Who here still supports Trump?

Who here still supports Trump?

Fuck Shariablue shills. Everyone in the Hillary timeline is already dead

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Right here brother. Fuck Syria, the only good muslim is a dead muslim. TRUMP til the end motherfucker! Shadilay!


remember those days of the election cycle



He's still got a long way to go, but he's only just started.


MAGA and Kek were the only choice.

Remember that time when Bill Clinton is a rapist


Until he actually declares war with Assad, there is a chance this is 5d chess. However, it's not looking good right now

Still the best president ever. Fuck the Assad dickriders.

Trump supporter standing by for actual kristallnacht shit. Rope for shills.

Remember that time when all politicians were corrupt hacks?

No more pointless waste of bullets. Save them for the home front!


lol internet stormfag, like thats ever happening through a guy who has a jew son in law. actual top kek.

I've been online all day running defense on this Syria bs it's pretty disheartening honestly

I voted for the lulz
This has been entertainment in its purest form
Long live the lulz.
Bring on the genocides

He has my support. He's had it for a long time, through all the cries of racism, sexism, xenophobia, of being a Russian plant... he starts a war with Syria it's gone, though. I voted for him to take care of America first and not dick around in the middle east. I hope he doesn't get swept up into globalist plans.

REMEMBER that TRUMP is not a politician.

Don't be foolish, brother. Stand firm.

Can you explain what you think happened? I wanna listen to all sides of the story first.

Hi, former trump voter here, I stopped voting for trump because the election ended and he became president. I'll wait until 2020 for my second opinion on him. Overall he's decent.

Why is that a good thing? Why is having no prior experience at a job you're applying for, a good thing?

1 side is that Assad gasses his own people to get them used to gas attacks

2 side is that there was a leak from a depo of moderate rebels weapons after a russian attack

3 side is that its a flase flag by neo-cons in the US to get back into russias door step.

tfw voted for aleppo

Have never given a single fuck about syria and never will

Still have his back but I'm going to pissed if we send American blood to oust yet another government. Their all pounding the war drums now.


Read these replies, I can't tell from one week to the next if the left thinks Trump is dangerous because he might not go to war in Syria or that he's an unhinged warmonger.

>take the oil
I'm just here to see the world burn.

Anyone who supported Trump a month ago still does. That doesn't mean I support the idea of scaling up our (lame as fuck, Obama era) intervention in Syria. If I wanted to see more war I'd have voted for Shillary.

Don't be a fool, only cucks and wastes of space are joining the military.

I was a huge Trump supporter, but I'm not entirely thrilled about what we've seen so far in terms of roll out. I agree with the substance of what he's trying to do, but he's being too confrontational and doesn't do his due diligence beforehand. Too many inconsequential fights that he's picking.

Very happy about the conservative Supreme Court nominee, however.

The fuck does that have to do with what I said?

I still support trump, I just don't want to sage every thread that is here because Trump needs to know that his people aren't in favor of overthrowing Assad so Shekelgruber gets his way. Only a shill loses his ability to think in blind support. Trump is doing good work, I think this Syria bit is an oversight.

"American blood" meme

He nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. That's enough. He could shoot Rosie O'Donnell in the middle of Fifth Avenue without losing my support.

my main reason for supporting trump is the hope of a popularity spike for nationalism

Trump 2020. As long as he builds the wall he's got my vote again

>Who here still supports Trump?

I do.

Yes. This is still pretty awesome.

Trumpfags will be the first to swing

>ISP internet bill
>now Syria
>soon DPRK

I do. Mostly cus he's a chaotic cannonball fired at everything I hate about government, and it's funny watching the 'progressives' REEEEEEEE everytime he opens his mouth or tweets something.

...and since I couldn't save my country from Trudeau, I would at least help my neighbors to the south.

I definitely support Trump-it was the right choice.

I still support trump because he's not that stupid to believe preliminary reports on the chemical attack

Maybe this.
Idk. Better than Hillary...

I wanted to be in the Ron Paul timeline

You and me both brother.

What did he do? What did I miss?

White house power struggle is the replacement for Muh Russia

remember that Kushner his literally son in law and trusted confidant has been friends with and working with Bannon since early 2016

There is no power struggle there

>you will never be in the ron paul timeline
>we are forever fucked and nobody will ever end the fed

I donate bi-weekly and buy a hat. I watch the briefings and tell the President thank you every few weeks.

Might go after Assad for a 'gas attack' on 500+ Syrians that he supposedly did.

He had a run of the mill "we are very disturbed by the gas, and condem it" Speech

Sharia blue then took this and claimed that Kushner for some reason is ousting Bannon to invade Syria? Cause Kushner and Bannon hate eachother all of a sudden? And Kushner is suddenly a bush-era Neo-con??

Ill give them credit its the best shill job theyve done yet.

>Supporting the Jewnald
Good goys

you're either a fucking cuck or a toothless drunkard Mongolian bandit with a proxy. Go fuck yourself, Patton would have had you gassed

if you ever did more than just for lulz of seeing libcucks cucked you are a fucking fool

Russia/Syria are the biggest fucking dindu nuffins. Russians are the ultimate turbo kikes. Fucking Russian is the second most spoken dialect in Israel behind Hebrew. You can literally go to fucking jail for holocaust denial in Russia.

Trump was the only choice but the honeymoon is over.


Why are Kremlin shills going against Trump
They show their true commie faces
When Trump wants to wipe out muslim terrorists, suddently a lot of Sup Forumstards are chimping out
Kremlin shills really thought that Pootin controlled Trump?
Fuck those shills

>Long live the lulz.
>Bring on the genocides

>Depending on Syria, you can count me among them.

Right now I give Trump a B-. He ended the TPP and appointed Neil Gorsuch which is great but failed to repair Obamacare. If he passes tax cuts he will be an A.

>I stand with Israel: The Thread