Just watched "The Greatest Story Never Told"... so POL... is it true?

The cognitive dissonance I'm experiencing is insane. Probably the worst in my life. I just don't know what to think anymore. WTF did you do to me POL???



Other urls found in this thread:


Believe whatever you want. People who disagree with Hitler's ideology will tell you he put the country in ruin and people that agree with it will say he made it great. This is a case of the latter.

Find out through as unbiased of a source as you can what life was actually like on a day-to-day basis under that regime, for both oppressed groups and the "free" groups, and form your opinion from that. That's the only true way to tell how good a system is - how it affects the average person.

Congratulations, welcome to / pol /

One of us, one of us! Goobel gabel, goobel gabel!

at the end of the day, he loved his soil and people, and did whatever he could to protect it

he failed, Allah bless his soul..

Hitler was right, about some things
The jews are both a meme and very real
Cultural Marxism is real, its whats been establishing the social fabric of America since before the fall of the Soviet Union

The rest is up to you

fuck phoneposting

Nigga, that link is deader than a nigger hanging from a tree


> (OP)
>at the end of the day, he loved his soil and people, and did whatever he could to protect it
>he failed, Allah bless his soul..
Die roach

Works fine for me

Now read Mein Kampf

Sort of. It goes a bit too far to paint Hitler as a really nice guy, which makes him come off as sort of cuckish. But I suppose it is necessary to counter the propaganda that does the opposite and tries to falsely paint him as a maniacal lunatic.

Tried to save the world. Allowed british to retreat all 300,000 soldiers at dunkirk. Would have wiped their entire standing army out if didnt stand down. Assumed there could be peace and theyd help fight the jewish communist menace. Didnt realize the jews owned britain and america already and would never allow for peace. Even tried sending diplomats to america to make peace terms be heard publicly but britain and churchill made sure they never got out. Darkest timeline.


Very coincidental

It's said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped.

(((They))) have been manipulating you since the moment you were born. Welcome to reality.

OP didn't just watch this. He's a shill faggot


This will make sense to some with an open mind


Read Hitler's War by David Irving. It's about 950 pages including notes but it's one of if not the most accurate biographies of Hitler to be written. You can find a PDF of it somewhere on the internet pretty easily.



Not genociding the Brits is one of the only exceptions to 'Hitler did nothing wrong."


Quiet, goy.

try this

it's better quality also

An odd coincidence. I'm half way through watching it right now.
I can't believe that Hitler didn't actually do anything wrong. Except for losing of course. I'm just mad at the Russians now.
I'm in the middle of that too.


Bearing in mind the ideal version of the society versus the one crippled by war, internal sabotage and teething problems. Your judgement should be based on a model that falls in between the two extremes, the perfect ideal and the ruined bombed shell of the Reich.

Works for me.
I was just watching that exact video about 10 minutes ago.
You can also watch it all free on the website.

>not available in your country
really made me think

Just vote for Merkel in September, and it'll all be over and you can sleep easy, my Germanic friend.

Try this: unblockyoutube.co.uk/


Start training as soon as France votes to leave the EU you and your brown brothers are invading them for a third time.

I actually will, shes unironically the best choice.
Thank you but its not working

How fucking brainwashed are you?

France will never leave the EU. With UK gone the mediterranean block lead by france is in full control now.

Now watch this one for /comfy/rmation:


You missed my joke by calling him Germanic.

Now you show two friend who show two friends and so on.

Dangit. OK, well maybe try this: hotspotshield.com/resources/how-to-access-blocked-youtube-content-in-germany/

This might be better: vplayhq.com/

If not, sorry. :|

Do you guys ever wish you chose the blue pill instead?

Sometimes I feel I dedicate far too much energy and time to things others go blind to, and they seem far happier for it.

I don't think shes perfect by any means, i just don't think the others will do better.
You have to realize that with daily pictures of dead children on greek beaches, "closing the Gates" would have been political suicide for anyone who was in charge.

Yes, but there will come a day when it will pay off. We will avoid some calamity that will befall everyone else, I am sure of that.


Close what gates? Just start enforcing law we have, vote someone who will do it you faggot.

I'll try VPN later, thanks for the effort friend.

Now go find your favorite politician, ask for a selfie and say"Hitler did nothing wrong"
Post here when you get the footage

You're welcome, buddy. Take care.

I hope so friend, I hope so.

Civic nationalist detected
The average person should have been 100% German.

No matter what she does to her face, the race will always be in her blood.


It doesn't matter what you think or believe about the past. Only what you believe about the future.

It's called having a weak, easily influenced mind and being brainwashed by fanatics.

Now you know how ISIS gets their recruits.

Is it good OP? worth the 6 hours? (honest question)

Germany fucked up with monetarim, Hitler lord and saviour came in putting the blame outside cuz that felt best, so the hardcore delusions about reality were restored once again and statism grew so cancerous that it even involved other countries

socialism failed so they tried socialism without jews, failed too

Yes, it's insane how many nu-pol fags on here havent seen it. Just over 2 years ago you would get shitted on if you hadn't seen it, its required Sup Forums viewing

>socialism failed so they tried socialism without jews, failed too

You post this in reply often..... Copy and paste i bet.....

>Now read Mein Kampf

Keep in mind, that book was published by a jewish publishing company.

OP you don't have to go all in

You don't have to think of Hitler as being a good person.

He was a populist who loved his people, and most of the negative things said about him were lies, but that's not a complete and perfect human being. He was was probably totally fine with the idea of ruling over the earth and getting power and glory for himself.

I mean is there a non-jewish publishing company?

install tor and youtube-dl

>these two comments together make for a nice little daily reminder

He was a megalomaniac who tried to conquer the world and got beat.

Shill faggot? Wrong.

Germany invaded Poland to stop German ethnic cleansing and discrimination

Germany tried to sue for peace dozens of times but Allie wanted war

Jews and Germany agreed to a movement to get them out to Israel peacefully

Holocaust has many holes in it. But I'm a school though right?

Gtfo... that can't be real???

>6 hour documentary

Yes absolutely

You know what I just realized?

Those Hitler did nothing wrong memes are not just jokes... they are mental lube for the biggest red pill that exists

how in the fuck is a nigga just realizing this now?

Is Marx the worst human being in history?

welcome to the new Sup Forums.

HWNDU and the rest of the Kikebook pages that promote Sup Forums content have turned this board into a cesspool of reddit users and normies that shill for the sake of it.

I cannot stress how much this board has changed in the last 6 months. From old fags that used to LURK MOAR for 3-4 years before actually posting, to teenagers that think they are smart and cool because they are "against the current".

As one user stated above, 2-3 years ago you would have been shat on by the entire board if you came up with a thread of this sorts.

Faggot go watch 6 hours of some cuck TV show you probably watch


Welcome to reality, where people cloak their true meanings in irony
The same way faggots will talk about how they "ironically" like traps we talk about how we "ironically" like hitler
But in truth they are gay, and we are racist, xenophobic, fascists, or at least this was the case until reddit came in and turned Sup Forums into the center right version of r/ politics

This post made me check out the documentary. I haven't watched all fucking 6 hours yet but if it's the biggest red pill that exists, as you say, I will start watching it tomorrow.

What does it mean if I am too afraid to watch it and be that red-pilled?

Read David Irving as well, for a complete overview of the situation.


Just watch the god damn documentary, even KeK wants you to do that.

I now believe this unironically now. Thanks pol.


this is painfully true

have fun with the hell the truth entails, pretty much only have my old man that tolerates my beliefs, mom would rather I suck cock then be a nat soc, and my brother now won't talk to me

knowing the truth isn't a fucking gift, it's a curse

btw pic related, is my fucking rage

You still know nothing. Hitler dindu nuffin wrong is just the first step. Keep digging.

Oh I'm on like 12 levels of woke, but the whole Hitler did nothing wrong redpill is just the first big leap into the deep and disheartening truth that good has been losing it's war on evil for YEARS now

It's the polar opposite of "literally SATAN ON EARTH" jewish propaganda, it's neo nazi propaganda.
The truth is between the two.
Read Mein Kampf and the shitload of non jewish historian if you want a real insight.

for those that cant watch it

proxfree dot com

paste the jewtube url

choose one of the proxies


Down the rabbit hole you go, you will come to yourself in a few months when you understand that death is not a real thing and can recite the 7+1 Hermatic Principles.

>Allowed british to retreat all 300,000 soldiers at dunkirk.
That's wrong, Werhmacht was held back in Lille and around by the french army which switched to a guerilla warfare style, that prevented german motorized progression.
The panzer divisions have advanced faster than expected on the north and the resupplying didn't follow, most of germans were fighting under meth since days and were exhausted too.

Hitler didn't allow jackshit at this moment.

Gb2 radikal portal.

What are the refutations of TGSNT? I tried googling some and all I could see was redditors saying "where are the proofs you can't prove jews own the media"

>According to the US Census Bureau, a certain person is considered White if he/she has "origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa"
Middle Eastern Americans as of 2010 was only 3.2%, in other words, around 10 million Middle Eastern Americans are currently residing in America
2010, the true percentage of White European Americans was this: 63.7-3.2=60.5%

Just look around did you feel america still white middle class country or fucking brazil tier shithole?

this, when the election cycle got heated and trump showed promise this board got filled with normies, the hwndu flaghunts are fun tho

Wtf I am nazi now

>The cognitive dissonance I'm experiencing

You need to be lost in order to be found.

welcome, lost soul.

Welcome aboard brother, race war when?