What exactly did she mean by this?

what exactly did she mean by this?

It means the guy who shot her should've aimed a little bit higher.

Criticism = Death

she's a woman

she's just regurgitating things she's heard people who seem like they are smart say

Redpill: Islam has fundamentally inhumane and cruel principles, like all Abrahamic religions. However it is silly to suggest that all Muslims interpret the text the same way or that they don't cherry pick what to believe.

Crimes against humanity committed by violent Muslims must be condemned, but peaceful Muslims should not be included in that condemnation

She meant shut up kafir.

>Stop criticizing Islam, unless you want to get someone hurt.

And this is coming from an advocate for education, too.

You have no idea how badly I wish ISIS would find her location. I hated having to watch her bullshit videos my senior year.

You know how people shitpost and fags are like "you're the reason Trump won, MAGA!!!" It's like that but instead of having their heads up Trump's ass, it's Allah.

The more you criticize a shitty religion stuck in the 7th century the more this shitty religion will continue being shitty.But you know,it would have been shitty anyways.Fuck this Malala sand nigger inbred

Islam is beyond reproach. Accept terrorism as part of your life. Allah demands it. Bow down and accept defeat like the cowards that you are.

All muslims are a threat and should be excommunicated entirely

We should just bomb them and take their shitty oil. They don't have any real military force, they're retarded, why is anyone placating to fucking Mudslimes?

This sand nigger gets it

>behead those who say Islam is violent

Shouldn't they not criticize nazis then? Wouldn't that only create more nazis?


talking to a muslim will radicalize them

She's wise and stuff because she got shot in the face. Don't question it.

It means if you hurt muzzie's feelings, they'll kill you.

>peaceful Muslims

Plenty of Muslims don't have the balls to murder Christians who refuse to convert. That doesn't make them peaceful, it just makes them cowards and faggots.

Sauce on that picture plz

When future generations look up FPBP in the dictionary, there will be a screen cap of this

shes right though, if you speak out against Islam she and the rest of the muslim world will kill you.

The radical muslims are the peaceful ones.

I was positive islam and terrorism had nothing to do with each other tho

>what exactly did she mean by this?
Behead those who insult islam.

That Islam is the religion of peace ofc


Who is this "Hillary Clinton"? Was she a senator or something?

i thought she was a secretary for Bill or something

Isn't that the kind of phrasing you would use to someone when describing a rabid dog?

i came her to post this but you beat me to it

gets shot for trying to learn by muslims. starts to defend muslims because she doesnt want to get shot again. its very simple.

Islam is the religion of pee

She means "Muslims have no self control, in fact they are so stupid and degenerate that if you hurt their worthless feelings they literally want to kill you, but Islam is a religion of peace so just say nice things ok?"

didnt she break her own advice by criticizing muslim culture for not educating women which led to her being shot?

Who knows? I don't even care enough to google her, she looks like a loser tbqh



dearie, she has a nobel peace prize and has been on the today show - don't question her, hmkay?

She is an illiterate teenage girl who got shot in the brain. Pretty much the last thing anyone should be listening to.

>what exactly did she mean by this?

She means that islam is violent.

If you aren't kind to us, then we'll kill your civilians, destroy your churches, and rape your children.

Imagine this. You are Muhammad. You're born in a desert shithole. From birth you are indoctrinated with muslim law. You are told western values are bad and muslim values are good. This is confirmed in your own life experiences, as you compare your muslim community to the western forces bombing the shit out of your country.

You hate America, because you are told to hate America and your only interaction with America is through being on the other side of a war with America.

Then you hear that people in America hate muslims. This angers you. Muslim value are good. You have been told this from birth. And those Americans want to bomb your country and hate your religion and culture. You are furious.

Then another guy named Muhammad tells you that you can get back at the Americans. You can defend your people and your culture by working with a military group of your own people to carry out a terrorist attack against the Americans.

>Dont fuck with us or we'll fucking kill you all

may the best man win :]

Yeah, you're right. That's why America had it's "hearts and minds" campaign when they fought their wars in iraq and afghanistan. Shit doesnt work because local tribal leaders are easily bought and sold because they're shitty people.

I don't see how speaking out against Muslims causes them to have sex.


Literaly 10 inches higher and I would never known this cunt existed


What kind of fucking idiot are you? She was just in the election, and very nearly won against Donald Trump. How do you see the computer screen with your head so far up your ass?

Either submit to islam or prepare to fight it.

She meant...
The more you speak out against Islam and against all Muslims, the more terrorists will it create.
>Learn to fucking comprehend.

>it is silly to suggest that all Muslims interpret the text the same way or that they don't cherry pick what to believe
No it isn't, asshole.

>Australian education

Please be bait

>what exactly did she mean by this?
Stay quiet or something bad will happen to you

I've met "moderate" Muslims that say that they would rather die than knowingly eat pork because they fear hell so much. Saying you'd rather die than do something condemned by your God in completely serious sense means that they are already, to an extent, fundamentalist.

Talk shit, get hit.

she's a female Justin Trudeau basically :/

How does this not tell people that Muslims are so unhinged as to take any criticism as an act of war? It's insane that people look at this - read this - and say, "This makes sense."

Aussie education confirmed

>What kind of fucking idiot are you?
Am I? So what if I don't know who Haley Cranston is, no one cares m9

Check thine digits, they will show you the way.

whites are muslims tho

`straya strikes again
Nicely done

When will we see Malala drop the curtains and wear a gale dress? Thats what matters.

>we're unstoppable

she meant that by raising tensions you raise tensions

That the part of her brain damaged by the bullet was the one responsible for logic and reason

Yes, this must be why Slovakia and Hungary is overrun with islamist terrorists and radical mosques and Germany is filled with peace-loving zenbuddhistmuslims.

>the more you speak for islam and all muslims, the more bullets they will shoot

Put me in screencap pls

Not the president of the United States :^)


Shot in face by Muslims
Ran away to Europe


The only way she believes no terrorist will exist is total acceptance of Islam.

Of course, even Muslims can't manage it. Yay, sectarian violence!

>what exactly did she mean by this?
The time for talk is over.

Decisions, decisions...

submit. that's what.

thats how i see it. The more terrorist attacks the more we can justify killing them

Don't you mean "the things the men are telling her to say"?

Nigga you ain't gonna do shit. You will stay glued to your ex racer, play vidya like a man child and jerk off o interracial porn like you do every fucking day.

Can confirm!

She's saying they are a childish people.

>people who follow my religion are so susceptible to hurt feefees that you'll die if you offend us

When the fuck did this mindset become acceptable? That terrorism is an acceptable response to criticism? Jesus Christ.

>and jerk off o interracial porn
Nice projecting there my brown skinned friend.

She's trying to say that mudslimes are actually retarded, not just apparently retarded.

They actually cool with christians as long as they pay jizya. Still people of the book.

How it feel watching Norwegian bitch and Arab man together ?

Feel good mother fucker? We soldiers of Allah nigga we out hurr fightning negga

so who in the Pulse nightclub spoke against islam/muslims?

who in the world trade center spoke against islam/muslims?

who in Nice/Brussels spoke against islam/muslims?

who in London spoke againstislam/muslims?

>interracial porn
No thanks, I prefer white women only, solo or lesbian. Watching other men have sex is gay, fag.

>your countries are so fucked up beyond all recognition that citizens begin pouring out into all other parts of the world
>some of these parts are slowly becoming Middle East 2.0 due to mass immigration by your kind
>complaining that the arrival of hundreds of thousands of your countrymen in a country you don't belong in is "raising tensions"

Why can't slimes just stay in the Middle East? The world doesn't give a flying fuck about Islamic violence as long as it stays in Islamic countries. Muslims are forcing the west to somehow be okay with the quality of life in the Middle East simply by turning the west to shit through mass immigration.

I've fucking had it with Islam. Fuck.

I think she was about to become an honorary canadian due to being an icon of feminism and diversity, so she's just saying this to demonstrate she fits into our non culture of pro islam


>Captcha: Helicopter

No one can be this autistic

She's just a dumb kid who is confident enough to give speeches.

>Wanting anything to do with a religion who denies your rights

yeah nah cunt is fucked in the head a bit.

Just exposing the doomclock connected to each muslim or its spawn. The modern day trojan horse

Never doubt that Australia is #1 in banter & shitposting

Proving ONCE AGAIN that the first post is, indeed, the best post