Syrian chemical weapon attack???

Help me figure this out

>A week ago Tillerson & Trump are talking about keeping Assad in power
>that means working with Assad and Russians for the same ends
>Eliminating Isis and subduing other rebels
>Assad launches a chemical weapon attack!?

It doesn't add up, all Assad has to do is play nice and US and Russia help him mop up. Am i missing something?

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it's a false flag

Lol. Now Trump has to start a war. Yesssss!!!!

it means jack shit even if assad himself was pumping gas down their nostrils.
this shit is so stupid.
400k hajis died in this war due to shrapnel.
but assad must be bombed because some sandniggers sniffed chlorine.

that is a good point

Ok, so who is running the false flag operation?

Yeah, that's weird. But the world politics and media go bonkers over chemical weapons.

have a look at this

>world politics and media go bonkers over chemical weapons
because it's so easy to fake.
this type of attack doen't leave flesh wounds.
only hajis gagging on camera.
it could be something or it could be nothing.
either way it doesn't matter.
because if they wanted to do something about the killing they would have done it a long time ago.



Bump... Definitely smells fishy

(pic not related)


Didn't the UN JUST say that the chemical weapon attack was done by rebels?

All American MSM and web outlets are going with Assad perpetrated this. They have even gone as far asking asking Trump if his position on Assad has changed.

That's why this doesn't make sense, why would Assad do this? the US and Russia were on the verge hammering out a deal to keep him in power, as long as he kept the peace., and stopped refugees.

Russia doesn't care about chemical attacks. If Assad thinks that Trump doesn't care either, what's the downside?

bumping, but this is my last. If you anons don't care then fuck it

There's one entity time and time again that seems to profit from the USA fighting its wars.

HINT: it is not a Christian or an Islamic nation.

If you were losing a war, and losing meant certain death. But you could possibly win by gassing your own people and thereby triggering a military response from the most powerful force the world has ever seen, would you?

Of course you would.


They just crashed an F-16 in DC. Sounds like Bush all over again.

If Trump changes his mind because of some false flag like this, it's pretty much confirmation that he was a hoax and a plant.


false flag


we need to watch him very closely

or they have something on him now and will make him play ball.
If trump starts hyping more anti Assad rhetoric and shit dies down about Russian interference in election and Obama admin wire tap then i think it is safe to say he works for (((them))) now.