>yfw you realize God exists
Yfw you realize God exists
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw god is the ultimate game of schrodinger's cat
You think this is a motherfucking game?
any proof, OP?
Not donning my fedora, just curious
I'd say divine conservation is good enough for a image board thread. Not complete, but good enough to get the basics.
Listen, you son of a bitch. What the fuck is your problem? You wanna sit there and say that G_d fucking god damned fucking exists? You get in my face with that, and I'll beat your ass. You god damned son of a bitch. You piece of shit. You fuckin' god damned fucker.
This is a close to proof as you'll get outside of a personal experience.
If this does not convince you, then you either don't understand it, or you're already set in your belief system.
This should at the very least make you consider that God exists.
Praise Kek
>I've had this trip for years and everyone hates me because i'm a bigger faggot than lambright
You're a goddamned embarrassment, son. A. Goddamned. Embarrassment.
Kek is our god.
And that's fine. Question though:
Who the fuck is Lambright and why do you even know?
well, this is cogent enough to get even the staunchest atheist on board.
Doesn't prove the god of the desert trilogy exists.
Digits confirm.
god doesn't exist.
the holocaust never happened.
and race DOES exist.
(((You))) BTFO
That describes exactly the God of the Abrahamic religions.
In fact, if I'm not mistaken, they're the only ones that describe God in that way.
Besides, you just asked for proof of God, not a God of any specific religion.
Also, you.
I know what you mean. I recently converted and I'm walking on sunshine atm
Exactly right.
Stay cucked Jew-worshippers. I'd rather wear a fedora than bow down to a fucking kike in the sky
Saved, amazing. Ty for posting
You have zero grasp of what Christians are speaking about so I can understand your behavior.
I think he means on the sense that the "religious God" has an individual set of feelings and moral characteristics. Which God can not have if he is truly omnipotent as he would hold all feelings and moral characteristics at once.
>TFW you realize all we have is Moloch and Kek
>You have zero grasp of what Christians are speaking about
Oh I'm plenty familiar with what (((you're))) talking about
naw dude nothing is inert. Even shit at 0k expands with spacetime. So your assertion fails. Everything easily could be just be infinite in all directions as nonexistance is a misnomer. Like the natives said it's turtles all the way down.
> Atheism isnt a Jewish plot also
ay lmao
>tfw god not real
they need to ban phone posting
I feel bad only because you scorn the warmth of God's light.
>Sup Forums isn't a Jewish plot to make sure Jews are still precieved oppressed in the eyes of the public
Of course we can not even fathom how God feels/thinks, but the truth still remains that He exists.
It's up to us to decide how we want to follow/worship Him, and to believe what His interactions with mankind may have been.
Personally, I believe that the things Jesus Christ taught are the closest things to how I think God would want us to live.
But even as Christ would say, we have the choice of whether or not we want to follow Him.
>A lack of belief in Judaism is a Jewish plot
I spilled water on my laptop. So eat foreskin smegma nigger.
Digits say you're a 400 lb hacker
He does? Where?
>being this bitter about your own issues
fuck off with your reddit memes
Accept the true religion friends, end your cycles of death and suffering.
The great thing about this is, if you live as Christ taught, you would reach Nirvana.
well God wouldn't exactly WANT us to do anything other than everything we are currently doing both good and evil. Everything that is is an aspect of God. God is sentient through our collective sentience and good and evil are simply a cosmic balance the same as life and death, cold and hot. Both are nessecary for the existence of God.
I don't get the point it is trying to make.
>the holocaust never happened.
>and race DOES exist.
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
I would love a proof OP
Those statements are in direct contradiction, he can't have all moral characteristics,
For example, he can't be perfectly just and perfectly merciful, because mercy is the suspension of justice.
Likewise he can't be all loving because he made such a horrible world with diseases, tornado's and children dying from sickness
God requires nothing for His own existence as He is God, the unmoved mover, source, etc.
God is not, as so many people nowadays like to say, experience Himself through us.
There is nothing for God to experience, he already knows everything that ever was, is, or will be.
Well your image and your use of "kike in the sky" show you're either deliberately misrepresenting it to talk shit or have no idea what you're speaking about.
The "wizard in the sky" understanding of God is an expression of an theistic personalism view of God, which was only held by laypeople in the early church and modern denominations as they became less and less educated. The traditional view of God held by older sects - the Classical Theism view - simply isn't that altogether. It is an altogether different thing.
As for your image, the logic behind it comes again from the view that God is just some entity in or outside the universe (the theistic personalist view again) acting onto others in relation to salvation when salvation doesn't function like that at all by Christian thought but rather deals with our relation to our nature in the face of the very source of it.
Pic for you.
True, I'm actually an atheist but most Christan values are OK in my book, just don't be a cunt and your fine by me
Nigga never got touched in the dick by Kabbalah.
The problem with this is, we are trying to judge God's morality.
Well, we simply can not do that because God's will IS morality itself simply because He is God.
He is the Creator, literally whatever He decrees is perfect justice.
No matter what we want to believe about what is right or wrong, if it contradicts the will of God, it is wrong.
Proof as in formal proof?
Namecalling doesn't win arguments, user.
God IS what was, is, and will be. Atheism is essential as well as you need God for non-belief in God. There will always be theism and there will always be atheism. It's a balance, the eternal fractal balance of reality is God itself. God is not an outside player to this all God IS this all. True omnipotence.
why did He create the sinners if He knew they were gonna be trash from the beginning
>jews hate christ
>bans + symbol
Went to a very orthodox jewish shcool, we didn't do any of this. Maybe in some extreme cases, but not here.
Cool more Christian LARPing what a cool forum you guys are shitting out these days.
He can't be perfectly just and perfectly merciful at the same time, likewise he can't be all loving and punish people, it's a contradiction, if what ever your God decrees is 'moral' then we have no standards km which to judge own own mortality, cause he does all things, good and bad, how can we follow his teachings if he keeps giving us contradiction after contractions.
I am but a humble farmer, tending to my (((you)))s
This assumes the creation of the universe follows our known physics. It's entirely possible that physics before the universe existed follow a previous universe's physics or completely contradictory physics where potential is its own actual as well.
and what faggot?
how has your life improved?
how has anything improved now?
what are you gonna pray your problems away?
when has god ever answered your fucking prayers goddammit?
I come across this argument all the time, that God is all that is.
The truth is, He is more than that even.
If God is merely what the universe is composed of, then He would not be omnipotent as He would then be bound by the laws that govern the universe.
God can have all moral characteristics as God's moral characteristics consist of all moral characteristics had by the individual aspects of the great omnipotence. God holds contradicting moral values individually and simultaneously through creatures capable of moral characteristics. God is both the water in the oceans and the magma in the earth, God is you and God is I. God is the electricity rubbing through your computer and your computer the electricity runs through. You underestimate what exactly omnipotence is.
The instance apparently came about at the turn of the 20th century so I don't doubt that times have changed. Particularly after the nickname came about.
I gots you m8.
>He can't be perfectly just and perfectly merciful at the same time
What makes you think that?
Those two things are not mutually exclusive.
>he can't be all loving and punish people
Does not a loving father punish a misbehaving child?
He doesn't exist. Only science exists you bible thumping retard. Read some real books, like the God Delusion, or God is Not Great.
no because God IS the law that governs the universe
>implying omnipotency and omniscience is not a paradox.
Sure. Show me the evidence, bitch.
>and what faggot?
You now know the path to joy, virtue, and ultimately salvation.
Sounds pretty nice, user.
>implying an omnipotent God could not operate even through what we consider to be paradoxes
It isn't at all, user.
Okay. Surely a formal proof would do, yes?
everything you experience is God experiencing itself, you are the proof user..
Neither you or I share a consciousness with the Almighty.
God does not need us to experience Himself.
He has all knowledge already. There is nothing for Him to experience.
sure. just be creative and don't give me meme ontological arguments that's been debunked a million times already.
I reject the term God but I believe the rest is true. I suppose you could call it God if you needed to name it though. Just causes confusion though.
You can't define God, guys. It's God, that's the point.
Yes. It would depend on what the proof is, but yes. I do not ignore blatant facts like you would have to do in order to believe in god as it is now.
That's proof of a whimsical idea of a god? No. That's proof of absolutely nothing.
Not entirely, no, but we can assume some of His attributes.
If you can't define God to some degree, you cannot tell what is and isn't God.
No, we can't, because he does not exist.
>Can God create a task so difficult that he cannot fix/solve/accomplish without breaking logic?