Should Islamic bakeries be forced to bake cakes for gay weddings?
Should Islamic bakeries be forced to bake cakes for gay weddings?
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No that's racist you shitlord. Stop being so Islamaphobic. Fuck Drumpf and fuck white peope.
yes leaf. Gay ISIs Cakes
Should a lesbian baker have to bake a cake celebrating a female circumcision?
no, it's their business.
Nobody should be obligated to bake cake for fucking faggots
i want every aspect of my life controlled by the government
Should a transgender baker have to bake a cake for a baby shower in which the gender of the unborn baby is already known and to be displayed on the cake?
They should be forced to, but they won't be because (according to SJWs) everything about Islamic culture should be preserved and respected while evil Christian culture should be punished for its sins of imperialism.
Can we only have this fucking thread once a week? Saged
>Islamic bakeries
Calm the fuck down, Mohammed.
The guy in op's pic is a Sikh (who hate muslims.)
Fucking cancer thread is cancer.
that's a sikh dumbass
Having facial hair while working with good is a no no.
No. Because their God says so. Just to clarify things if someone will try to justify for other religions. Their Gods are fake. Ask Muslims.
>the girls were married off
>media says the girls have it worse
Isn't he Sikh?
That's a pretty sikh thing to do doncha know
He looks like a pretty healthy dumbass to me
I like their Shiite cookie bombs.
Jesus christ, sounds like the fake shit they make up about the holocaust.
Yes. Sikh are brotier.
This is now Sikh bro thread
t. Assblasted paki
Sikh skills tier bro
Yes, because it's funny
Unless the business is government funded then no.
Yes and they should be paid in bullets dipped in pig blood.
Mad Sikh skills tier bro lv 40+
Sikh miniboss lv 5
Sikh miniboss lv 6, 7, 8
Why not? We get to subvert Islam, and faggots die from exploding cakes. Win-win
>*blocks your path*
If I identify as a transsexual German woman living in Nazi Germany, does a Jewish bakery have to bake my wedding cake?
Sikh *.°F•I•N•A•L B•O•S•S*.° LV99
Is that a Shik?
Fuck not letting people choose their own gender. What year is this?
Islamic bakeries don't usually bake cakes tho, they usually just bake bread and make ethnic foods
another hockey nigger that has nothing to offer
Should Walmart have to bake cakes with the Confederate flag?
Not here. There should be no Islamics here.
That's a Sikh. Sikhs fight Muslims. I
I can understand burger mistaking Sikh for a muslim but a leaf? Shamefur dispray.
What's with the hats?
If the country forces the bakery of one religion to bake against their religious beliefs, then other religions like Islam should to.
If the country doesn't, than all bakers should serve who they want to serve (like it should be).
You made this thread last night.
Isn't that a picture of a Sikh?
Do muslim bakeries do wedding cakes for anyone? I did not think cakes are such a big deal to them like it is in Christian weddings.
It depends on the person really, but yeah its pretty important.
wow those moderate syrian rebels sure are better than assad
No. They should be forced to go back to shitholeistan
STep 1. be gay or pretend to be gay
Step 2. go into muslim bakery ask for fag cake
Step 3. fuckig terrorism every where
Step4. you're still a faggot
Steven Crowder already did this.
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they should be forced out of the americas.
My answer is the same for them as it is for Christians. No. That said, my God I'd love to see some peter puffers get denied service by a muslim owned company and have it become a national news story. Liberals heads would just explode.
i suspect these people have discovered the magical powers of hair, do not underestimate the appearance of these people. Such head dressing may contain untold of metaphysical and supernatural powers, therefore it is not entirely inaccurate to compare these people to illustrations of what many people believe are fantasies from video game bosses
even if it would have been correct usage, you didnt even sage
Yes. They can play by the same rules that Christians are forced to.
>used to work at a factory making bread
>was the mixer, used a really big mixer that would run an automatic process for about 10mins
>then i would manually open it to try and fling out a 2000lb blob of bread
>took alot of getting used to but i eventually got to the point where i could fling it out in one giant blob every time; didnt have to to scrap the rest of the mixing bars (only if going from one type of bread to another)
>now picturing kids screaming as i mix them and give the perfect fling to toss them in the churner everytime
christ i hated that job
All stores have the right to refuse service. Their right to refuse service. However if the manager wants it done and the person making the cake is Muslim than it is a different story. Management has final rule
Also for that matter never dismiss the power of anyone who wears a turban, for the truth is that many cultures believe in the power of hair and therefore are in many ways potentially hiding their power levels. This means the next time you walk down the street do not brush off the seemingly mundane immigrant who sports a turban or other type of head dress, for they may be aware of, or use, the supernatural and metaphysical powers of hair, which in my opinion should be one of the true issues immigration officials and intelligence agencies should care about
I'm glad my vagina isn't so huge and imposing that it actually forms up in thick cloth. That is disgusting.
Considering that Islamic bakeries should only exist in Islamic countries where being gay is illegal, I'm going to say no.
Yes and mosques should be forced to host a gay wedding.
I really should pretend to be a faggot so I can sue a mosque for discrimination.
That guy is Sikh, no?
You reckon they could bake me a full sized nude Baron Trump cake so I could take it home and fondle its spongy little rosy bum cheeks? Mouthful of cake balls
That's a Sikh you dumbass
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