
'er maj edition

Other urls found in this thread:

>((( EU ))) lawmakers adopt Brexit resolution, reject pro-Gibraltar hint

>(((Ken Livingstone))) faces a new investigation into his comments about Hitler

>Kosher Sharia May suggests free movement extension

> May and LSE chief woo Saudi ministers for $2tn Aramco listing

>((( EU ))) negotiator says Brexit is 'a Tory catfight that got out of hand' and predicts next generation will return to bloc - as MEPs approve 'red lines'

>Le Pen Ambushed in French Debate as Macron Attacks on Euro

> In defence of (((Ken Livingstone)))

Fuck I forgot links.

>((( EU ))) lawmakers adopt Brexit resolution, reject pro-Gibraltar hint

>(((Ken Livingstone))) faces a new investigation into his comments about Hitler

>Kosher Sharia May suggests free movement extension

> May and LSE chief woo Saudi ministers for $2tn Aramco listing

>((( EU ))) negotiator says Brexit is 'a Tory catfight that got out of hand' and predicts next generation will return to bloc - as MEPs approve 'red lines'

>Le Pen Ambushed in French Debate as Macron Attacks on Euro

> In defence of (((Ken Livingstone)))

Thread theme


I guess this will have to do

Why didn't you mek it then, you puff?

I wish I had now




>Tfw no potato gf ;__;

That's a pretty Anglo'd potato, lad.

>ywn be kidnapped by MI5 and trafficked to mummy may so she can choke you to death with her legs

why even live

Those aren't May's legs.

>tfw no Anglo'd potato gf ;__;

u fukin woot m8

Jesus. Imagine being kneed in the balls by her.

Wasn't she the really unfunny one one eight out of ten cats?

Anyone watching BBC?
Did mike embley just say about the pepsi advert
>a much criticised, much memed ad
*rewinds sky plus*
He fucking did as well.

Yeah, and she's not even really that good looking. It's just the accent. It fools you.


She isn't ugly but if she weren't famous she wouldn't be out of your league

>if she weren't famous she wouldn't be out of your league
Thanks for the confidence boost lad

I love it when people get eaten by the beast they have fed

No problemo. A caveat or two is in order though
>you aren't an absolute total munter
>you aren't completely unemployable
>you act less autistic irl
otherwise, yeah, why not

Beautiful, isn't it.

Heh, I got all three, I must be some sort of casanova.

>otherwise, yeah, why not
tfw pass your test but she's married ;__;

Also, she's famous

Watching big kids, the children's tv show that was brought up in that nostalgia thread last night.
This was only, what, ten, fifteen years ago? All white cast, semi-believable storyline, with the central message being "look how annoying it is when you kids act stupid, stop acting like that and be normal."

What the fuck happened, how, in the space of a decade did we go from this to whatever they're showing kids these days, I feel like I was part of the last generation before the full indoctrination started. Where did it all go so wrong?

Plus the mum in it was fit as fuck, see pic related.

That too

Come on, you cunts, don't pretend you don't know this feel.

Don't remember the show. Pretty sure them being all white is just co-incidence. They're meant to be a family I take it? Pretty sure the indoctrination was in full swing well before then. Playbus was mostly ethnic minorities and queers, for example.

You don't remember big kids? How old are you, lad?
And them being a family didn't make much of a difference, in the latter few series of my parents are aliens they adopted a load of wogs.

Early thirties. Yeah, I suppose, but it would be ridiculous if every family in every children's programme was an interracial couple or adopted black kids.

That's what I'm saying though, that is the case in most shows now, and we're just expected to accept it's normal when in reality less than 5% of the relations in this country are interracial and less than 1% of those go on to have kids together.

I don't know, maybe I'm just chatting shit because it's late. What I do know is I wanked over the mum just now.


Even back then there were token ethnics in most shows. Just of the top of my head there's playbus, like I said, Grange Hill always had a few, Saved by the Bell, Power Rangers, Gladiators, Tomorrow People I seem to remember had one as a main character, and I can't even remember any more TV shows for some reason. I think Woof was pretty much all white but then again it was mainly two kids I think, probably a few others were all white though. It's probably just got that much worse and more blatant as time has gone on.

Yeah, I've taken up smoking again. Retarded, I know. Probably stop again in a few days. Gotta smoke outside though. Pain in the ass.

It used to be token, but extremely soon we will have a black Doctor Who and a black James Bond, I guarantee it.

Just smoke indoors, they don't enforce it in the slightest and even when they do it only costs as much as three packets of cigs.
>The police will only get involved in Smoke Free legislation where there is public disorder or where there is threatening behaviour involved.

>Penalties and Fines
>What are the Penalty Costs
>Set out in the Health Act 2006 the Smoke Free penalties are as follows:

• A fixed penalty notice of £50* for smoking in a smoke free designated vehicle or area or a court fine not exceeding £200 according to level 1 standard fine scales.
*This will be reduced to £30 if paid within 15 days of being issued.
• A fixed penalty notice of £200* or a court fine up to £1000 in accordance with maximum fine restrictions for failing to display the appropriate smoke free signage as dictated by law.

Forgot picture.

This is a slide thread

you stupid bong

Tom Hardy should be James Bond. Seems made for the role. Also actually a good actor. Black bond just seems retarded. Don't watch doctor who but I could see that happening. Or some sort of woman doctor. Maybe wearing a hijab. Just stop watching it now. Quit while you're ahead.

Nah, I wouldn't get fined. Mrs doesn't smoke or know that I'm smoking again so...

What did he mean by this lads

It's always been a socially progressive show, I can't stand any of those aspects, I just want epic lazers and history but jnstead I get pozzed aliens and LGBBQWTF drama.

Yeah, I dunno, I never really bothered with it. Always seemed pretty gay to me.
Really??? I suppose they visit famous historical events with the time machine, do they?

Not really, not anymore. It used to have a lot of historical settings but now it's mainly a drama, which the tumblr faggots love.

The trailer showed them going to the 1800s though, of course, they shan't mention the gay black woman, perfectly ordinary sight in Victorian London, don't you know?
Jesus, this one hit close to home.

I think there were a few blacks in London then but yeah that is pretty silly.

How come? Your dad didn't play with you or your parents were boomertards who didn't discipline you?

Nah, the come home late, had a drink, then went to bed bit.

I mean, I don't begrudge him for it. He had a solid job and worked extremely hard for us all but he did like a drink and he did like children to be seen and not heard.

Ah. Well, yeah, you gotta work but work sucks so you gotta unwind and can't be fucked to do anything with the kids. My dad used to come home at 5 and start drinking haha.

Morning or evening?


The only thing my dad ever did with me was take me to the pub after school, he'd have a pint, I'd have cola and the entire place stank to high hell of smoke, you ciuldn't see a damn thing for it either.

The biggest lesspn I learned from him is don't touch the booze. I'm not a te-totaller or anything but I don't get drunk for recreation. He didn't get angry or depressed, just out of it. Like he was on a slightly different plane of existence.

He's almost killed himself with the drink thrice now, but he managed to keep a stable job right up until his pension came in.

Sucks man. My old man died pretty young cos of it in the end. He just used to stay at home and drink mostly. He was a good guy though. He did do stuff with us sometimes tbf and he did work at least. Was an alcoholic myself for years plus used to take a bunch of other drugs and get in fights all the time as well so I was much worse than him. I only drink occasionally these days. Alcohol never seems to do people much good anyway, just turns people into fucking retards most of the time.

btw did you just watch 12 episodes of that in a row or what?

Was your mum good?
Depends what you mean by in a row. Watched 6 last night and 6 today.

Why do you guys still have a queen? Why wont you uphold cromwell legacy?

You mean a good person? Yeah. She does drink quite a lot as well but not to anywhere near the same extent. She's still working and that. Main criticism I would have about how they raised us would be that they went from being ridiculously overprotective when we were really young to letting us do what we liked when we were a little bit older, letting us get away with absolute murder for some reason.

>Depends what you mean by in a row.
Holy shit.

>Alcohol never seems to do people much good anyway, just turns people into fucking retards most of the time.


We've always had extremely liberal Alcohol laws in the UK, and sadly it's made us a complete laughing stock because inbreds just can't control themselves.

The only reason the government have never really tightened the law on it like they have with guns is because of the immense income it provides.

I am libertarian as fuck yet I would support stronger booze laws. Sick of fucking inbred retards wallowing down the street and causing shit during dark hours.

Same about the overprotective to treating us like peers.

>Holy shit.
reeeeeeeeeeeeee i wanted nostalgia
Plus, do you not think the woman in it is fit?

>I am libertarian as fuck
>except when i personally disagree
Bravo, lad. What's your stance on immigastion, I presume as a libertarian you want completely open borders, no military, LGBBQWTF, disestanlishmentarianism, and low corporation tax?

>David Dimbleby chairs topical debate from Gillingham. On the panel are Conservative MP Suella Fernandes, shadow home secretary Diane Abbott, Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, co-leader of the Green Party Jonathan Bartley, businesswoman and broadcaster Michelle Dewberry, and Gerard Coyne, the West Midlands secretary of the Unite union who is a candidate in the election for general secretary.
Jesus fuck.

Black Doctor might happen, but I doubt black bond would.
Too much revenue would be at risk worldwide, and producers know it.
Besides, Elba is too old, and the totally not racist progressives don't actually know any other black actors to push for the role.

Problem with that is you can easily make your own booze and, well, we know what happened in the US during prohibition. There would just be a load of rancid knockoff alcohol going around and people would still drink it.

>Same about the overprotective to treating us like peers.
Not unusual fr our generation. It is bad parenting really.

>Plus, do you not think the woman in it is fit?
Sort of. Not that fit.

I know, the absolute STATE of that panel. Gonna be a bad one. Might be funny though.

>our generation
You're more than a decade older than me, you nonce.

Tourism mainly lad. As long as you keep paying to see them, we'll keep em around. They're like national celebrities really who go around the world representing Britain and it's not really a big deal. They have a load of nice houses but don't have much real power. It's nice to have something around that's traditional anyway, don't you think? Why do you fuckers have to ask this every day?

Michael Caine voted for brexit

Really? Damn. Didn't say I wanted to fuck you did I, you little shit.

Obviously meant forBarely seems worth it though

There's the rub, thyne gland betwixt thumb and finger did spew forth ribbons of liquid silk to be sure

~William Shakespeare

Not a lot of people know that

U fuckin wot m8. Is that some sort of fap joke?

King Charles when?

A squirt to be sure


Relevant part of the article:
>Sir Michael Caine has said he is confident Britain's exit from the EU "will be alright" and that British people have voted for "freedom".

>The film star told Sky News: "I think it will be alright.

>"I voted for Brexit ... what it is with me, I'd rather be a poor master than a rich servant."

>"It wasn't about the racism, immigrants or anything, it was about freedom."

>The acting legend spoke about Brexit while promoting his new film, Going In Style.

>"Politics is always chaotic.

>"In politics you're always going into areas you've never been before, so you're going to get lost and then you're going to find your way, and then it'll be alright."


Wait what did red ken actually do?

>I presume as a libertarian you want completely open borders, no military, LGBBQWTF, disestanlishmentarianism, and low corporation tax?

No, It's a subjective thing, not a defined movement. Sure you'll find contradictions in that but I don't care.

John Cleese
Elizabeth Hurley
Joan Collins
James Dyson

To name a few

Fuck man, its nice to hear more celebs having a positive view on brexit

Cain is based

"blair is a fucking jew scum and should be gassed"

>while promoting his new film
While this is awesome, it's the same as sjw marketing in real terms, it boosts the headline exposure of the junket.

Nice that they recognise the other half of the market now, sure, but it's still about as authentic as commercial can be.

What's wrong with that?

>John Cleese
Not surprised. He's probably /ourguy/ more or less.

Yeah, he's got a factory not far from me and seems like a lot of his employees are remainer cucks, even though he keeps saying how much better off we'd be without EU interference.

It's not even that awesome tbf.
See here >Wasn't about immigrants
Yeah, alright, maybe not for everyone but jfc. Still, always nice to hear something positive about Brexit from a celeb.

Not PC


Absolutely based.
He was also the only actor to call out the Oscar chimpout for what it was

I got to sleep and when I wake my god-awful thread is still going. Nice.

>You can’t say: I’m going to vote for him, he’s not very good but he’s black, I’ll vote for him. You’ve got to give a good performance.
Just stating the obvious really. Anyone who actually thinks the oscars is racist is fucking retarded anyway. Fucking Will Smith, of all people, moaning about it. The nerve of that cunt.

Any country with a "royal" family is a country filled with moronic slaves, people so stupid that they actually admire and respect the same people who are scamming them.

Any country with another country's queen as its own head of state is beyond retarded. It's Australia.

Jay Kay is on BBC breakfast now and he seems a bit fucking wasted. Just about holding it together.

tfw you send your delinquent son away to boarding school to sort his shit out, and much to your surprise he actually does sort his shit out and gets a good job, but then decides he's too fucking good for you and pretends he's got a full house all the time even though his house is fucking massive.

Haven't been to a doctor like 10 years lads. The only time I've been been during that time was just to get a doctor's note for food poisoning 'cus I missed an exam.