>Trump then: We need to stay out of Syria.
>Trump now: WTF I hate Syria now. War when?
I regret voting for Trump. Do you?
>Trump then: We need to stay out of Syria.
>Trump now: WTF I hate Syria now. War when?
I regret voting for Trump. Do you?
>thinking voting matters
>not realizing you are just a cog in a machine you have no control over
I didn't vote for him.
I regret voting for him every day Trumpbro.
I can't believe we're going to destabilize Syria. Trump is a Jew controlled neocon puppet.
We just can't stop losing!!
We should've backed Hillary to crash this entire system. Let the leftists run wild and destroy society even further until Hitler 2.0 comes about from the backlash.
Why has the God Emperor betrayed us?
lmao are you guys even trying?
I'd change the filenames before you post those pics next time ;)
>Rural and suburban retards regret their humpfty drumpfty votes
Me and all my urban intellectual friends are laughing.
Why is share blue using so many Canadian proxies?
Not really. I voted for Trump so Hillary would eat shit. I'm not in love with Trump
I'm literally f*cking shaking right now I can't believe I got tricked by that conman
Please save us Hilldawg we're so sorry
>its doesnt matter a-anyway
>i-i didnt vote for him
You doubt me? You doubt an anonymous poster to a anime/manga themed imageboard on the internet?
>He thinks voting is more then the illusion of choice
just messing around mate, never heard of this castle guy.
rundown? why'd you vote for him?
He was the only true conservative still on the ballot by election time who at least to my knowledge was not lying to my face.