Pol will defend this

>It’s now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown


Other urls found in this thread:


This is now extremism in Russia.


I understand why burgers create these threads all morning, but what's wrong with you?

Everything gay related should be banned, faggot are lucky we don't treat them like sandniggers

slide thread

>I understand why burgers create these threads all morning
>sitting here all morning

>these threads
Such as? Threads that don't suck Putin's little dick? How dare they not praise our glorious leader!

i hope you go to jail nigger
also ty for csgo dude

plz overthrow your shithole regime Ivan.

i-is putins dick actually little?

Putin is an enemy of my nation (I'm ethcnic russian). I hate him wholeheartedly and everything that makes him look stupid pleases me.

>d d democracy dies in darkness.... and now a clown story


Amazing that this was prevalent enough to necessitate a law

> One (you) has been deposited to gulag

>everything that makes him look stupid pleases me.
That's cool, but how does this make him look stupid? You know that it's fake news, and still push it. It makes you look stupid in my eyes. And even if it was true how would it make him look stupid?

Repeating the same thing over and over or posting simultaneous threads is forbidden, regardless of the content.

Nothing new, governments all over the world are flushing free speech rights down the toilet out of fear of rising populism.

Except here in America. Here in America (((they))) instead delegate that job to the monopolistic tech companies who aren't restricted by pesky things like the first amendment. Land of the free, baby.


Why the fuck do I care about what Putin does in Russia?


wont lie, his eyes look sultry in that pic

so he's short, that does not necessarily mean his dick is small, d-does it?

What exactly is being slid right now retard

If anything it makes you look stupid because it's the lowest form of character assassination one could do. It's like when people paint a Hitler mustache on some politician they don't like.

Why the fuck would someone do this?

Pretty degenerate if you ask me, Ivan.

You do realize that if you overthrow Putin in a coup (you can't un-elect him because shithole) you will have a violent civil war 100x worse than Ukraine right? Your shitty country will collapse and you will be a NATO slave state with the relevance of Montenegro at best. Muh Putin is the best thing that happened to your shithole in terms of quality of life since forever better suck it up faggot

it's hate speech


It's a good picture

I'm so sorry


Is this meme the handiwork of the CIA's shiny new memetic warfare division? Are these weapon grade memes?

>fake news

Proove this is fake news then.

Also we know that russian parliament wants total control of each and every public group in russian most popular social net vk (analogue to normiebook), so that any type of protest activity or even actual unwanted by goverment news won't get published. They did the similar thing to russian livejournal already.

Thats extreme cowardy by Putin. He is afraid of truth so much.

Why is he afraid of truth so much? Because he is a criminal and national traitor actually.

This is actually literally fake news. I read the bill, nothing of the sort was mentioned. WP got trolled. Didn't even take the time to hire a translator lol

So why are you posting?

What is wrong with that?

The most spiritually beautiful man in the world and PM for Canada, along with the first magnificent magical-negro president of the USA applies similar rules that stop the slandering of authority figures.

If Putin is really the all-knowing all-powerful ruler of the universe that's portrayed by the US media, then knows that the more effective response is to escalate the production of Putin badass memes.

Nothing. Only one country on Sup Forums has law of freedom of speech and it does everything to undermine this law. That is the best proof that freedom of speech is outdated in 21st century. This is the way of societies development and progress.


>fake news

It's literally right there item №4071
>you can't un-elect him because shithole
But he made it such dumbass.

not my country, not my problem

>similar rules that stop the slandering of authority figures
Some examples?

kind of sounds like a blue law

>You do realize that if you overthrow Putin in a coup (you can't un-elect him because shithole) you will have a violent civil war 100x worse than Ukraine right?

Quite contrary, fool. Putin is the leader of mafia group, if we overthrow him we will have a chance to build an actual sovereign democracy.

Everything Putin do is creating more and more problems for current and future generations of russians. We have:

- 2 wars now with unknown perspective
- Collapsing economy
- Millions of parasites (police, army, national guard) who do produce nothing but are eager to have high salaries
- Sanctions only intensify actually
- Crasy egocentric maniac in charge of Russia, who spend billions of $ on stupid PR projects like Olympic games and Fottbal World Championshio etc etc
- Crasy high inequality and corruption
- ~30% of people are living now in extreme poverty (that info goes from minister of Russia)

So Russia is going to collapse with BIG BOOOM actually. If we take out Putin right now we can fix situation, but if he will stay (i'm sure he will, till the hunger riots) then it will be the 100% case of civil war.

But if we take out Putin we will have a chance to fix situation.

Quite honest position, but you know when rat gets desperate they start to act crasy. Thats Putin's case unfortunately.

>He is afraid of truth so much.
Afraid of what truth? Of fake news you mean? And while we're here that was Tver court, not fucking Putin.

>Proove this is fake news then.
It's up to you to prove anything actually.

Do you see the picture there? Here's the relevant part:
>Избиpaтeли Пyтинa, кaк ... вpoдe бы их мнoгo, нo cpeди мoих знaкoмых их нeт
This is what it's all about, not Putin, not the judge, but shit like this. You can also see what else that guy posted.
>Бeй cнaчaлa мeнтoв пoтoм чypoк и жидoв
Is this normal? I think that when person starts going full nazi and calls for dismantling of democracy, murder of policeman and violent revolution, he should be locked away. Because i'm afraid of him, not because Putin is afraid of some truth.

But putin le savior of da white race :3 :3 :3 He's the best thing Russia's got! xDxDxD I'm a Sup Forumsitics expert and my knowledge comes from memes so trust me!

Well then go to other threads and places on the internet that discuss your country dumbass

>A nazi said something bad about putin THEREFORE everyone who says something bad about putin is a NAZI!!!!1!! BAN BAN BAN BAN
Sound logic right there.

He didn't say anything about Putin, that's the thing.

Putin looks more attractive with makeup.


>1st world


>Плaкaт c изoбpaжeниeм чeлoвeкa, пoхoжeгo нa пpeзидeнтa PФ B.B. Пyтинa, нa лицe кoтopoгo мaкияж – нaкpaшeны pecницы и гyбы, чтo, пo зaмыcлy aвтopa/aвтopoв плaкaтa, дoлжнo cлyжить нaмeкoм нa якoбы нecтaндapтнyю ceкcyaльнyю opиeнтaцию пpeзидeнтa PФ.
It's irrelevant what that guys said. They banned an image of Putin that hints at him being gay. IT LITERALLY SAYS SO RIGHT THERE

You are super turbo retarded. Putin rescued Russia, without him you would be divided in 88 separate nations. You liberashkas need to fuck off. Gay propaganda is illegal in Russia including gay propaganda of the president.

Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord::


stop replying to slide threads you faggots

sorry you dont have freedom of speech lad

They didn't """ban""" the image, but the post. It's not even a ban, the post is just considered to be """extremist""". Full text is there:
>Плaкaт c изoбpaжeниeм чeлoвeкa, пoхoжeгo нa пpeзидeнтa PФ B.B. Пyтинa, нa лицe кoтopoгo мaкияж – нaкpaшeны pecницы и гyбы, чтo, пo зaмыcлy aвтopa/aвтopoв плaкaтa, дoлжнo cлyжить нaмeкoм нa якoбы нecтaндapтнyю ceкcyaльнyю opиeнтaцию пpeзидeнтa PФ. Teкcт пoд изoбpaжeниeм (вocпpoизвoдитcя c coхpaнeниeм ocoбeннocтeй opфoгpaфии и пyнктyaции, c coкpытиeм нeцeнзypнoй лeкcики): «Избиpaтeли Пyтинa, кaк ... вpoдe бы их мнoгo, нo cpeди мoих знaкoмых их нeт», paзмeщeнный 07 мaя 2014 гoдa в coциaльнoй ceти «Bкoнтaктe» нa aккayнтe ... c ник-нeймoм «Aлeкcaндp Цвeткoв» (peшeниe Цeнтpaльнoгo paйoннoгo cyдa г. Tвepи oт 11.05.2016);

This happened because of the text, not fucking picture. Pictures aren't banned, and even if they were it would be that one particular picture.
And what he said is relevant, since it is the reason they marked his post as extremist.

Free speech is like a train, once you get to your destination you don't need it anymore. Trump should do the same before the next election. America needs a new nationalist constitution.

it's muslim tier


>divided in 88 separate nations
that would be great actually


This. Also he should change constitution and appoint himself and his family as Presidents forever.

Putin is bro tier.

It is fun being free

Oil saved Russia you moron.

>without him you would be divided in 88 separate nations
So you're saying it was NECESSARY to steal money and spread corruption to keep the state together?

>It's not even a ban, the post is just considered to be """extremist"""

>repost it or something similar
>be considered an extremist posting extremist materials
>get vanned
How does this NOT constitute a ban?

>This happened because of the text, not fucking picture
They will just classify it the next time it's shared as the same type of material. So if some opposition leader posts a similar image in court they will just say
>see this nazi posted this image. That means this person posting it is a nazi destabilizing our country
>implying they don't imprison people on cooked up charges all the time and this won't fly
Many such cases!

>Many such cases!
Zero such cases, jesus christ. Study how law actually works. Though i see that you have an agenda and not going to stop, so i'm done. Good luck with getting v&.

No, first of all if you want to blame somebody, blame the liberal parties in the duma. No, United Russia is not a Putin party. Putin literally is restoring a broken nation after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Corruption and oligarchy are a direct result of Gorbajew liberal politics. Navalny is an American agent, he's a Yale member and he gets supported by American DRL just like in Ukraine, Egyptian and so on.
If there's a civil war you will lose it anyway since 80-90% support the president.

The end game is soon.

Few of us respect the man but fewer understand the plan.

we will ask for help soon and I hope you will assist.

Cъeбaл в cвoю жeжeшeчкy, быcтpo

Oil didn't save shit, because you weren't even allowed to pump it yourself. Only Putin brought back that right. Man, are you even a Russian or a shill?

Putin is a White Genocider

>tfw when it's actually not

I would have wrote "get out of my country, subhuman Slav", but you are on a proxy, so I won't, mr.ricco

Russia bans all faggot propaganda. This is not news. Fuck off you ruskie cunt

>Study how law actually works
>cooked up charges never happen in Russia i swear!

Ok let me give you an example
>someone anti-Putin runs for mayor of Moscow
>this someone has a good chance of winning or at least stirring shit which the gov never likes
>oy vey how do we deal with this.jpg
>check out their twitter/vk feed and there's a picture of gay putin somewhere in 2012 reposted by him
>then they just say "see this material is considered extremist" which gives grounds for indictment
>now they can smear him and take him off the bulletin because he's being charged with extremism
It's that simple

>Navalny is an American agent

Navalny is being listened by FSB for 24/7/365. Everything about him is know to public (unlike Putin). So fuck off shill.

> 80-90% support the president

Another lies. Since the protests of 26 march we've saw that media are under total control of Kremlin. Similar to sociology services. It's like 99% of voters from Chechnya for Putin. Totally fake.

>Yale member

Yale is an univercity, fool. You can be either a student or a professor of univercity. You can't be a "member" of univercity, idiot.

>Corruption and oligarchy are a direct result of Gorbajew liberal politics.

Another lies. Gorbachev has his own sins. But he was taken out of charge by Eltsin long time ago. So the corruption and oligarchs in Russia are totally fault of Eltsin and his LEGITIMATE SUCCESSOR - Putin!!

Putin-bots are always incompetent, stupid clowns.


He-he. Putin-bots have nothing to say in protection of their manlet-leader? Thats typical for them. Fucking pathetic faggots.

You guys should make Putin with blacked hand

So, you are a shill then.
Navalny is a Yale follower (Greenbelt program) . If you want to play around terms there you go . Gorbajew was the main initiator of the destruction of CCCP and Yeltsin just did nothing until Putin came to power.
The protesters were mostly liberal students with crazy hair colors holding signs with dang memes. No nationalists is against Putin. You fuckers are just like the Drumpf crowd who believes that if trump didn't build a 3200km wall in 3 months that he never will.
Go back to /po/, Mr.. CIA

Fuck my photoshopping skills are bad.
Someone please make this happen but just replace the black guy with kadyrov

>destruction of CCCP
Good riddance. Praise the USSR? Adopt a nigger. Follow your leaders

>. No nationalists is against Putin.
Every nationalist in Russia against him, you stupid fritz. I have two friends who were jailee for (((hate speach))) in internets. And we have open borders with muslim -stans, you degenerate.


>No nationalists is against Putin

Literally everything this proxy-cuck says is a lie.

Literally all nationalists are against Putin, because of 2 reasons AT LEAST: free visa regime with mudslims from central asia and infamous 282 "hate speech" bill.

>No nationalists is against Putin

>these are Russian (((nationalist)))

have they fucked

>some liberal fags are against putin
>that must mean everyone who's against putin is a liberal fag!
Never change putincucks

pic related - your future

die of aids subhuman Putin proxy shill


>links wpost

It's like you want to be called a fake news spreading shill

>when they draw Sup Forums as the least white person

Literally everyone in those protests looked like that.

Of course a jew wants to get rid of Putin who's pro-assad and therefore fucking with Jewish plans.

This thread is a shill fest, holy fuck.

>Literally everyone in those protests looked like that.
No they didn't you fucking shill. You've cherrypicked some pics. Most people were just normal youths

You do realize it was the jews who made him president?
>Abramovich was the first person to originally recommend to Yeltsin that Vladimir Putin be his successor as the Russian president.[30]:135 When Putin formed his first cabinet as Prime Minister in 1999, Abramovich interviewed each of the candidates for cabinet positions before they were approved.[13]:102 Subsequently, Abramovich would remain one of Putin's closest confidants. In 2007 Putin consulted in meetings with Abramovich on the question of who should be his successor as president - Medvedev was personally recommended by Abramovich.[30]:135, 271

>Chris Hutchins, a biographer of Putin, describes the relationship between the Russian president and Abramovich as like that between a father and a favorite son. Abramovich himself says that when he addresses Putin he uses the Russian language's formal "Bы" (like Spanish "usted", German "Sie" or French "vous"), as opposed to the informal "ты" (Spanish "tú", German "du" or French "tu"). Abramovich says that the reason is because 'he is more senior than me'.[31] Within the Kremlin, Abramovich is referred to as "Mr A".[26]


navalny is also pro universal income, why did you left it out

is Putin anti-Semitic? Is Putin pro-White?

>Normal youths
Liberal students, your pic screams Antifa and Liberalism. I'm not pro Medvedev but he and Navalny are playing you guys like god damn fiddles.