What we know:
>250 people missing a month before the attack, in an ISIS controlled hot zone. Around 50 people found "dead" in the "gas attack".
>White Helmet group receives full hazmat chem gear a month before the attack
3 days before the attack, they receive gas masks from British groups
>Feras Karam, a TV announcer, says "Tomorrow starting a media campaign to cover the density of air raids on rural Hama and the use of chlorine poison against children" 24 hours before the attack
>"White Helmets", an al-Qaeda affliated group funded by none other then George Soros are the "first" to respond to the attack
>White Helmet group somehow has a major media outlet with them during the attack, and responds with multiple cameras ready to film and take pictures
>Wounds on multiple children show blunt force trauma and strangulation. Not consistent with a death caused by a nerve gas agent.
>Claimed the chemical "sarin" was used in the attack. A highly deadly chemical nerve agent that is easily absorbed via the skin upon contact.
>None of the White Helmet responders have gloves or protective gear. All have been exposed to skin-to-skin contact with the victims. People seen a mere 10 feet away without any protective gear
>OPCW inspected Syria in 2013 and found that Assad had removed all chemical weapons from his stock pile. OPCW also reported that ISIS and FSA groups have obtained chemical WMD's somehow.
>Netanyahu was the first world leader to come out and demand Assad steps down, or be removed by force.
>A Parkistani British doctor, Shajul Islam, the lead doctor in treating these patients, was giving interviews with the press rather then helping the "victims"
>Doctor Shajul Islam is facing terrorist charges for kidnapping and torturing two British journalists in Syria and has had his medical license pulled.
>Organization responsible for sending him the equipment to continue practicing medicine in Syria is under investigation for using donation meant for refugees in Europe.
Syrian Assad "gas attacks" were a lie
Other urls found in this thread:
>White Helmets: youtube.com
>Journalist Feras Karam: archive.fo
>Strange injuries on the deceased children: libyancivilwar.blogspot.com.au
>250 missing in ISIS controlled area: almasdarnews.com
>Doctor Shajul Islam: telegraph.co.uk
>Doctors terrorist acts: bmj.com
>Charity accused of defrauding refugee funds to support Doctor Shajul: heatst.com
>White Helmets receiving hazmat gear designed for sarin nerve gas one month before: twitter.com
>ISIS testing sarin nerve gas on rabbits: twitter.com
>ISIS using chemical warfare (mustard gas) against Syrian forces: independent.co.uk
>White Helmets using no skin protective gear while treating sarin infected patients at "ground zero": twitter.com
>Netanyahu calling for action minutes after the event: twitter.com
I'm going to need to huff some glue and eat some cat food to fall asleep tonight after this shit. I'm not done digging here yet. Compiling every shred of evidence I can to prove this is horse shit.
Now I dig for names behind all these organizations, and find out who is funding it.
you're doing God's work user.
It's honestly too bad it will never be reported on.
sorry that name was old
Sadly, once an agendas wheels start turning, its next to impossible to get this kind of information out there to the public.
Narrative has been set. Only thing I can do now is find out who is behind it pulling the strings, and hope to expose them in its own segment. I'll never be able to contest the MSM bullshit, but I can turn all eyes towards those funding this shit.
Thanks for this
Thankyou for screen shotting it. Wish I did fuck that one arrow up for it haha.
don't mention it
yea lol I wouldn't worry about it
My opinion the "gas attacks" and Trump.
The second Trump accepts the a war plan in Syria after these "gas attacks" he will begin to receive a reprieve from the non-stop assault by the 'deep state' and their MSM allies. Trump will there by have traded renewed war in the middle east for a few months of political cover domestically.
Of course, this will not last and at that point Trump will have been compromised for taking the Syrian war bait. The 'deep state' and the MSM will kick back into overdrive and demand their next trade.
If Trump was not accept the war plan for Syria the domestic hate will go into overdrive but he gets to keep his position as to making the right decision. Hopefully, someone inside the White House is keeping the 'deep state' from whispering in Trumps ear.
Another "can't tie his own shoes" internet investigator 9/11 conspiracy theorist bullshit faggot
fuck you. also sage doesn't work you faggot.
if you're so sure, why don't you show us the error of our ways?
Figures a kike would be defending this, as it makes your faggot PM look bad.
kys shill. Thanks for the bump
The sage is spiritual, like a prayer
>this flag
>this post
I agree completely, greatest ally!
Keep praying, Shlomo.
Have a taste of your own poison.
This entire event makes no sense to me. Why would Assad take the risk of using Sarin against his enemies right now?
He wouldn't. (((They))) would.
April 2: President Trump announces 'we will not pursue regime change in Syria'
April 4: Chemical gas attack kills a hundred civilians
Lol. They're pro Russian shills, they come out at this hour.
>trying to use logic and reason to explain the actions of the pack of ragtag Marauders known as the Syrian army
Some Syrian army Arab picked up the wrong ammunition round because he's dumb and made his regularly scheduled bombing run with a chemical weapon. What's so hard to believe? None of you niggas know what Arabs are capable of
I'm guessing the CIA did this.
CIA? is that a new code word for Mossad?
If Pakis are involved, Taqiyya is in effect. British pakis specially have mastered it.
It's not a new codeword
>none of you goy niggas know what Arabs are capable of
We know what you're capable of, so shove Greater Israel up your mom's cunt.
Good job OP. Alas, it's probably nothing again.
Maybe we should all just get some sleep instead.
I'm feeling pretty tired, aren't you?
Just let go of it for a while. No need to stress out over all these things you have no control over.
Get some rest, you earned it OP.
It doesn't, at all. On Friday Sean Spicer said during his breifing that the US was willing to work with Assad to provide support in driving out ISIS from key operation points. We even put boots on the ground last month to assist them in other matters.
For him to then turn a nerve agent on a bunch of civilians, would mean either A: He's completely bat shit fucking insane and unhinged. or B: There was an ISIS infestation so large, that US/RU air raids couldn't handle. As in underground networks, caches, and stuff normal explosives wouldn't reach.
Since the attack happened above ground and didn't target any military tunnel installations, that rules out B. So we're either left with "batshit insane", or its a false flag.
What makes me rule on the side of false flag, is all this evidence, and the fact that John McCain went on air tonight with a full blown battle plan for Syria.
John "cuck for a fuck" McCain, agreeing with Trump? Yeah, don't think so. This fuels McCains want/need to fuck with Putin, and fuck Assad over.
White Helmet actor setting up for a photo shoot and video rescue.
Bump to keep the truth alive. This smells of a huge red flag.
>anti-Putin protests
>st. petersburg terror attack
>Assad "gas attacks"
Hmmm.. I wonder who's behind of all these
FUCK OFF JEW, you arent allowed on this website. we will gas you cunt
Old video though
It was for the "mannequin challenge"
omg you said nigger, now we have to believe the kike
kek, Israel was most likely responsible. They are the only Nation to overtly strike Assad's forces. Then claim they don't give a fuck when Putin and Assad cry foul since they consider ISIS less of a threat than the Syrian/Iranian alliance.
I wonder how big the Jews balls would be if American no longer backed them...
Why cant we hate arabs together, its always a one sided push for israel.
I wish kikes would learn how to compromise for long term benefit for both countries.
Says the Jew
Best timeline evar
still fucking suspicious. why show off your ability to stage shit?
Is there evidence that backs up the implication that they even have chemical weapons in stock to fire? Unfortunately claims have been made that the state of Syria removed their chemical weapons and I am open to hear any counters to them.
Because they're fucking stupid, basically.
Hours later they deleted it but lol they couldn't deleted it from the entire internet
This, I already looked through it all and there's basically nothing. What a waste of time. I'm gonna go to sleep and I suggest the rest of you do too. It's late we should rest our eyes and take a quick nap.
Get this shit to Trump.
He better not fall for this bullshit.
>White Helmets", an al-Qaeda affliated group
For starters. That's so ridiculous there's no point in continuing.
Already sent it to every major (good) news outlet I could think of. I'm still digging right now trying to confirm this: twitter.com
Some are saying it was a staged "mannequin challenge". But I have found no reference to that outside of the spic in the thread and a few people on twitter saying so.
Digging through every MSM article trying to find any pictures as reference points to where this video originated from.
I am recording every post with the "go to sleep" routine. The creepiest fucks on pol.
Look at the sources faggot. First one is literally explaining the group.
jidf always shows up around this time
agreed. not even trying to hide their shillary.
We're still not going into Syria.
Shittest of shitposts
Then you got pawned hard by fake sources...again. Also it didn't happen in "ISIS controlled hot zone". It was rebel territory. You dumb fucks still don't understand what's happening in Syria. I've even heard stupid shits claim they are the same, the rebels and ISIS and fight on both sides. A person that tells you that is a waste of time and oxygen.
Deunked: Source of video was indeed a mannequin challenge, taken 11/21/2016
FSA is an offshoot of ISIS you faggot. Do your research. Its a group that was funded by none other then king nigger himself.
You did a month ago....
How fucking new are you?
>5 years ago
>FSA is an offshoot of ISIS
Look at him and laugh. But use sage first. The rebels and ISIS kill each other at any opportunity dumbass.
Why is this gassing maymay still effective since WW1?
Hi JIDF new on the board?
this, everyone just be good goys and pretend like you never saw this thread
FSA is fighting Al-Qaeda, not ISIS. You're thinking of the kurds that are considered "rebel fighters" in Syria who are actively engaged with ISIS.
Jesus this stuff is harder to keep up with than I thought.
Here I was thinking I'd have a relaxing day writing slowly for tomorrow.
Bump. Same day Ben Carson finds HUD was misappropriating $500B and Californian Democrats are caught bringing in illegal Chinese.
i still dont understand this show. its like 5 autists who yell over each other. le WHACKY AMIRITE XDDDdddx
ps anyone got instructions to TAN A BABY? (LMFAOOOOOOOO)
Wait, someone explain the missing people the OP posted about in the first sentence. So, 250 people go missing in an ISIS controlled zone, but what is OP implying? Who kidnapped those people, ISIS?
A lot of this is new to me, but I've been saying all along that these injuries and deaths are not consistent with Sarin. From what I've read and how the majority of those affected just had respiratory problems, it sounded more like chlorine, which puts the whole story in doubt. If it's impure sarin it's plausible, but why wouldn't the Syrians be able to make proper chemical weapons? If it's impure sarin, the story the Russians and Syrians provided about inadvertently hitting a chemical depot of the rebels seems more likely
Sup Forums's hornets activated as the neo cons and kikes are trying to make a powerplay
>It was rebel territory. You dumb fucks still don't understand what's happening in Syria.
Well at least you didn't call these "rebels" that just so happen to fight under the flag of islam against the secular dictator Assad with the aim of establishing islamic theocracy "moderate".
Whether or not they are currently allied with either Islamic State, the group formerly known as Jabat Al-Nusra or any other islamic "rebel" group is completely irrelevant.
They're all evil scum.
Fuck you * 1000
Yea I'm sure all those kids gasping for air were all a lie. What a disconnected retard.
Sources are right below. Basically its suspected that ISIS kidnapped 250 people over the course of a month. Some of those who were missing, turned up in this attack.
Some are speculating that they might of been killed to produce a real body count for this propaganda. I'm still digging into it
That if you were to look for these victims you couldn't find them because you'd be pointed towards missing people. Maybe. I don't know what OP was getting at specifically. I think it's unlikely there weren't chemical weapons involved. The issue with the story is the Russians and Syrians have no motivation whatsoever to use chemical weapons. The rebels have every motivation to pin the blame on them, and we've seen documented incidents of anti-government forces using chemical weapons, most notably ISIS but also regular Syrian rebels.
kidnapped and murdered to bolster fabricated body counts
slaughtered like animals for no reason
Sarin is a nerve agent genius. I can tell you that if you're hit by pure sarin, which is what the government would most likely have, you're not gonna be gasping for air unless you die soon after. And the emergency personnel who follow will be in protective gear or end up suffering the same fate since Sarin will be released from the victims' clothes for some time after.
Assuming everything I've seen in the media is true factually, it is more likely it was chlorine gas, which is what the rebels have been using for the past couple years. Back when there was still fighting in Aleppo government held areas would be hit a couple times a week by chlorine attacks. The government has no motivation for using gas as it's hard to control, ineffective in a military sense, and brings totally unwanted international attention.
>White Helmet group receives full hazmat chem gear a month before the attack
>None of the White Helmet responders have gloves or protective gear. All have been exposed to skin-to-skin contact with the victims. People seen a mere 10 feet away without any protective gear
Wew, but seriously, i know the white helmets are mostly bullshit but a lot of statements there comtradict themselves, even if you faint you can hit your head, i shat them filming the contracted pupils its 90% a sarin attack, i really hope we get some concrete info because the whole "Assad did it" is either cluel as shit or dumb as fuck because he almost had a green light a day before it's not to his advantage....
I've noticed how few mentions there have been in MSM about the alleged chemical weapons used by Assad in 2013. And Putin literally cucked Obama by pledging to remove and destroy any of said weapons, which Assad softly agreed to.
Why doesn't the Assad and Putin regimes release a thorough denial of these charges to the American people on YouTube?
I'm constantly dumbfounded why Iran doesn't make similar US-tailored videos about Greater Israel as it applies to our foreign policy.
People says Trump is placing chess but 1) Ivanka wouldn't tweet "heartbreak" if that were the case 2) I'm also suspicious of the recent Russia terrorist attack as it relates to charges against Syria 3) it's weird that Trump seems to have totally forgotten about the exact same Syrian bullshit in 2013, an act to be sure, but perhaps a permanent one
Big time wrong there bro.
Just do a bit of basic research from the start and through this mess.
There are multiple front with ISIS fighting everyone including FSA who unfortunately have been overtaken and overwhelmed by Nusra and a myriad of other jihadists.
FAlse flag to piss off ruskies
Fuck off kike you know you're making bank from this.
Links Sup Forumsease?
Well it's not like your wife isn't profiting from this as well Sven..
Oblivious false flag is Obvious also checkem
I hate drumpf for ruining pol.
Couldn't ask for a better source, but the report is a month old. Did Ben say something today or what?
Thanks anyways for the source
Meant for