How you holding out there fellow 'pedes?
I'm pretty fr*cking bummed out over Trump's comments about Syria and him firing Bannon...
Gee whiz folks... if Trump turns out to be a neocon I would have totally lost all hope... bigly...
How you holding out there fellow 'pedes?
I'm pretty fr*cking bummed out over Trump's comments about Syria and him firing Bannon...
Gee whiz folks... if Trump turns out to be a neocon I would have totally lost all hope... bigly...
I know that feel my fellow Trump supporter
Maybe Hilldawg was the right choice after all...
go fuck yourself Muhammed.
Ah, more FakeBlueposting. Pretending to be retarded gets old, fellas.
Fuck off plebbit
this, i wish hilary had won. drumpf btfo for good
If Trump is a neocon...which is unlikely. Than we are all fucked. There is no hope for the world. The jews win.
Double bluff. OP is pretended to be a retarded shill, so as to impose the image of (((them))) desperately trying to control our minds, and confirm every Sup Forumstards retarded mind.