Why is Sup Forums listed as NSFW on the homepage board listing, yet we cant post lewd or like sex images here?
Whats going on is this new?
Why is Sup Forums listed as NSFW on the homepage board listing, yet we cant post lewd or like sex images here?
Whats going on is this new?
It's all fucked
Because you should work instead of being in poll now fuck off
Who the fuck works at 1am
its not politics
neither is meta threads
if the post is politics and image is a BJ then why do they get banned? why arent there discussions on different sexual positions say by political affiliation with images
Fucking newfags
Back when jewish moot was incharge we kept getting spammed with retards and dumbshits, kind of like now.
So we voted for the rules you see in the sticky as well as some additional ones that aren't listed. We asked for the flags to come back, but moot gave us country flags instead because he is a retard. We used to have jedi, nazi, brotherhood of nod flags and shit. He also gave us I.D.'s so it would be harder for people to shill their own threads, and made it so you can't bump your own thread. We used to have porn, but we voted against it because people kept posting nigger dicks and weird shit.
Thanks for showing how fucking new you are.
I'm working on my boner
Did you forget how time zones work?
Because this is a fucking imageboard, you fucking pleb. Now go back to r/le_dolan and never come back
Because it is distracting shitposting that we don't need more of.
People who work graveyard shift that's who.
>Because this is a fucking imageboard,
so why cant we post naked ppls with our posts?
>Because it is distracting shitposting that we don't need more of.
im offended I am quite good good as many of us are yourself included at shitposting.
Doesnt stop shareblue shills from shilling nigger dicks lmao
Did you even read my post you fucking piece of shit?
Fuck off
>Because this is a fucking imageboard,
I did read it leaf, but like all things leaf related its pure shit.
Does it upset you that most of the leafs here helped create this board?
It's ok sweety. The board is nsfw because gore is still allowed to be posted, when it pertains to something news worthy.
>The board is nsfw because gore is still allowed to be posted, when it pertains to something news worthy.
so why arent pronz allowed which it says they should be technically and nowhere says it doesnt need to be.
Wow you are quite the dumb retard aren't you. It used to be allowed as I said, but people kept posting nigger dicks and trannies, so we voted to ban it. AS I SAID.
>It used to be allowed as I said, but people kept posting nigger dicks and trannies, so we voted to ban it. AS I SAID.
where does it say that anywhere on the rules page? I dont care what your larping about but per the rules I do believe that naked pplz should be allowed yet arent which is odd since every other NSFW board allows them.
the truth is NSFW, because idiots can't handle the truth
if porn was allowed during this times the catalog would be 7/10 nigger dick threads and jailbait
go look at /b
Fuck off dumb newfag, some of the rules aren't listed. And country flags are a recent addition that came along after the exodus, which you probably have no idea about. Git gud.
Notice the photos of bombings?
Thats why were nsfw
I do....I just got home...
because kill yourself you disgusting degenerate. Sup Forums is a Christian board. GET OUT DEGENERATE NEWFAG.
>if porn was allowed during this times the catalog would be 7/10 nigger dick threads and jailbait
yea its not on Sup Forums either tard and never has been, your not far off though with the content type though.
> some of the rules aren't listed.
then in fact by default it should be allowed and not bannable.
>Notice the photos of bombings?
How is that NSFW when Sup Forums Sup Forums and most other boards show gore related content?
yea its not a puritan board or are you going to start calling people witches next?
This is a shit thread
Whatever you say retard.
>why can't I post gay porn? Why can't I post trannies or nigger dicks
Because that's what ruined Sup Forums and most of us oldfags don't want that, even though this place is already ruined.
Because Sup Forums has the most users and brings the most traffic, we get special invisible rules and sway over the website.
>Rules must be listed in order to be enforced.
You are too stupid to be here. pls go.
>Because that's what ruined Sup Forums
remember when Sup Forums was good?
>we get special invisible rules and sway over the website.
Born 2 shitpost like the leaf you are, I admire that.
>>Rules must be listed in order to be enforced.
what you dont think they should be? like wtf why even have one rule at all for anything, what are you antifa with your anarcho attitude?
Sup Forums used to be awesome, we used to get sluts to kill themselves once a month, hack websites, talk about cooking up drugs and tons of shit. Now Sup Forums is basically an extension of tumblr / /lgbt/.
>waaaaaaah why can't I post porn
because da invisible magic rules we voted for like 3 years ago. People used to be dumbfucks like you and argue that it was free speech. They lost the vote because they were all mentally ill retards and spammers. Brazil was the original nigger dick poster, and then australia started copying them.
>because da invisible magic rules we voted for like 3 years ago.
yea then those arent rules brah. I dont give a fug about free speech but listing it NSFW with invisible rules is straight up BS is what Im saying. Just make it safe for work and call it a day is my point.
But then we wouldn't be allowed to post gore. It's like you are mentally retarded or something.
>why is the board nsfw
>this is the reason why
>but why
Yea you are fucking dumb.
>But then we wouldn't be allowed to post gore.
thats effen BS as I explained as boards from Sup Forums to /sci/ to even Sup Forums and /lit/ have gore on them time to time due to the nature of the boards so the NSFW tag doesnt carry that weight.
Keep on leafing...
>it doesn't make sense to me so it must be wrong
no you are just fucking retarded.
As I said before, j00t sat down with us and let us come up with our own rules, because our traffic is the only thing that keeps this site solvent. So we get to do whatever we want. I don't get why we aren't allowed to raid anymore, since it would probably bring more traffic. But I don't care.
>muh leaf meme
You are talking to an oldfag, who happens to be a leaf, do you know how the leaf meme started? Because dumbfuck americans kept falling for leaf bait. It has nothing to do with trudeau or the current state of affairs up here.
Stop being a mongoloid newfag.
>It has nothing to do with trudeau or the current state of affairs up here.
Still gives me a reason to use the images....
>Stop being a mongoloid newfag.
>As I said before, j00t sat down with us and let us come up with our own rules
Any source for that.... or just larping in yer own world?
your /reddit/ is showing, I don't need a fucking source. Have fun in your dead thread.
> 3. Posting pornography is not permitted. This is a politics board, not a porn board.
Pretty clear right there.
It's off topic.
>I don't need a fucking source.
go be a leaf somewhere else.
>3. Posting pornography is not permitted. This is a politics board, not a porn board.
where it say that?
define porn please.
don't you guys have 3 hour lunches and dinners?
I never went on this board until after the election so maybe that is why they didn't know. I swear the shit with hillary red pilled me so hard I can't even function around people anymore.
>>>Sup Forumsrules/3
You can post pornographic or NSFW images, but only if they pertain to polticial discussion. e.g. posting images of Pussy Riot running around naked while protesting Putin is allowed as long as it's what's being discussed.
Dumping porn like it's /b 2.0/ is not allowed.
Yea that was crazy. I have been here since the beginning, but I never really bought the whole "jew" thing until this election. When you saw soros and all the other jews backing hillary, and then all the leftist jew bloggers coming out of the woodwork. It really seared it into my mind.
I can't un-see all those shifty jews man.
thanks for the link.... so if porn isnt allowed why is it marked NSFW? Earlier user said gore but Sup Forums Sup Forums even lit and and /sci/ post gore and their SFW?
any idea where the NSFW came from? ahhh so its more the nudity or if sexual content is politically related its a Go then and open for discussion, that is legit then, thanks for taking the time to explain, that is straight legit.
> I never really bought the whole "jew" thing until this election.
Neither did I, I never really even thought about it. Then everytime I noticed weird shit it was always one of them, blew my mind opening my eyes.
>why is it marked NSFW?
Because politics is occasionally NSFW, and Sup Forums isn't restricted in terms of which political discussions it's allowed to have.
porn is off topic
it depends on which moderators and janitors are lurking
usually the stuff I see getting removed is hardcore stuff
and I think OP images are much more likely to get removed
and it's probably more okay to have lewd women pics attached to your post when your post is actually discussing politics, as opposed to dumping your porn folder while adding nothing to the discussion
no upper lip.
is she really a man?
Grave yard.
When I worked security I could duck into a stair well and just browse for a bit and remain active on the board. I do it less now. There is a time and place for Sup Forums
I don't know why they got so emboldened lately. Normal fags don't notice jews, they just see them as whites or slavs. It's as if they are pulling some reverse psychology bullshit. But I don't think I can ever figure it out. Why would jews want Sup Forums to hate them when Sup Forums obviously has maymay power over the net? Maybe they want all the western countries to swing to the right, but letting them think they are fighting against the zog. Who can say. But I think they are way smarter than they let on, because they have been jewing for thousands of years.
I wish I could say, they want us to kill the muslims for them, but it isn't that simple.
>Normal fags don't notice jews, they just see them as whites or slavs
I think their waking up even with the billions being spent against them to hit them from every angle 24/7. The more they push it seems the more it wakes ppl up it seems. Their very emboldened seen that new flintstones comic? its literally each issue a point for marxism and its weird as fuck seeing them use the flintstones, its not even a funny comic.
Just beware NK propaganda and that fake shit out of syria all to serve their needs.
Their good at it and better than our memes I fear. While we win a memewar, it wasnt a war but a battle I notice now. They are winning the war with the inter racial commercials pro muslim everything on every campus. Were losing more than we are winning lately T_T
You are right, but I have a feeling that the west is going to go full retard nazi mode soon. With brexit, trump, and other stuff. Trudeau has done so much damage up here, only the most mentally retarded still support the liberals. People are about to lynch kathlene wynn, and my province is about to have it's first conservative party majority in like 60 years. This are looking interesting that's for sure.
If trump attacks assad, we will know he is a fucking jew shill puppet.
Cause they're not safe for work
If you're looking at gore at work, you could get in trouble.
Don't ask me to explain why idiots on Sup Forums post nsfw images.
>You are right, but I have a feeling that the west is going to go full retard nazi mode soon.
Its a bit ways off if it does happen, but maybe in ways they didnt think of with certain media changed already in the works.... Would move faster but were trapped where we are under lock and key, this BS thread start and all is good enough cover. Trump has yet to release us or know we exist... Flynn gone was a huge blow in more ways than anyone can imagine if he even knew which he didnt but we know.
>This are looking interesting that's for sure.
Laws have been passed something big needs to happen, something everyone will hate... that is the point when it happens though. if it happens, and if not then it is truly dark times.
Because politics is for grown ups and nudity isnt politics.
we'll see, best of luck newfag. I'm going to sleep.
g9 fellow user may the time come.