>Collages are not Marxist echo chamb-
Two to one he's an alumnus's kid.
He has connections.
This motherfucker's twitter is literally a photo of him with Hillary Clinton and his cover photo is him with Obama. This cunt has literally met a president and a first lady. Like what the fuck you aren't poor you little rodent CUNT. FUCK THESE PEOPLE HE'S NOT EVEN BLACK HE'S A POOJEET AND CRACK LIVES DO NOT FUCKING MATTER. THEY FUCKING DON'T. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
This will be the first time someone got into college by being wrong 100 times.
Most scholarships are only for women are black women are gay retarded queer dog black women. I'm thinking I'll just say that I identify as female and that I'm trans-black. That should work right? It'll be offensive if they don't give me their money.
This better not be fucking true. I poured my hard out in my fucking essay, got a 4.0 GPA, a decent SAT (I am not a native English speaker and moved to the U.S. so my English score wasn't that good. Still a 1350 score). I faced hardships and won awards and all of the bullshit and I don't get into a university that has way lower expectations. You better be kidding me OP
I know the guy
he was accepted to medicine for this too
Welcome to 2017 you fucking white male, where the progressive left doesn't even pretend anymore.
my HS councilor told me that admissions were memes used to judge between the two students with the exact same GPAs and extra cred and not that important. I guess this proves her right.
Also props to the guy for having the balls to try this
Good lord, can you imagine what his prescription pads will say?
Don't know why they bothered accepting him when it's already clear he knows everything they have to teach him.
JUST fuck my meritocracy up, senpai
>American top education
Lel what a fucking joke
>American """""education"""""
Cut his face off and wear it as a mask.
Seriously though, he probably already knew he was getting accepted because the right person put in a word with the right people, and he couldn't figure out how to take a dump on an electronic essay submission so settled for the next best thing.
American education everyone. The funny thing is he isn't even black.
Is he sure about that?
I'm fine with this. That is an objective decrease in crime and violence. Cholos are just as shit but there are more redpilled Mexicans than there will ever be blacks.
You're looking at percentages, not raw numbers.
There will be more of all of them, just a lot more Mexicans because they breed like rabbits and don't abort all their children like niggers.
His parents are rich and he interned for clinton.
>blacks go down a percent
Why do blacks always lose?
I know the world is fucked but let me dream. A million Mexicans is infinitely better than a million nogs.
Not by a ton. But better.
Ha ha hah he took a scholarship that could have gone to a poor black kid! Priceless!
Of course, look at "his" consulting firm: juvconsulting. Only teenagers drilled by adults in business would have a clue about starting something like that.
You can already tell he's a narcissistic little cunt, that's a tell-tale when someone is involved in so many things.
white men keeping them down
So let me get this straight.
All I have to do to get into an ivy league school is suck the SJW movements dick, just become one of those retarded liberals we all rant on about all day on this board an then my life will just clear up and get better.
I'd rather die cold and alone then be like them.
They can't have my soul.
In most Ivy League, you don't have to suck up like a Liberal, but it sure does help.
I pretty sure the poo-in-loo had "good" scores, and his application was mostly a joke. Bad thing that doesn't transfer to well via electronic application.
>not identifying yourself as a black woman on all applications
learn to play the game, bros
Isn't Stanford supposed to be one of those, as you call them, "Ivy League" schools?
What went so wrong? I'm guessing Jews.