is there a legitimate argument against "bash the fash", /(lefty)pol/?
Is there a legitimate argument against "bash the fash", /(lefty)pol/?
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The fash bash back.
burden of proof (
Id seen pictures of her before, finally saw a video, what a fucking idiot and she looks like Anakin Skywalker the pod race version
waifu tier
This is officially an Aug thread
Nothing at all.
Bashing the fash mentality leads to a less stress free life - knowing that 90 percent of people in America agree with your liberal beliefs.
I'd bash her fash if you sniff my drift
As a matter if political correctness, I don't care (pic related)
But actually physically assaulted people is just a completely retarded tactic that's only going to make you look even worse.
Ethically arguments aside, it's just stupid
>retarded tactic
As edgy as this sounds society is maintained by the threat of violence toward through who step out of line. Violence is the most effective political tool as nothing changes someone's actions as quick as the possibly of getting lead to the face. Commies used violence to attain political goals. Worked for fascists too.
>she looks like Anakin Skywalker the pod race version
hmmm. Do you think she also has a nice penis?
The Non-Aggression Principle.
I think we need to differentiate a little bit here. Tanks, Apache helicopters, motherfucking nukes. That's political violence. Right. The antifa kindergarten, on the other hand... uhhh... maybe in Sweden. I don't know.
>tfw want to impeach Trump together with her
I actually respect commies who are willing to fight slightly more than the ones who aren't. That said, their home is the Pacific Ocean.
True. Antifa are kiddies. They don't even target specific people, just anyone they say is a nazi. Maybe throw eggs at a nationalist demonstration or something.
the legitimate argument is 'fash' is open to interpretation, and a lot of totalitarian states like to label their opposition as fascist to marginalize it.
actual fascism is appeal to unity above all else and violent response to disagreement as a political platform. for the most part these folks don't believe in democracy as a tenable political system and work to undermine it from within. they should be confronted with the same force they preach. in reality very few of them are willing to fight for opinions they post amongst the likeminded in damp corners of the internet like this one.
Every thread is an August thread.
nah, aggression is fine. if someone actually tried to do the whole 'gas kikes, race war now' to my face in person, they'd be queued up for a new set of teeth. but mostly its just what a bunch of kids say online because its edgy or some shit.
Initiation of force is not fine.
>Commies used violence to attain political goals. Worked for fascists too.
Fascism isn't a political grouping. It is a way of enacting laws. Communists can be fascists. This meme has got to fucking be stopped. It's idiotic. No surprise leftists started it.
Fine in Nature. Is a catalyst for change. Needs to be counteracted, of course. It is how dynamic systems maintain equilibrium.
it is, i think. giving fascists any kind of a platform to advance their ideas just turns it into some edgy transgressive thing people flirt with. the reason why some parts of the world don't have to deal with natsoc rubbish as much as the states today is because expressing such views carries consequences, as it should. When your premise is that people you don't agree with shouldn't have a way to speak or don't deserve to be heard, you're asking for the kind of argument that can't be countered with a a 'slide thread, sage' - which is a blunt object to the face. all right by me.
Did someone say aug thread?
Oops forgot pic
I had a dream last night I ran into her randomly, struck up a conversation, she was nice, and I slowly coerced her into becoming a nazi and we threw lefties out of helicopters.
pathetic faggots
Supposedly grunge tooth cookie bitch has noodz floating around. Anyone has?
prolly died of a heroin overdose already. Shooting Star.
Saw them a few days ago, but didn't save. Nothing special. Her tits were a let down.
It's not about how good they are. It's about having them, jacking off to them, and her knowing that is happening and that she can't stop it. Hook a brother up.
Wtf happened to her eyes?
comin' round the hood kickin' these chikenshit altrite cucks in the manchild nutsac
she looks like she is related to kingcobrajfs
Probably too many goofballs
>society is maintained by the threat of violence toward through who step out of line
>When reasoned persuasion fails. That's what the law is. Reasonable people who get round a table and decide what's best for everybody. The violence is there for those who won't/can't be reasonable.
Reasonable: Able to use the faculty of reason. Willing to use reason. Can be reasoned with.
Your average sjw recuses themself on so many points here it's not even worth listing them.
AHEGO FACE PLeaseeeeee
What a tomatohead an yuuuuuuge bbc mouf
*insert sucking sounds and
i personally think antifa was a phase for her
teh feel when antifafu real feminine and come here the with bbc nignog.
I'd bash her fash if you understand my meaning gentlemen
>Little black bird in the middle of the night
>Spread your wings and learn to fly
Agreed and she's probably moved on to a new one now for the spring.
>falling in love with a 12 year old boy
Shes got the future conservative mom/holding wine in one hand thing, going on. "Oh yes, I was quite the rebel back in college".