Hi, Sup Forums, meet our newest enemy, zionist whore Nikki Haley, governor of South Carolina

hi, Sup Forums, meet our newest enemy, zionist whore Nikki Haley, governor of South Carolina.

She has started spreading propaganda with the Syrian gas attack pictures blaming Assad despite there being no evidence. She is also our new UN ambassador and pro-Israel. She is paid off my AIPAC. We are pretty much going to WW3 with Syria and Russia.

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correction: former governor


I understand the fear, but do you really think Russia would go to war to defend Syria? Would a ME pipeline to Europe really be bad enough to risk world war over?

Maybe it's possible, we'll see. Either way I'm excited. Let's keep it up.

Let's see if Trump falls for it.

What can we do? Twitter?

Everyone starts to realize that your regime change program is not going to stop. Now it's Syria, then Iran, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, etc. At some point you have to make a stand.

they have already tried to corner him with the sad pics saying "what are you going to do about this trump? you have to take out assad."

this is the deep state at work.

>this kills the shill

Within seconds of exposure to sarin, the affects of the gas begins to target the muscle and nervous system. There is an almost immediate release of the bowels and the bladder, and vomiting is induced. When sarin is used in a concentrated area, it has the likelihood of killing thousands of people. Yet, such a dangerous gas, and the White Helmets are treating bodies with little concern to their exposed skin.

go to her twitter. i already sent her a tweet.

So Russians support war in the case of a US land invasion of Syria?

like russia isn't fucking sick of the obama sanctions and deep state fucking with him.

Majority probably won't. But at some point, they'll have to.

Remind the normies that this isn't the first time (((they))) have resorted to lies and emotional manipulation to get the goys to fight their wars.


Good thing that bitch was tossed into an impotent useless organization.

nigger, AIPAC is one of the most powerful organizations in America.

To all the r eddit cucks lurking in this thread!!!

>Want to undermine Trump and his entire administration?

Go back to r eddit... and post that Trump is beating the war drums on Syria. Get all the anti-Trump bots to hate war and you faggots will win!!!

oh shit, you meant the UN. yeah, well, they're pretty powerful too. more of behind the scenes, though. another kike organization.

Reminder trump appointed her

Israel lobby has a chokehold on the U.S. government. Closest thing there is to a real ZOG

We need sources on the shekels she got. I just realized she is low hanging fruit. If we get some info we can easily smear her.

Putin deposited 2 rubles to your account

its true, the jews secretly wasted all that money to trick you
and they want all their sex traffic busted too, just so no one gets suspicious

Why the hell would Assad use chemical weapons when he is winning. I'm sick of this zionist puppet attacking Russia and Syria.

If Trump goes to war with Assad, I will regret voting for him and will probably vote Libertarian or write in Rand Paul.

Iv'e seen enough wars to assume this was a false flag.

Where is the proof that it is fake?

She's also the one who had the battle flag removed from the state house.

Most southerners who still give a shit already hate her.


Someone should hack her nudes and post them here.

the deep state is real and her being part of the machinery is all too apparent, we have lost the white house.

Since Flynn left and soon Bannon, it will all be over soon.

Oh boy! Screeching asshurt Arab thread!

Just because you don't want to waste billions on an intervention that will cause more refugees doesn't mean you are a lover of Arabs.

not even an arab, but ok sure.. lets send americans to die for another war for israel


Pretty sure in our parliament you aren't allowed to bring in props. Seems pretty smart idea just saying.

>look at these dead chillen
>now let's send poor white people's chillen to die for us yay

using this. thanks russia.


You were doing so good with Gowdy!

Here's one more.

>We are pretty much going to WW3 with Syria and Russia.
dumb jews think this will actually work lel.

why do i take any part in this again?

I'm on the fence about Nikki Haley being hot.

Why does South Cuckalina keep electing these neocon shills like Nimrata and Lindsey Graham? You're supposed to be southern nationalists; not globalist bootlicker faggots.

Pull your goddamn shit together, SC.