yeah, I can tell you are a faggot.
/mlp/ was cool, snarky and they hated jew just as much as me. There was less "Lets suck Trumps dick" and less "DRUMPF BTFO" threads and they were replaced with pony threads which were actually pretty funny and I would unironically post in them
kill me
people had screenshots from T_D of redditors getting all triggered when the fun new website they found was more accepting of horse porn than their faggot ass civic nationalist cuckoldry
I want one too. Share a few.