What kind of pill is it when you transcend all worries about politics, race, and culture, and realise that *all* humans are vermin and should be wiped off the face of the Earth?
Former white nationalist here
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>A nihilist edge-lord
How is high school coming along?
Sounds like the standard black pill my dood
the derp pill
I dislike the white people who work at the sub restaraunt i go to everyday for lunch. but now they hired a black woman to take orders, and it made it so much worse. i found like hard bits of rind meat in my sandwich, prob never noticed it before. but all i could think about was her primate shit-colored monkey face. i couldnt finish it, and prob will never go back again
I am almost certain that I am older than you. Humans are by and large a self-serving, shit tier species with little to no redeeming qualities. Ironically, this is something I've learned with my numerous years on the planet.
I thought the blackpill was keeping most of your beliefs but just accepting defeat.
*extreme metal starts playing*
>While you were partying I studied the blade
You essentially came full circle back to a lack of a pill which is a blue pill in itself. You literally just admitted to being a clueless fuck.
You'll snap out of it in a week or two OP. Don't be a faggot goth.
>Being a grown man and just getting to your nihilist stage..
you must be intellectually stunted because most smart kids go through this stage between 16-21 or so.
Dont worry youll grow out of it.
I think you're honestly just overwhelmed and stressed. All politics seem catastrophic right now but they really aren't. Take a break from the internet and media entirely, go outside (it's spring for fucks sake), make sure you're getting enough sleep. And then take the time to honestly evaluate your political views, values, and priorities.
I'm not saying this with the intention of making sure you go back to WN so we can have you in the fight. If you take a break and come back with the realization that your politics are different, that's fine.
Seriously though. Take a break, ignore politics, do something else.
Thanks for a worthwhile reply. I am in a dark place at the moment and am getting a lot of shit from people (all white) so maybe it is temporary.
I was once in your place you choose to not see the positive side of things, choose being the keyword here. If you are being serious then i recommend you rethink your life, your values and sort yourself out. Ultimately what any one of us as individuals can do is to get good, so get to it.
Good. I hope they teach you the error of your ways Stormfag. Seriously take a break. Life is too short to worry about such bullshit.
Inb4 jew advice
Apathy pill.
It's where stoics go to die.
Move to Canada.
Life's not so bad, man.
>What kind of pill is it when you transcend all worries about politics, race, and culture, and realise that *all* humans are vermin and should be wiped off the face of the Earth?
you are now a separatist
>What kind of pill is it
The Jew Pill.
You have become Jew, destroyer of worlds.
Honestly user how many friends in real life do you have? My guess is like max 2
I have many long standing and healthy relationships both friendly and romantic.
please stop projecting.
I'm sorry you're going through difficult shit irl and I really do understand why you feel this way. I was in a major depressive episode a while back and was really fucked with sleep deprivation, so it destroyed my ability to handle any of this idealistic shit. Stress can impact your willpower to a staggering degree.
But it is temporary, I assure you. Things in your life are hurting you so you have to figure those things out and think on a plan for fixing them. Write a list of what's messing you up right now, I'm serious as fuck. When there is too much at one time it all melds together and becomes some massive insurmountable obstacle. You need to break it down and deal with one thing at a time.
Don't worry about perfection, progress is good enough.
Any step in the right direction is progress.
This feeling will pass and so will the conflicts and difficulties. Take care of yourself in the meantime.
where (you) @ lad?
Stonehenge land reporting in
feel the same. whites are capable of so much but have been dragged down to the most base instincts and act like fucking filthy niggers now. I hate whites more than any other group because we had the chance to save humanity from itself and for a few ounces of spice here, fine silks there, young flesh, shiny stones and ₪ our leaders sold us out and fucked us over.
do you what you can for yourself and your family.
nice digits there fella
you into JBP? only watched a cpl of short clips.posted here of him confronting or being confronted by subhuman double digit I.Q. at best retards.
>But it is temporary, I assure you
death comes to us all
I'm 24 with tits - no projecting going on here mate
You have become apathy...destroyer of worlds. A rope awaits you...not because you caused the problem but because you recognized it and chose to be a traitor. In this life or the next, you will burn.
Humans are degenerate, our true purpose is to create a super powerful AI that can actually do shit.
OP, you are a nihilist. Stop it.
Impressive digits
You're not far off.
I dare say 95 percent of the species could die in a plague with nothing of any great value being lost to the remaining (overwhelmingly white male) five percent who do all the actual work.
The edgy faggot pill.
Yes but we must start someplace.
It's ummm the you were never a white nationalist pill IIRC
it is the final part of the *red* pill
Nihilism is stupid and you will either go full circle and become a distributist/communitarian next or you will kill yourself.
All that's next for you is the final pill: The blue pill