When people say that college "teaches you how to think", what exactly are they talking about? How does it teach you to think?
When people say that college "teaches you how to think", what exactly are they talking about...
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Demoralization via indoctrination
It did but it hasn't in a long time. You tell the professor what he wants to hear and you get a good grade.
That's college.
>Okay class time to learn how everything is patriarchy and / or islamaphobic
colleges (or universities in canada) are liberal cesspits and I can't wait to get my engineering degree, get the fuck out, and not get a job (or at least not live) in some liberal cesspit metropolitan area.
You don't need to be taught "how to think".
It's a bunch of brain-dead retards repeating things that they heard from (((them)))
That's the most important lesson to learn.
>tell your boss what he wants to hear
>do well in life
Pick both.
>"teaches you how to think"
More like "tells you what to think"
that might have been true a long time ago, but it's not true now.
>what exactly are they talking about? How does it teach you to think?
They say how, but they mean what
They're usually talking about critical thinking skills. As odd as it sounds, people are not reasonable creatures, and it takes practice to learn how to think about things logically and critically.
For example, tell an uneducated person: "the Holocaust never happen". He will likely respond along the lines of "fuck off, nazi". In his mind, he has won the argument, when in fact, he never made an argument at all! A critical thinker woukd, instead, respond "I believe it did happen, based on the evidence I have seen". Furthermore, if the critical thinker is given valid evidence that the Holocaust never happened, he would be willing to change his views based on this evidence.
Philosophy 101 usually teaches you how to formulate arguments and a handful of the logical fallacies.
Personally, once I got onto the 400-600 level classes the professors started doing an excellent job teaching me how to actually, REALLY research and support claims with quality citations from trustworthy sources (history major in undergrad, although I have a master's in (((psychology))) now). Unfortunately, I was like 3/4 of the way through undergrad by the time I was "taught how to think", which made the first 3 years seem like a huge waste. Probably because they were.
That's another question I had. Was "it teaches you how to think" always the appeal of university, or did it used to be more "access to knowledge?"
I'll be honest I've gotten a lot out of my college education, I think it's only really bad for people who arrive as cucks or cannot withstand the onslaught of propaganda (most people).
"What's the answer my professor wants me to put here?"
Repeat x50
Congratulations, you've learned how to please your superiors.
Making people think was Socrates thing, hes dead, schools/colleges are indoctrination centers.
It doesn't. The dumbest people I've ever met were college kids. They maybe book smart but that's about it.
The appeal of university has always been "learn how to make mad dosh using only your brain"
That's my fucking school. I'll be walking into the building on the left to turn in a p-set I haven't started yet in a few hours.
i don't think i ever met one person who went into college with shit critical thinking skills and came out the with good ones, or who went in with shit discipline/self control/study habits and came out with good ones
now, vice versa, MANY such cases
teaches you how to think about being in crushing debt with no job
Superiors my ass. They are our oppressors and must be brought to their knees along with the (((courts))). USA is lucky that they have trump who is the only current world leader in the west who may have the balls and ability to drain the swampy courts. Canada is totally fucked, the courts have absolute power.
What do you mean by taking good study habits and turning them into bad ones? Explain.
teaches you to think hard about your poor life decisions after you graduate with a solid 100k debt
College students are slowly burning their brain cells and creating a new contagious mindset where they believe it's good to be against authority and be a general piece of shit and it's contagious because they're also taught how to express it to other people and mainly America's children
They're saying college finally starts doing the thing that should have begun in the first grade. Teaching you how to think is supposed to mean, "teaching you to think for yourself." Teaching you how to reason. Teaching you how to evaluate evidence. Teaching you how to differentiate just authority from unjust authority.
None of the schools do any of that. They indoctrinate all the way, and it only gets worse in post-secondary, unless you pursue STEM and manage to avoid the mandatory indoctrination classes.
It teaches you how to think about paying off those unforgivable student loans.
This. Honestly, I respect the spirit of the 'explain Huck Finn's use of the term 'nigger Jim' in relation to 3rd wave feminism' type essays that a lot of lower level liberal arts classes are flooded with. Problem is, college kids are mostly faggots who care about good grades so they just tell their professors what they think they want to hear. Kike professors know this so they ask their students loaded essay questions. Thus, the kids are "taught how to think", but they are always led by the nose to the full retard lefty answer.
The real sleight of hand kikery is the lack of balance in the questions, not the actual 'connect what you just read to a larger concept that at first seems to have nothing to do with the topic' format. It's probably why the subversion of college campus seemed so gradual, like a frog in boiling water
intro classes are usually leftist bs
if your professor has any integrity, non-intro classes outside of certain social sciences shouldn't be too bad
it doesn't teach you how to think
Putting short people on a basketball team doesn't make them tall, as it's said
You learn a wide variety of complex subjects from higher mathematics to language arts to social studies. That's on top of you major which teaches you the specific technical skills you need to earn a living. So in some ways it really does teach you how to think, how to think critically and effectively.
College used to present you with diverse opinions, life's tough questions. It gave you perspective on both sides and allowed you to better understand the nature of philosophy and politics.
But now it just teaches you feminism with mandatory classes.
Iindoctrination through authority and positive feedback from correct thoughts.
maybe it was a bit of a meme but i definitely saw kids who did well in more structured high school type environments turn their lives to shit when allowed to run while on ((dorms))
i was kind of one desu
Tell your boss to fuck off and then make your own company. That is the ture redpill.
Colleges/Universities used to provide a classical education to a select elite of people, as only certain families could afford the privilege of it. Since these people were destined to be leaders of government and industry they were instilled with critical thinking methods, languages, rhetoric and other skills for dealing with a multitude of problems and people.
All that's gone now. Replaced by multiple choice tests, meme social "sciences" and STEM degrees that are solely focused on marketability of product.
>be Varg
>never do what anybody tells you and forge your own path
>marry a wife who gives you six beautiful white children
Pick all three
They mean this: twitter.com
Varg is pretty toasted but he achieved 6 kids and Is fairly well off with a family.
You conveniently left out the
>spend 15 years in prison for murdering your friend because he sort of irritated you
This is just another platitude people spit out to continue justifying these money pits. All the real benifits went the way of the dodo when the internet blew up so now they only have junk like that left to try and excuse the boatloads of nothing 90% of people who go to college get out of it. Only the very top students in the sciences get anything out of thier time thier, the rest of the plebs are just there to prop the system up and fund tenure.
Education system in general is designed around passivizing the students, reducing the capacity for individual achievement and to make them trust and look up to authority.
It teaches you to think about how to hate yourself, and be a hyper-emotional faggot. Well worth the cost of $20k/year.
> You don't need to be taught "how to think".
You kind of do at higher levels. This is why people discuss and note the games that are being played and if they make sense. See the rules at the top, but it goes further.
Look at all these second rate news orgs. Their staff did not work out "how" to think so that they could fulfill their role and provide what they are selling. You notice this a lot with American news anchors, they are airheads there for the petty fame and institutional pretige.
They do not think like detectives. A lot of people go into careers but don't really think about what that entails.
> It's a bunch of brain-dead retards repeating things that they heard from (((them)))
That is why people are encouraged to practice "HOW to think".
> Did you just hear this from (((them))) ?
> What is the validity to their claim?
> How would you further research?
> What does this say about the author/creator?
> What are the links here/ how does this relate?
It is a big shame that modern unis are about the "education economy" and full of useless, spineless professors.
Ever been to Uwaterloo? They force you to take indoctrination classes and the libtard teachers, SJWs, shitskins, and commies have recently taken over the place. I should've gone to Queens. I'm gonna spend the next several years red pilling everyone even though it'll mean I won't have many friends in that faggy kike infested place.
I've been in Uni for a few years now and I haven't run into the "ultraliberal, indoctrinating prof", even with some liberal studies like Psychology and Anthropology. I don't get what people are talking about when they say they were taught all that shit.
Perhaps because there's no doctrine left to add to the brainwashing of your country anymore.
>college teaches you how to think
really scrambles my neurons
It's heavily implied. Additionally I've had to put up with language policing, and so have the profs. People in the classroom literally got visibly and verbally triggered the first time an engineer prof said "conservative" in an engineering context. SJW's got triggered that we were given rankings because their blue pilled asses couldn't handle reality. Commies are all over the place advertising (((their))) events. There are even commies who pretend to hate (((them))) in order to try to trick you.
white They have objectives and lure you in with neo nazis and other obvious stupidity don't label yourself ever.
Additionally, just today I watched a thief who trashed a shitskins convenience store and when police tackled him all of the blue pilled cucks reaction was to be angry at the police. "muh police brutality" "poor hungry man" "oh that's unfortunate". These blue pilled fuckers are so blue pilled in the GTA that they defend CRIMINALS over SHITSKINS. WTF TORONTO.
oh, it's another "trades" guy thread
Go to bed Zalberg.
You have to listen carefully. What they are really saying is college "teaches you how to groupthink". And they take your current and future shekels away from you as they do it.
There is a sucker born every minute. Don't let it be you.
Have seen absolutely none of that. Not sure how you could even last in a University if you were that sensitive. Maybe it's not as common in science courses.
Shitskin confirmed. Pol is infested with kikes and their minions.
>teaches you how to think
college only teaches people to robotically call everything -ist or -phobic
because if you could have thought before going to college you never would have gone.
How to be the best damn bullshitter when analyzing a situation, and if you do something hard in math or science then it teaches you the plus of how to actually do some cool shit.
college teaches you to despise liberalism
It just teaches you how to deal with bullshit and deadlines. Thats it.
I am 100% pure eternal anglo.
This thread is now claimed in the name of her majesty the Queen. Long may she continue to reign.
The people that say that are the ones that college taught WHAT to think. They were already lost. amirite
Whether you are working on a roof for a house or installing an ac unit or turning in some geographical ground oil data sheets, bullshit and deadlines are things that one will always have to deal with and university/college helps out alot in regarded to getting one accustomed to that.
college is a marketing scheme now that we have the internet
If you are in any structure or social class just stop it, its beainwashing propaganda, only care about facts and reality aka real knowledge for job and career.
It varies very much from uni to uni. Some Unis have a right wing undercurrent, others are extremely left leaning. Many left wing unis ostracize right leaning profs. The reason so many unis are left leaning is because young people tend to be more idealistic and unrealistic as they don't have as much life experience. However, as many millennials are growing up fast and becoming hardened and jaded and more informed at a younger age, the politics are shifting.
My university is weird. There are a lot of poles and Ivan's here and in general they tend to be from wealthy families and are extremely redpilled. On one hand there is a large redpilled society full of libertarians, trump supporters and critics of BLM, feminism etc. However they are still outnumbered by the hordes of bluepilled betas protesting against imagined Nazi boogeymen every week.
One of my profs is an incredibly cucked leftie who basically shames and fails anyone who doesn't go along with his rhetoric. For instance he'll ask for a show of hands of people who call themselves feminists or Hillary supporters (generally 90% of the class) then will incite biased neverending debates and try to rally everyone else against those who didn't put their hands up. He failed me for writing an anti Hillary paper. I don't really care though. It just makes me want to antagonize him more.
Out of curiosity: have you seen any public spousal of nationalism, traditional family values with gender roles, and negative stance on abortion? Moreover, has anyone discussed revoking legislation that contradicted the aforementioned?
I'm not talking about economic liberalism. Nor working as a temporary brake to the left's agenda.
I'd be surprised, honestly.
This is not an endorsement of going back to the 50s, but the right has been passive since. It's leftism light, merely.
>Ever been to Uwaterloo? They force you to take indoctrination classes and the libtard teachers
God fucking damn it. That's where I'm gonna be in September
>tfw multiculturalism in the anglosphere has re-sparked a racial identity
I was always a WASP happened cause of my snooty British gran.
That. School is purely about socialization, but at least in high school it's harder to be indoctrinated into anything because literally everyone's there (except the true fuckups).
Maybe in the last couple years of college you start learning things that will help you get a good job, but other than that any random facts you pick up along the way will have precisely zero relevance to you at any point in your life and will most likely be completely forgotten 6 hours after the final anyway.
As far as "general" education goes, you'd get better results by locking kids alone in a cubicle for hours a day with nothing to do except randomly surf wikipedia on a locked-down, school-provided laptop.
wouldn't an ethnic Anglo Saxon be blond?
I saw anti-abortion groups on campus putting up big posters of aborted fetuses, they usually do it twice a year. Now that I am thinking of it, they did have a sign just out of site of the protesters that said something along the lines of "warning: graphic images ahead". If you want to call that a trigger warning be my guest, most people just ignore them.
Also my Uni is overwhelmingly white and upper class (not so much the English kids, but the Russians are fucking loaded. The rich vapid Koreans and materialistic Chinks are more concerned with their clothes than politics and tend to keep to themselves and don't give a fuck about BLM). So this might be why the libertarian and alt right societies have pretty much been left to their own devices. It's a pretty civilised place, the lefties are too weak and hungover and high to start chasing or assaulting people. This is why it's very weird to see places like Berkeley in Commifornia rioting because the idea of such a thing happening at my Uni is hilarious.
This blonde fetish is kinda retarded because its something people strawmanned about the nazis, and then neo nazis took it and ran with it.
If I choose to go to Waterloo this upcoming September what else is in store for me? How the fuck am I going to find a right wing qt?
God save the Queen. And may her bloodline stay pure and her true peoples see the light and stop the invasion of outsiders. May the British peoples once again realize their vision of being a superior race and culture and enforce their rule upon the uncultured and barbaric subhumans. And may the (((republican "canadians"))) crumble and fall before her.
well I mean since they came from Denmark or Hamburg they would probably be blond, at least archetypically.
My English grandma is blond.
Liberal sister said university would be good for me because it opens your mind to other ways of thinking (she knows I'm conservative af). Fast forward halfway through first semester of (((Arts))):
>all of my views except maybe 1 or 2 have been reinforced
>come out of every tutorial angry
>realise what a waste of time/money/energy this course is
Monash Clayton is 95% non-white and everything about this place stinks (except the food joints). I imagine the same goes for most uni's out there? Anyway, I wish I had the brains for engineering or a more robust field of science baka.
Although I must admit I'm 100% dutch, but they did not have the strength or resolve to hold onto our colonies and trading routes and thus I instead devote my blue eyes and dirty blonde hair to the English instead.
Well certain classes of philosophy and history and shit give you a kind of basis to make rational decisions and build a world view. But... yeah... i dunno about all that.
The Ancient Greeks sent explorers to Britain (where they got the name) and they reported they all had brown hair.
It's not a bad idea to work for a steady salary while you save to start a business.
the internet > school
Because you learn about a lot of different topics, are exposed to people from all over the world, and learn from credentialed professionals who know the intricacies of their field.
State education, teaches you how to be a mindless obedient slave to the system mannnnnnn
Public schools are run by (((them))) and they rig the system in favour of women and subhumans. It is a well established fact that schools are now taught in a way to disenfranchise the white male, along with the courts, government, and entire cucked public sector. Socialism is (((their))) tool to control us.
>credentialed professionals who know the intricacies of their field
...but waste the full hour ranting about Trump instead of teaching you the shit they know.
I had a few professors who actually left their feelies out of the class and forced us to construct arguments and argue.
For most of my classes I just told my marxist brainwashed Jewish pawn whatever they wanted to hear though. I think I actually wrote that socialism was a good idea in one of my classes because I simply did not give a fuck anymore.
True but the Anglos were of course from Angeln which is in Southern Denmark. So I suppose if you have brown hair you could feasible claim to be a Briton, but not an Englishman.
Teach you how to think critically aka be a Marxist.
No. Anglos were always described as brown haired.
My mother who's genetics were catalogued through 23andme is 100% British isles and is brown haired and blue eyed. Her mother was blonde though.
Brown hair seems to be most common in Anglos.
Anglos Saxons aren't Danish. Danes were a later invasion. Just read The Last Kingdom. A good historical account of viking invasion into Britain.
Dutch and Anglos are always good friends when we aren't sqwabbling over colonies.
a few of my mates tried that on me as well
>hey dude you should open up to different ways of ~~thinking~~ by going to university
>we bring up the course list
>it's full of mandatory time wasting
>i'm apparently supposed to spend money to sit around for an hour and listen to someone go on about intersectional feminist queerdom field theory
i mean i'm completely okay with sitting through useless bullshit, but only if i get paid for it. there isn't a man on earth who hasn't held great satisfaction in the fact that if he takes a shit during work he's getting paid for it.
but that? i'm supposed to not only sit through it, but pay for it? fuck that.
What are you on about? There are many more Brown haired Englishmen then blonde.
just like a state-media
That's a start. Here's some material to be discussed in a drama-free environment that you'll rarely see:
Well just that they are more Britons than proper Englishmen.