When was the last time you saw a cement/steel bridge collapse from a fire set by a couple of crack heads?

When was the last time you saw a cement/steel bridge collapse from a fire set by a couple of crack heads?

This smells like a cover up.

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Crack addicts caused WTC they can do anything. Hobos did 9/11.

bump for interest


***Heavily smokes weed****

*** COUGH ***


yeah burning a road is a cover up, not everything is a conspiracy OP you retard

Ummm...fires under concrete and stone structures is a literal siege breaking technique used for milenia.

Also, why was the State of Georgia storing literally tens of millions of dollars in fiber optic cable under a bridge surrounded by transient crack heads who can literally cause $5 billion in damages on accident while high on crack?

looks like testing for something big

there's literally noting on that section of road

Is this coming from a civil engineer or another brainless tinfoil? I'm guessing the latter.

so next time 50 crackheads and 20 fires?

Crack pipes cant melt steel beams

you must be retarded that's one of the most congested arteries in DT atlanta

a cover up for what you retard

Dude they were like burning rock

It had the weight of three Ameriburgers on at the time.

you guys are tiring me out. I am not even gonna try to put together a response, I'm going to sleep. You should go and sleep too.

An Isis bombing using PVC pipe bombs in diesel fuel drums. They explode like bombs and can do a lot of structural damage. Apparently fiber optic cable was what burned and took down the bridge. You ever try to burn fiberoptic cable? it's made out of glass.


Ayyo have we started the fire cuz?

Agreed, but stranger things have happened, OP.

pic related

We actually were discussing this this week in my thermodynamics class. These overpasses are expensive as fuck, so they only build them to withstand normal problems. If they built them to withstand continuous fires, they would cost a lot more.

This is what you get when you cost-cut.

freeway bridge overpass where i lived was down for about a half a year due to a big rig catching fire underneath, so with enough heat at the right points anything is possible

look up info on the lawyer who was assasinated in ATL the other day.

>gov contracting lawyer
>filed suit against the government on behalf of UPS over hwy collapse
>shot four times in the back in execution attack on way to work

Did you look into the reasons they gave for the fire? Imagine if an Isis bombing happened in Atlanta, the amount of coverage for it would be large, larger than a staged gas attack in Syria.

I like this thread

.... what, you got a link?

someone seems to be underestimating how shitty the infrastructure in the US is, particularly in red states more interested in tax cuts than maintaining this shit.

put 10 other bridges underneath it

when the part that fell destroys the 10 below it, then you can make snarky posts fuckface

nothing to do with islam

>Imagine if an Isis bombing happened in Atlanta, the amount of coverage for it would be large

Only if it serves (((their))) agenda. That's what happens up here in Cucknada anyway.

They sent a drone strike to a US rebel resistance meeting


This plus there was the red mercury scare the same day.


Clearly anti crackhead propaganda

Because Fulton County and the city of Atlanta are run by fucking niggers. I live in North Fulton and we subsidize the entire chocolate city. It's nigger heaven down there and it's just too bad the whole thing didn't burn. We need a modern day Sherman.

Also severing this artery has been nice for us since it means less niggers coming north for a bit. I hope more crackheads set more fires.


Most major FO lines run under the interstates, especially raised interstates

>implying blue states spend money on infrastructure
>implying they aren't more concerned with spending it on gibs


did they post that too early for april fools?

>North Fulton

Lots of indians and chinks there?

Uh, every time there's a fire like this under an overpass?

Fire dehydrates concrete, causing it to crumble.

shot in the back in a targeted attack. whyyyyyy

You cannot sue the govt over a highway collapse you retard. There is no standing at all. The guy who shot her tried to stab two of his friends days before. That's why they picked him up and how they ended up tying him to the shooting. He is clearly a mental patient.

Test run. For what?

>go trillions of dollars in to debt
>divert government funding from infrastructure to feminist make work programs and social programs for immigrants and illegal aliens
>surprised when infrastructure eventually collapses without maintenance

so what i read was she filled a suit against the city of atlanta on behalf of UPS

The suit was based on some obscure rule where companies can sue governments for damages over "acts" of war that hurt their business


yes, cables were burning?

You realize the glass core of fiber cable is literally microns in diameter, and since this was running under a bridge it was most definitely single mode, which is 9 microns. The rest is the cladding and buffer which are flammable. Of course I'm speaking with first-hand experience unlike you.

More 7up than chinks but they are rich Indians in 600k homes like the rest of us so it's fine. They can be pretty based and hate muslims and vote republican so other than being mud people they aren't half bad.


Oh also it still very white up here. Just we have poo in loos.

and if wrong metal is mixed into concrete it rusts


Worked pro bono for sex trafficking victims.

I have insider information that there were aliens under the bridge. It is the center of an underground compound where alien grays and humans are in communication. There was a conflict and a fire broke out. They had to collapse the bridge to cover it up.

I was on foot in front of the state capital at around 4:50 and saw a very large Atlanta Police Department bomb squad vehicle speeding down the road. That road does turn into Piedmont, which is what the bridge collapsed on.

I think 30-45 minutes later I was hearing reports on the radio about the I-85 being on fire. I thought it was a little fishy that the events were apparently unrelated

they "caught" the killer when he was pulled for running a red light and the police "found" the weapon in his car


Dipshit. Killing one of probably 50 or so UPS lawyers doesn't undo any suit that was filed. So just as far as being an effective response to a suit it's clearly not one.

Force majure would probably include something like crackheads starting fires. And even if there is standing I don't give a fuck. Killing this bitch wouldn't have any impact on any litigation. It's beyond stupid to say it would or to propose that as a motive for the shooting.

take note of this shitpost, absurdest disinfo like alex jones are designed to make people dismiss legit conspiracies.


its Atlanta fool

everyone's an ATLien

bernie can still win match my donation you fucking moron

Odd how theres no video of the actual collapse

Apparently gas can melt steel beams too, who knew...

we need to map all this into one shot

You are as dumb as a nigger baby for thinking she was assassinated in response to a lawsuit she filed on behalf of UPS. It's also pretty obvious you are a dope smoking degenerate conspiratard which puts you much closer to the Bernie camp. Neck yourself.

Not really, it just means the news crews weren't there to see the collapse. The police probably has footage.

$400 of diesel fuel in 140 55gallon barrels, seems really worth the time and effort.


premier government contract lawyer files lawsuit against a city claiming a major interstate was burned down by crack heads is EXECUTED in broad daylight days after filing suit against the city. City claims no record of suit being filed. Police find killers weapon when they search his car in routine traffic stop.

>muh conspiracy

except alex jones is always right

Ah that scheming government, causing traffic delays. When we starting to protest outside Washinton with #TrumpDidTraffic?


no one is saying the burned the bridge down.

im saying someone had this woman killed over it

>trusting flyover state infrastructure

US infrastructure is shit

Lemme guess, this is another Sup Forums theory which has exactly 0 evidence to back it up?

So you don't think that people pull insurance scams on like an hourly basis? You don't think developers scam or create diversions all the time you ignorant fuck?

You don't understand politics, money, or human nature. This is why anyone who says "conspiratard!" I immediately know to be an idiot.

sounds fishy to me

evidence i mean what more do you need?

Bernouts can't read and get duped by the daily mail. Targeted means he targeted her. It doesn't mean anything more than he picked her out. Which he did because he didn't shoot anyone else. Whatever dude I don't give a fuck if you can't understand how even if this was a literal paid assassination that it would have no effect on any litigation.

shot in the back four times, stole nothing, 7 am in the morning.

>nation's top gov contract lawyer
>works for major company UPS needs interstate for business
>filing force major (act of war) suit on city

The guy is clearly mentally unstable. You can see it from his picture. He tried to stab two of his friends days earlier. He's a crazy person doing violent things because he's had a psychotic break.

And for the last time even if none of that is true killing this women does not effect any litigation she filed on behalf of UPS. Your shit doesn't make any sense, christ.

Fulton county might as well be communism. The county is nearly entirely funded by buckhead/sandysprings. If its a business guess what, the owner lives in north fulton area. We ever want anything on the northside everyone goes crazy acting like were spoiled children and we should only focus on improving south fulton. I've passed shits that I liked more than kassim.
North fulton has no chinks, you're thinking gwinnett county. Indians mostly stay in roswell but are alright cause they all hate muslims, vote republican, and bring dank food to the area.

This is all part of op "heheh like in that movie fightclub haha i liked that movie haha what was the— shut up barrack - ok george" that's why barry is in his little island lair

they're planning

1. infrastructure attacks
2. public transport attacks
3. energy attacks

But they won't be set up to look like terrorism there will be two fronts:

domestic fucking white male terrorism or general failure - explosion caused by unwillingness to follow an arbitrary carbon emission figure - START with how they want to sell the disaster in the media, and work backwards

Yall are focusing on the diversion instead of the target.

The target was the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which is where the red mercury happening was taking place. Question is what would make this the target? Is anything stored there?

Explain how killing her impacts the lawsuit or shut up.


crack is bad for concrete. that's what the reinforcing is for.

so youre telling me a guy snapped two days earlier and happend to kill one of the nations best gov contract lawyers right when shes about to file suit aginst the city over an interstate burning down, is just a happenstance?

he just randomly was downtown at 7am. parked his car random lot, went to random building, killed random person on side walk?

Wrong. the police planted the gun in that guys car.

you motherfucker

killed before she filled. let me jump to be next in line please. why do cartels kill reporters, why do politicians cars blow up? wtf are you talking about?

At very best it'd be circumstancial. But hey, someone's got to grasp at non-existant straws. Right?

>news crews weren't there yet
>6:40 pm when fire is greatest, prime time that every traffic helicopter in the city is out
>can see the smoke all the way from centennial park by 6:50
>bridge doesn't collapse until 7:20
>yet the news wasn't there yet?

So the suit cannot be filed now because with her died all of the magical knowledge of how to initiate suit or something. UPS and it's staff of Corp lawyers can't just go into her PC and get whatever she had worked up so far and it's all just so incredibly complex that she was the only lawyer on earth who could possibly do this. I guess UPS will just have to back down now since they killed the only lawyer who was smart enough to stand up to the genius tier niggers who run ATL and carry out hits. If you lived here you would know how fucking dumb they are btw.