Former white nationalist here

What kind of pill is it when you transcend all worries about politics, race, and culture, and realise that *all* humans are vermin and should be wiped off the face of the Earth?

Other urls found in this thread:

>A nihilist edge-lord

How is high school coming along?

Sounds like the standard black pill my dood


the derp pill


I dislike the white people who work at the sub restaraunt i go to everyday for lunch. but now they hired a black woman to take orders, and it made it so much worse. i found like hard bits of rind meat in my sandwich, prob never noticed it before. but all i could think about was her primate shit-colored monkey face. i couldnt finish it, and prob will never go back again

I am almost certain that I am older than you. Humans are by and large a self-serving, shit tier species with little to no redeeming qualities. Ironically, this is something I've learned with my numerous years on the planet.

I thought the blackpill was keeping most of your beliefs but just accepting defeat.

*extreme metal starts playing*

>While you were partying I studied the blade