why is making fun of donald trump comedic poison?
Why is making fun of donald trump comedic poison?
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Is it? It seems to be working out pretty well for him.
It's not.
It's just easy.
it's not funny anymore
>It's just easy.
how so?
Because they don't really have a handle on him. They can do some makeup and get some mannerisms right, but they don't really have any comedic persona for him. Every portrayal they do are just warmed-over Bush memes. They're not caricaturing Trump, they're not exaggerating anything fundamental about his personality, it's not even on the level of broad parody.
Fuck, we parody Trump better than the entertainment industry does. That image macro that started it all - "Get in faggot, we're making America great again!" - that worked because it's some shit we couldn't quite see him saying, but almost could. It was a comedic exaggeration of his bellicose language and complete lack of political correctness. It worked because it was just a little more intense version of the guy.
Mainstream entertainment hasn't found that yet.
Nobody does it well. I guess they completely forgot how to do it after sucking off Obama for 8 years.
For the same reason little kids aren't funny, they just get away with it by being cute.
For one thing everyone does it. It's like the safe go-to joke when you run out of material.
Trump's mannerisms and speech allow for easy picking-apart by a room of writers.
That's what happens when every libcuck with a writing job reaches for the same low hanging fruit over and over and over and over and over...
Listen, you son of a bitch. What the fuck is your problem? You wanna sit there and say that making fun of Dolan Drumpf isn't god damned fucking funny? You get in my face with that, and I'll beat your ass. You god damned son of a bitch. You piece of shit. You fuckin' god damned fucker.
Bashing incumbent president is tradition.
They lack creativity, in their echo chambers known as university where their writers and editors came from, they never had to excel or be the best, they got their participation trophy ie certificate of graduation, they are mediocrity personified. The old generation of funny men the left had are either dead retired or senile, that and peoples attention spans these days are very short. A consequence of dumbing the population down, no one cares about shit no matter if its real or manufactured, sure the SJW might bitch for a few days but it will be forgotten just as fast.
>Mainstream entertainment hasn't found that yet.
wrong. they literally can't portray anything even slightly offensive because of pussified libs.
pol has no filter. the internet is the biggest nest of trolls ever. anonymity allows us unfiltered memes.
the msm are pussies and so are their consumers.
Because Baldwin sucks as a character actor. Even Jimmy Fallon does a better Trump than Baldwin, and that says a lot.
Portraying white males as severely mentally deficient has been beaten to death. I don't expect it to end tho
Homer , Peter Griffin, Bush, trump, I actually liked American dad tho, because he was allowed to have a personality not just be a bumbling buffoon.
Thing is with Trump he's so "out there" with his issues that attempting to try and embellish on that you end up just looking retarded yourself if you can't pull it off.
There's no nuance in their attempts
It's not. SNL's railings are great and Colbert went from the worst rated late night show to #1 once he turned his show into nonstop Trump bashing.
It's annoying and I hope both Colbert and Baldwin get cancer.
its comedic poison because trump is a populist
When you make fun of Trump, you are making fun of an angry dissatisfied portion of Americans.
In which case you seem elitist and snobbish and thus easily dismissed
It's always been a thing. or here it has. maybe now you're noticing more because it's something you cared about by voting for. Politicians need to be able to stand up to satire, ridicule by opposition, even if you don't like it
I don't get how he's supposed to be funny, he is just cool
umm... no, sweetie. Just because other people find it funny and you don't doesn't mean it's comedic poison. Trump is an orange clown, and clowns tend to be funny, so pretending to be a clown makes people laugh. Nice try though!
he is just cool
I know you probably don't get SNL on your tax required telly, but can you show me one instance of SNL mocking Obama outside of the Schoolhouse Rock sketch?
Comedic poison? I don't think so.
Political satire has always been toxic.
I'll try to keep unbiased, but screenwriters, journalists, etc. have been attacking conservative individuals for years. They did the same shit with Bush. They make referneces that every Rep. is a racist, sexist, trashy idiot just to get their way. Why is that? Most of these professions in "media" are notorious for their liberal careers.
You'll hear the same bullshit that they are "independent" of their political bias, yet they are most likely the same people that vote Dem. in every election.
It's not that I have a hate against liberals themselves, I just hate the ones that have the upper hand to always shove this agenda down everyone's throat.
I thought Johnny Depp did a good job.
It shouldn't be. I'm a Trump fan but it's incredibly easy to make fun of him. He's a funny guy intentionally and unintentionally.
Because none of the people making fun of him put any fucking effort into it.
There's plenty of shit you could do to poke fun at Trump without being dumb or just plain mean-spirited about it, instead it's just one sketch after another of DURRRRRR DRUMPF IS STOOPID DUUUUURRRRRRRR
Johnny Depp did the best Trump.
There are a few random jewtubers who do it pretty well, at least much better than Alex Baldwin who exaggerates the butthole lips too much.
>umm... no, sweetie
Go back to plebbit, leaf. And talk like a man instead of a weak, feminine faggot.
Colbert is just awful. His whole monologue every day is about Trump. And the jokes aren't even funny or creative just "hurr durr Drumpf so dumb!!"
My parents always keep that shit on since it's after the local news. Pure cancer.
I didn't specify, I was generalising. the licence fee channel here mocks both parties equally, I get networks in burgerland have more bias. but the OP didn't specify SNL in the OP either, so don't twist it to be a biased argument. I wouldn't watch SNL for money, so no I'm not going to find you an example
Over saturation.
It used to be funny when people only did it to poke fun at the fact a reality TV star was running for President. It was abnormal so naturally it's new material and something to laugh about. Now we get nonstop "jokes" about him doing something bad or "wow look at this babe I wanna grab her pussy." It went from a good hearty chuckle to being completely obvious that the people behind the sketch just hate Trump, and having this constant reminder about politics is something people absolutely hate. People only give a shit about politics every 4 years. Nobody wants to have that shit shoved down their throat daily except actual politics enthusiasts, but those type of people don't give a shit about comedy either.
Making fun of Trump is on par to telling a knock-knock joke or "What's the deal with airplane food". It's just awfully un-creative.
I like the way mlpol raised the testosterone level of pol recently. Never seen so much cancer being called out for what it is and told to fuck off in a long time.
He's legitimately funnier than they are.
He tell a reporter he's fake news.
"But I'm changing it
You're very fake news"
The whole room dies laughing.
That's not a character actor you're describing. A character actor is an actor that is typecast to certain parts because of how he looks/sounds. Gilbert Gottfried is a character actor. Alec Baldwin is just a regular old shitty actor.
I thought he was good in Beetlejuice, though.
The same people who write these jokes are the same people who got stuffed in lockers/received swirlies by jocks/chads like Trump, and have never moved on from resenting it. Their entire makeup prevents them from having the will-to-power of the likes of Trump, so they will never comprehend him (despite him having explained his entire schtick in Art Of The Deal thirty years ago). What a bunch of fags
>but the OP didn't specify SNL in the OP either
He specified it with the pic he posted. I highly doubt you crumpets don't know who Alec Baldwin is, or that SNL has been dragging out their anti-Trump material for months now (especially if you browse Sup Forums).
>Fuck, we parody Trump better than the entertainment industry does.
Many such cases.
Funny how libs love not giving a fuck and "hash tag no filter" until someone they hate acts the same way.
>Trump said a thing
>audience laughs
>and I'm gonna repeat it in a stupid voice
>insert Big Bang Theory copypasta #35 here
Stand up comedy died decades ago dude. Now it's just a means for leftists to quote republicans in exaggerated tones and virtue signal.
Though you gotta admit, the right is pushing back hard on all fronts but standup. You Burger's are fucking slaughtering leftists when it comes to Comedy and satire. That HWNDU shit? Man every night you cunts had me laughing so hard I cried. (Big respect to CTF commandos) You cunts turned those streams into pure gold merely by showing up.
>the Hebrew word for peace and unity is Shadilay
>the Hebrew word for discord and division is Soros
Leftists dominated Comedy by telling retards what they want to here, you're winning it back by telling them what they don't want to hear then watching their reaction.
>That's not a character actor you're describing.
You're right, the proper term would probably have been "impersonator".
He still sucks at nailing down Trump's mannerisms, though.
how often did they make fun of king nigger tho? honest question, I don't watch television.
He does the worst fucking Trump impression Ive ever seen
Key and peele tried to make him look hip. But theyre the most pozzed out black people ever so it just came across as pathetic footlicking
I don't make fun of him.
He loves Scotland. He can come and visit anytime.
How do we solve the Germans? The cunts are trying to fuck Europe up again.
yeah I see faggots crying and posting that shit here all the time cause he mocked their candidate. Samew faggots that weren't crying when they didn't mock the Democratic governamt - maybe they should have been cheerleading that.
Funnily enough the first time I came across these awfully presented sketches was the one with Trump and Obama in it.
Anyway, my point stands. The oppositions job is exactly that, to provide opposition. And it is the public duty to make sure the opposition is doing its job. If you don't like what you see now, maybe do a better job next time you're the ones pitching.
if its not funny its annoying.
Hitler banned political jokes Hans, I'm sure that would make you happier
>Anyway, my point stands. The oppositions job is exactly that, to provide opposition.
Except there was no media opposition to Obama in the MSM outside of Fox News and Clear Channel, because any opposition would've been instantly branded as "racism".
American liberals, and society at large, allowed FN and CC to continue to exist because they thought it was the dying breaths of an outdated generation.
>any opposition would've been instantly branded as "racism".
Then that's weak opposition for allowing it
Competent writers can make jokes out of thin air, all they need is a subject. This is how old (((Simpsons writers))) can mock WWII European nations by saying they "fought so poorly and surrendered so readily" and claim Truman made drunken boasts in national addresses. It's so outrageous and silly as a concept without having to rely heavily on what Truman or Europe actually do, the absurdity of the situation is enough. Delivery is also important.
Nobody does this with Trump because they aren't competent and they want to discredit him, not poke fun at him.
I know, its so bizarre that ponies turned out to be so good for us.
>Colbert is just awful. His whole monologue every day is about Trump. And the jokes aren't even funny or creative just "hurr durr Drumpf so dumb!!"
Didn't he say he wanted to do more than politics for his late show? Which is why he quit the Colbert Report?
And then he just reverts back to it immediately.
We were inundated with it regarding Bush to the point we're inoculated against it.
Can you imagine some republicans putting make up and shit on a nigger to make his lips larger and whatnot to make fun of obama?
Thats exactly what they are doing to trump.
This. For some reason, Bush tactics don't seem to work on Trump. Or at least not as effectively anymore.
These morons can't parody Trump because they have not watched any of his speeches, rallies or interviews.
These people are absolute morons.
I've watched the SNL sketches, and they don't even get how Trump talks. It sounds like they are doing a Bernie Sanders impression, the mannerisms are 100% Bernie Sanders and the content is just a parody of fake news articles about Trump.
It seems like all these Trump parodies are written by hardcore Bernie fans who have only watched Bernie speak, and the material they get is from Salon articles, like the stuff about KKK. They make sketches parodying Trump where Trump talks about how he loves KKK. Trump doesn't talk about KKK, that was MSM talking about KKK because David Duke likes Trump.
These people are complete fucking morons.
>What the bootsy-boop did you say about me? I'll have you know that i'm the top percentage of boopie-snoots, sweetie!
Some of Obama Trump phone call stuff on Conan is ok, most of it is shit tho. They are still very assblasted.
The opposite is true. You can't really do him over the top because he is already over the top. Trump impersonations that aren't just the voice are try hard and grotesque. Baldwin for instance.
Cause it's not funny
Also this, they never made fun of Obongo and there was plenty of content there, everyone sees they're just being annoying hypocritical faggots
Listen, you son of a bitch. What the fuck is your problem? You wanna sit there and say that making fun of Dolan Drumpf isn't god damned fucking funny? You get in my face with that, and I'll beat your ass. You god damned son of a bitch. You piece of shit. You fuckin' god damned fucker.
Whenever someone asks, it's always this one clip.
I am honestly starting to believe that's the only time they ever criticised or mocked Obama, ever.
Why are all comedy channels the opposition of only the Republicans?
Dana Carvey does Trump pretty well in his new special. He also does Obongo, Bush and Shillary