ITT we say something nice about Amy Jewmer

ITT we say something nice about Amy Jewmer.

well, she's persistent

Somewhere on earth is a man who is sexually attracted to hot blonds, potatoes, and Jay Leno's face.

That man loves Amy Schumer.

She's pretty good looking...

... for a whale.

she was ok looking before she bloated up


I was skeptical but this confirms we're in the - stain universe.

Nice try, (((Amy))). We know you're just trying to have Sup Forums write your jokes for your next Netflix special.

>200 psots ommitted
fuck nupol

Her pussy smells like a barnyard animal.

She looks pretty good in her natural habitat.

She might not fit in the oven, so we can have a bonfire with her


Checked and keked schemer whale confirmed

>quads replying to my post without text
Do I inherit these?

She's not Lena Dunham.


She's got that pudgy Linda Blair face that makes me all nostalgic for the 70's

s/he has a vary femiment penis

if you wouldn't fuck this you are gay.

She does her job well at promoting beachwear for beached whales.

She's not so fat I wouldn't bang her if she offered.

Stop laughing, Sup Forums. So would you.

She's a fat twat with a roast beef cunt

No, fuck no. I hope all of humanity can forget about her quickly.

She's a proponent of the ever-quickening degeneration of society and deserves to be ridiculed.

I would be disgusted to walk within even 50 feet of her oily, blubbery skin.

Every utterance from her papercut thin, red, chapped lips is torture and an insult to humanities gifts and talents. She is a one-way ticket on a time machine to an era of unrivaled pestilence. The physical embodiment of mankind's worst mistakes.

Attention-seeking, gluttonous, hedonistic; a model human being for everything that can go wrong with a person. The personification of bad decision-making. A trundling ball of disappointment that struggles to disguise itself as anything else.

I'm disgusted

She has an under-developed toddler's mouth.

She's also fat, like baby fat.

It would repulse me on many levels.

She has a decent taste in comedy based on everything she's stolen from actual comedians.

Funnier than any joke this bitch ever stole. Here's your (you).

Has there ever been such a blatant PR campaign to save a sibling of a US representative's commercial reputation?

would fug?

yeah shes what a Jew looks like too, damn they are slippery

I'd fuck her if you know what I mean

She's a big girl

Machine gun bit in Paris was aright.

3 pounds of shit in a 2 pound bag

