American "men", everyone
American "men", everyone
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I know you live in a hut and all and I have no idea how you got internet but if you even slap a woman back in America, self defense or not, you will rot in prison for the rest of your life or get off after long legal battles and have your reputation tarnished and life ruined
I know it's easy for you to get away with punching your third grade wife oo'poontu but we can't do that
>third grade wife
I'm going to retract this cause I know you guys actually don't have schools
If this was at a college dorm id rape her in retaliation for violating the NAP
That's why you get it on video.
>college students on spring break in florida
Could tell just by the thumbnail.
this is what you get when there is no NAP
>gets punched multiple times
>doesn't even flinch
>just continues walking away after casually picking up his shades
Love how she turns into a nigger when she gets violent.
with 1 punch he could've changed her life for the better
lol OP got vapourized in nuclear fire
Fucking niggers turning even more white women into unfuckable trash
i really hate women
>tfw no qt girl will ever beat me like this.
It hurts.
She's going to try that on a nigger someday. It's not going to go so well.
If he hit her back she'd drop dead.
Same reason I wouldn't hit a child, women have no concept of how weak they are compared to men physically.
lol she was smiling when she did it
surprised he didn't murder her because she made him fall in front of his friends
"too much of a gentleman to hit back" haha
if you're a real man and she's not a gorilla you never need to hit her with an closed hand (as you may kill her)
He should have restrained her at least, but he's a dumbass, so there you go.
I'd never let a woman do that.
A child learns to not play with the stove after its been burnt once.
That whore in the video is going to get her ass handed to her one day, and it will be entirely deserved.
I hope that gets videoed too.
You dont think that blonde thing is a woman do you?
This. You don't have to punch them, but you can shake the shit outta them
she probably broke his glasses and spilled some of his beer, if not giving him some bruises or guys.
>woman assaults man
>man defends himself
>man gets arrested
>bitch walks free
Fuck this planet, it needs to be cleansed.
>I'm going to retract this cause I know you guys actually don't have schools
I agree, but I'm not going to be the one to teach them since the state will come down on me like a sack of bricks.
that's why they're getting it on video
college is basically where they teach women to bird-dog every man who won't follow the blue-pill line
Even if it was caught on video that she hit you 20 times in the face before you did anything?
If she's going to act like a man you treat her like a man.
It's the only way she'll learn.
No wonder american white women go for superior black and hispanic males.
what's up, bitch? it's ya girl lil j all growed up on spring break
>police attack the guy
>punching a woman
>punching a woman while being recorded
more gifs/webms of men hitting women? The more brutal the better.
nigger culture sure is great
The head width to shoulder width ratio tells me that was a dude.
Yo man just get behind me, I got your back. Ah shit man, sorry, she was too fast for me.
Feminism was a mistake.
This is why I'm glad I'm gay.
Probably wouldn't be so bad here in NZ, but you really think the US justice system gives a shit about men in this kind of situation? I can totally understand why the guy decided to just bail out of the situation instead of escalating. You can press charges afterwards, especially with the video proof.
Deary me.
you need the audio for this one
>Uploaded on Feb 19, 2007
he was a faggot. dint you hear her call him one and his faggy ass lisp.
Why did those fuckin assholes do nothing when she punched him?
I love seeing women get hit by men.
Nigger probably tried to rape her earlier
Is that the one where the driver yells YOU GOIN TO JAIL TODAY or something before fucking her shit up
Is that actually a legit move? Or was it just luck?Looks like a neck snapper.
ron paul 2008 baby!
hip toss
This was in Canada
fucking love that webm name
Who else here never fails to laugh when women get hit in movies? Especially the bitchy characters.
It's better when it's sudden and loud.
Attacking men means you're """true hero""", remember? Literally any one will do.
Wow, just like my hollywood action flicks!
u go gurl
All white guys are faggots
>D E Y E A T D A P O O P O O
I'd kill myself if I punched someone 20 times and they got up and came after me. Twice if it was a girl.
"YOU GOIN TA JAIL NAH, YOU GOIN TA JAIL NAW' *WHAPASH* *collective gasps from passengers*
>No wonder american white women go for superior black and hispanic males.
They don't though, women of all races worship white cock.
lowlife scum
damn son
Solid technique, good hip drive, nice rotation, perfect landing.
Someone post the webm of that ginger that takes slapping several times standing then breaks the shit out of the woman slapping him.
How the FUUUUCK did she learn to do that?? That's some legit, high-skill shit right there. I'm baffled that a dirt poor niggress knows black-belt judo throws.
Not even close to a hip toss. This is a modified fireman's throw.
lrn2wrestle faggot
You can tell black culture has a negative effect on whites because every time whites get violent they start talking like niggers. Makes you wonder how low our crime rates would be if we did have them around, or lump mestizos in with us for that matter.
That was the right amount of retaliation. All is good.
I would have knocked that bitch out, what a pussy
Jesus bro.
actually it wasn't. throwing somebody like that, especially a big, fat slut, could cause permanent brain damage. the right amount of retaliation would be to tie her up and get her to the ground with minimal impact.
she could have died here.
>black men rating black women
Honestly must suck being a sheboon
Figures. Cuck af
Probably saw some animal in the jungle do it.
I feel bad for men.
>avoiding eye contact
>speaking in low voice
beta behavior desu