Rate the traits, Sup Forums. Am I right or am I correct?
The true founders of Kekistan
What is this game?
Paradox Space Shekel Generator
Stellaris, with space jews included.
>playing authoritarian and not individualist for the 10% energy credits
kys pls
> prioritizing credits
This is why the game has a purge function.
>purging your slaves
Why fucking cheat at the game man?
You're over cap on ethos and trait points, and over on trait limits as well.
Mods, not cheats. I have gov' and ethics mod which adds more government options and more ethics.
> inb4 user only plays games "pure" without mods
Kekistan for Kekistanis only.
>Is on fucking /pol
>Doesn't like Purity
The fuck is wrong with you.
> base game doesn't have a Facist logo
> mods do
Win some lose some.
but youre playing as the jew
>claims there aren't any Fascist logos in the base game
>a literal fascio is one of the options
cheater, you cannot be fanatic in two things at the same time
also, we are libertarians not authoritarians, you filthy commie
Mods dumb ass.
Basically the only way the game can be truly enjoyable is when you mod it.
>Basically the only way the game can be truly enjoyable is when you mod it.
thats kerbal
also its only not cheating if you only play mp, or the ai can take advantage of what the mods have
>not playing sins of a solar empire
falling for the paradox jew i see
I love playing the xenophobe race and enslaving everyone else.
its pretty gangster
I played this for 30 hours and refunded it after they banned the mod that makes all the humans white.
Felt great
is the game good yet? played it on release for about 20 hours then got bored, there's absolutely nothing to do later on