Greetings from Sup Forums,
Can you brainlets even write code to find the sum of primes up to two million?
Greetings from Sup Forums,
Can you brainlets even write code to find the sum of primes up to two million?
can you even identify kikes by their surnames or the title of articles written by them?
Sounds like a Jewish trick.
Can you get a president elected?
Yes. Sieve of Erastothenes > Sundaram
>muh two million
Fucking jews.
>when you predict who will become the president right and normies get angry
Sup Forums is full of idiots. I used to browse it but they never talk about anything insightful anymore just hurrr durrr Desktop thread #100091212
can you name one thing that Sup Forums has ever done that matters lmao
Can you get digits like these?
No. Will you teach me while I slowly ease my cock into your anus?
yeah, coming from a rural retard who voted for Trump
I bet some smart city folk would trigger you
Can you perform memetic magic and get Sup Forums into the history books?
Have you ever even written a compiler? fucking nigger
Fucking kek
Step 1. Look up the Sup Forums thread
Step 2. Copy and paste
But I'm too lazy to do this so I'll just shitpost instead.
Do your own homework you trap loving faggot.
Do you care how long it takes to run?
Can show your working on paper? or do you need a machine to do your thinking for you?
CIA niggers dont even know how to fill a triangle. It's algebra you retarded niggers
why would we need to do that? and how is it political related? it's not
are you retarded?
Bet those niggers in Sup Forums don't even know algebra.
You should have seen the anal anons when pol was telling them how dogs are superior than vermin cats
There's more software engineers here than you realize
Fuck Off
Nope. I can barely manage a checking account.
On the other hand, I've never murdered someone for a pair of sneakers.
This. They're a bunch of script kiddies and codemonkeys who can't even do basic math
>inb4 hurrr esoteric circle jerk durrrr
>Greetings from Sup Forums
You have to go back.
fizzbuzz my shit up RIGHT NOW senpai
you're not a real fa/g/ if you can't at least do that
I've visited Sup Forums numerous times
Couldnt stay purely from the flooding waves of psuedo intellectualism
Like niggers, you ever debug a CKI due to it's inadeptability? i thought not
>1 post by this ID
>came to save the pic
other then that
>fuck you OP
When I'm done here math will no longer be a thing
No because it isnt important. You are a waste of space.
In what language?
Can you get laid?
I bet they dont know how to fill a triangle, its fucking algebra, nigger.
Im also sure they believe no paging means no multitasking derp.
I'm sure I could do trivial things like that if I spent half the time as you learning how to
Sieve, now fuck off
Is that fucking GO?
int limit = 1000000/2;
list primes = new list();
int sum = 3;
int PrimesSum(){
for(int i = 3; i
Shitposting won't bring back your H1-B, Pajeet
he's right though it's just a bunch of boring generals and people bragging about which ancient device they were successfully able to post from
Limit should be a million not a million over two but whatever. I think it's correct.
Is that fucking Python?
do you mean up to 6 gorrilion?
No, it's C# syntax. You'd need to put it in a class though.
Do you give free helicopter rides?
Straya stronk
I'm a full time aero engineer and I write in java as a hobby. I've fallen out of grace with python, C++, VBA, javascript and R.
> Sup Forums
> programming
The only thing you fuckers are capable of is arguing whether fedora is better than ubuntu and what's the best way to rice desktops. Fuck off.
void main{
int i, j;
int n = 0;