Aus/pol/ - ACA BTFO Edition

>Police raid A Current Affair office
>Police arrested star reporter Ben McCormack over alleged child pornography offences
>Shocked staff members looked on as at least seven NSW Police officers entered the Nine Network’s Sydney headquarters armed with evidence bags on Thursday morning

Fucking lmao, self righteous pricks the ACA reporters are and turns out they're into CP

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking hilarious.

However he'll claim
The Pete Townsend defense and say it's all research

Notice that the bankers and politicans never get caught in these raids?

think about all the times this journalist took the moral high ground, acting superior to everyone else in his biased ACA reporting..well looks like he's the biggest fucked cunt of them all

they do if they slip up and go out of favor with the elites

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:'( rip Steve, can't believe its nearly been 11 years


He is to Australians what Jesus is to the Vatican.


Hello there AFP, you'll never get my Birdseye chicken dippers!

What one are you looking for?

>Ben McCormack
Is he the one in pic related. The NEET-shamer?

fuck all of you racist virgin shitcunts. none of you will ever have a gf and you're all skinny cunts who don't lift.

pic related is me and my gf. you wouldn't dare be racist near me in real life nor will you ever get a submissive kinky girlfriend like me.

anything outdoors but I have experience in horticulture

become a male prostitute gayboy

Gj brother, you are a good person

Did Ben McCormack report something or saying things on Social Media that the globalists didn't like?

It seems fishy to me.

I duno, its this guy

He looks like the kind of guy who would be sending dick pics to 15 year old girls on Facebook.

They look the same ... but my guy seems to have a bit less testosterone.


Post in on pornhub then
and let's see ur bitch ass deadlift at least 300kg

>being this AFP

may be the same guy just different photo angles/facial expressions

>tfw I thought my 200kg deadlift was impressive
>tfw will never hit 300kg

i deadlift 280kg

also why would i post on pornhub so racist virgins like u can fap to me pounding my gf lol kys

>tfw want to be a programmer but no one wants to hire junior devs in brisbane

Reddits going crazy over foreigners rights to buy Aussie land

>j-just l-let them b-buy it racist

Chinese government astroturfing kek


>caring about what redditors think

Where is the link m80? Come on.

Thank you m8. I am going to go downvote some cunts.


Anyways I hope they enjoy chink dick up the ass and never being able to afford buying a house.

Is nationalist utilitarianism the true Aussie politic red pill lads?

>chink dick up the ass
You can't even feel a chink dick m8.

>pregnant gf
>will never have a gf

kill yourself you dumb uninformed cunt


looks like a pedo to me
can we gas the cunt?

Fuckin gr8 news m8 I fucking hate aca fuckers have their heads so far up their fucking asses I hope aca loses its credibility after this shit

It sounds pretty gay m8. "utilitarianism" is the sort of word that isn't used outside of a first year politics class at uni.

are you going to have a bastard child or are you marrying before she has her half brown kid?

what a weak cunt
you need more test you worthless, feminine beta faggot kys

Top voted comment is pretty based.

I'm also in the same position user.

>implying you have a gf you ugly fuckwit


maybe ((they)) don't want advocation for the best for the most aussies?

I'm in the server, come guys it's great. We're going to actually gas some kikes.

>implying anybody will hire a white programmer when there are cheaper russians, indians, etc

nice job you fell for the stem meme in a western country
you are a retard

t. journalism major doing freelance writing work

fuck gooks and fuck redditors

That's an interesting word user.

>reading reddit
just fucking kys you fucking hipster soy latte drinking poofter i hate you cunt

>Tfw JSP workers are foreigners on temporary visas

>having a reddit account
fucking kys loser

There's no jobs in Perth period.

you enjoy chink dick in your ass and mouth you fucking poofter

I post screenshots from Sup Forums on r/Sup Forums sometimes.

prob you dumb looking poofter

>he stays in an echo chamber and doesnt keep up with the narratives

We speak English in Australia lad, don't try and bring me down with some tall poppy shit about using too many words

i bet your tight pucker can feel a pencil bb

it's white btw with blue eyes and blonde hair

Look for a real job where you use your muscles if you have any you fucking young faggot

i know you're white, and i know she is too :)

>implying that makes you any less of a redditingg faglord

like i said kys

>He keeps up with narratives
Fuck off you faggot cunt

yes i am white
i guess

how does a kiwi greet a Jew?

hee brew

What are you some kind of bitch cuck that doesn't watch porn with gf
>It's ok bro I know you are ashamed of ur little dick and have low self esteem that why you started lifting.. right babe

Why is your baby brown?

wew cunt you should be a comedian
just like amy shumer

Yeah dickhead just stick your head in the echo chamber so when the outside world does something you get taken by surprise

Youre like a fucking clever cunt hey

why are you brown?
because you're from india, that's why

is reading reddit just as bad as having an account and posting?

nah i couldn't mate, as i get worse at comedy it gets funnier

i lurk, it's more acceptable to lurk

having an account is cancer because then you actually engange with the cunts

i just lurk the interesting subreddits and dont contribute because i dont want cancer

we do watch porn together but we dont record ourselves and upload it to pornhub

just stand there and say nothing because you're a funny looking cunt i'd pay to look at you

WTF he is my cousin.

P Platers did this.

I wonder if they will take a camera to his home and harass him.

>watching porn
you're a fucking degenerate piece of shit and you and your gf should murder each other

There are no jobs full fucking stop.

Go back to your candy ass website


did he ever molest you? bet he did and i bet you liked it because you're obviously a poofter

i like lurking the far left boards on their, its hilarious how dumb and delusional they are. great example of pseudo-intellectuals

proof or gtfo cunt

make sure to stand on his property and repeatedly yell at him through the windows for "journalism"

love you too cunt

Thank you, I am very keen to stay updated with the happenings at reddit.

yes, we watch all kinds of porn together, including interracial porn you fucking racist stormweenie cunt. bet that triggers u.

Proof? Yes I will just dox myself... he is literally my cousin. He brother lives in Brisbane and I see him at family gatherings all the time.

i agree
also the feminist boards, the incel boards, the mgtow board, the "redpill" board, r/relationships is hilarious most of the time and yeah

i lurk a lot

noboyd loves me don't lie

>He watches interracial porn with his "girlfriend"

Fuck off Canadian cunt

That side of my family are all very liberal/progressive/united nations/human rights/etc in their political beliefs. I have never gotten along with them.

why don't you just fuck instead of watching porn? don't you arouse her? are you too fucking ugly? do you wank your tiny dick in front of her as well as cum a tiny load on your hands?

Did you make that Pepe user?

porn is foreplay, good for getting her in the mood.