How do we meme Trump off of the Jew?

Everything was amazing before we heard his (((cabinet picks))). How do we bring awareness to the issue Trump faces?
The jewish zionist issue that will not serve the whites.

roll quarters down the street?

He knows. Jews own him, though.

Does he like it do you think?

Replace car with backhoe.

Does that guy has a dual brain?

And wrecking ball for back of head.

old timers know chinese as the jews of the orient

jewry, zionism, are real. so is jihad.

to find who owns you, discover that which cannot be criticized.


So does that mean the jews don't own us because we criticize them?


Oh my goodness!!
Look at the top of his head!!

>not posting the real picture

You faggots are desperate.

Fuck off.



>fighting the jews

we tried that remember ? now the white race is dying

Hitler nearly won, he just made some tactical mistakes

How do you mess up shaving your head?

By being an aspie and doing it yourself instead of going to a barber



DO they really expect us to believe that after 5 months suddenly we hate his cabinet and his cabinet all hates each other?

Fuck off with this shit, Kushner and Bannon have known each other for over a year and worked on the campaign together.

Kushner is Married to Trumps Daughter and both of them are considered close confidants

Do not let these shills fool you and SAGE these threads.

(((Drumpf))) is Jewish.
Iwanka (((Kushner))) is Jewish

How dumb are you?

Even doing it yourself is incredibly easy to know when you still have small patches of hair.

Lel hahahaha

I shave my head every few months on my own and it's fine

I'll fuck your mom and dog in front of you

You are a shill no doubt.

Don't reply to syria bashing threads.


>tfw dent in my head after brain surgery

I'll never be a skinhead. I have another scar behind my ear. I probably look like some kind of freak with no hair, anyone need an actor with head scars?


Trump fucked up big time with his cabinet

Pat Buchanan should have been in charge of everything

Did he get surgery?

No I think it is an altered photograph, sort of like the nazi altered pictures.


This whole board since inception has been GAS THE JEWS, THE EVIL JEWS

Now you hail them as your lords. ISN'T IT IRONIC? DONT YOU THINK?


How did they ever develop the technology? !

kind of weird huh?

Who put that chimney there?

Jews rock!

I love the Jews!

>mfw you idiots didn't notice that he is part pre adamite
>mfw shia is literally telling you what is going on in subtext

Nobody knows, nobody cares.

Sources on faked images?

People who use triple parentheses should be publicly shunned and humiliated like the disgusting hate filled cretins that you are.

Google reverse image search if you want to.



wtf, did Shia get kippah implants?

Cunning people always get caught.

Liking jews is his "I totally have a black friend"
it makes him seem less racist, and lets face it, if he wasnt pro+jew, he would have millions of more scumbags talking shit to him daily


Roberta Paulson

>akg 701

If I give her attention will she date me or should I develop skills and get good at something?



Get #NOtoneocon trending


Is this picture relevant tonight?


>fag I.D

call this man a fag

Stay redpilled or else.

>tfw too smart to be divided

What's your Jew name?

id say shit photoshop but i wager the creator of ths masterpiece uses gimp