Alex Jones

Alex Jones
>bowing down to us and will probably go to jail
Sam Hyde's show
>out soon once we get him on Russia
>knocked the fuck out
>banned from twitter and going to jail
Alt right accounts
>banned from twitter

Your time is up.

don't forget dr*mpf in your bait lel

I'm actually pretty impressed with the pace of things though. Perhaps this rise of the """""""alt right""""""""" (w/e it really was) during late 2016 will be remembered as the high water mark, not unlike Raoul Duke's memory of the 60s for the leftist freelove movement in the US.

You already know they're gonna make a movie about this shit 5-10 years from now, assuming we survive.

>Your time is up.
Keep going after the "alt-right" icons. Eventually you will figure out that the "alt-right" is a made up & Imaginary term. Eventually you will tire of attacking any republican in power. See you at the mid-term elections (I am just joking....everyone knows that democrats don't vote in mid-terms)

Thanks for the update however.

Milo stands unscathed!!!



7 shekels have been deposited into your chosen account.

3 shekels have been deducted for failing to use a photo of a diverse family.

Thank you, goy.

>sucking his eighth nigger dick of the day


none of this is true

nigga you gay



>Your time is up.
Then it's Pence's turn

this is a scoob post


i forgot to SAGE.

pic related.

>Mike "EMP in your HRT" Pence
>Mike "Third Rail for the Failed Male" Pence
>Mike "Ass Full of Juice, Face Full of Zeus" Pence
>Mike "Deus Volt" Pence
>Mike "Ohmos for Homos" Pence

He gained like 6 million new subscribers within a month of that shit.

Jontron was taken out from some shit banjo kazooie rip-off

>he doesn't know what a leaderless resistance is

Soooo loving this!



The guy is pumping out vids like crazy and he is even more popular now.

I think they call this a "velvet coup". A coup without violence. The Deep State is winning and Trump/Pence will not be in office by the end of this year. It might break out into a civil war, but the Deep State could cut off communication for the opposition, send some drones overhead to wipe them out, then claim it was some extremist terror cell. Look at the Bundy Ranch situation. Those fags thought they were going to make a stand and start a revolution but people mailed them sex toys, the news portrayed them as manchildren, and everyone laughed as the Bundy people started begging for food and water.

You can't win against the Deep State. You can only jeopardize yourself and others as you try to resist.

Stay in your shitty nu-pol discord, I know its fucking you Manus you always post that shitty slut.

My account is still up, sorry.

Flynn and twitter is.

The rest are just leftist delusion.

Fuckin This!

Anything Sup Forums touches turns into shit.

>out by the end of the year.

Unless they plan to kill them, that aint going to happen.

Sure, Kotaku.

>>Alt right accounts
>banned from twitter

Doesn't matter user. Society was always destined at this point to collapse, the same way Rome, Ancient Greece and Sumeria did. When it does, well then two things will happen.

1) An invading culture will take over.
2) Your kind are killed.

All Trump makes it is a matter of whether will we defer this collapse for a few decades. As for the deep state, their time is also numbered. Look what happened when Israel tried to launch a weapons satellite and you'll guess what's going to happen.

Alex Jones
>Selling plenty of CAVEMAN and not going to jail.
>seems to be more popular than ever
Sam Hyde's show
>most popular show on Adult Swim, shows this humor is getting popular, and kikes are scared
>nothing important happened
>Cucks still believe Russian narrative huh?
>Homosexual Pedo, shouldn't you fags be supporting him?
>effeminate cucks think sucker punches and nothing happening is getting knocked out, really pathetic
>Why do we care about Shkreli again?
Alt right accounts
>kikes so afraid they have to delete sock accounts, somehow think censoring people is winning and not showing weakness

We keep on winning.

Lemme guess....

1 post by this ID?

YEP, checks out

good 1

The more everyone is attacked, the more we see that we were right to fear the deep state and that it is terrifyingly real. You will next push the conservatives to a tipping point to radicalize them as a pretext to stifle dissent and arrest them/disband them. The last fragments of free speech will be blown away to the four corners. The concept of a fluid constitution will be utilized to perpetuate this. The liberals, being so brainwashed will actually go along with this thinking that they are destroying tyranny/fascism (which will be aided by program of conservative radicalization and heightened race hatred). All that will be left is some dramatic attack against this country from the inside to declare martial law. All the doors will be shut and the locks will be bolted from the outside, and with the perfect panopticon for tyranny, a leader will arise that even the liberals will grow to fear, and then it will be too late.

The irony is that the liberals think they are on the side of democracy and responsible citizenship. The whole time they are walking into a trap they will have inadvertently created.

Thanks OP haven't had a good laugh in while.
Please post some more fake new :)

the only thing of value lost was World Peace. I hope Trump gets fucked in the worst way possible so people can realize you can't accomplish anything through democracy.

>looks like Holly Earl



Isn't baboon actually off the council though or are you saying that's just some PR 7D chess

>Cucked and btfo
Rachel Maddow
>discredited and mocked
Wall Street journal
>on suicide watch

>Deus Volt
>Ohmos for Homos

Holy shit my sides

If only you knew what I know about Milo.

He's really straight?

ehm, she doesn't?

I know (hope) this is just bait, but you're describing people being silenced, ostracized, and imprisoned for expressing an opinion that differs from your own as a good thing. Let that sink in for a minute, then stop to consider if this après moi approach you're taking towards our country's future is worth "likes" on social media.

Trump wants to enforce custom and immigration law.

Trudeau wants to imprison people for using the wrong pronouns.

Did you ever consider that maybe, just maybe, you're on the wrong side of history?

>Your time is up.


yes she does

>let's opress the politically opposite side
>that works everytime

>Moon Man videos being deleted and purged from the internet
2017 is the year the alt right gets destroyed. Hopefully pol is censored next

Alt-Right BTFO

holly earl is blue-eyed and has a larger forehead.

We'll find new ones.

Great bait

>the alt right gets destroyed

How do you destroy nationalist conservatism? The manifestations might be different but the ideology will remain. People want whats best for them and arent getting it. They wont suddenly love globalisation and liberalism just for the fuck of it.

you have shit in your eyes if don't think they look alike, Hans.

don't insult Hans.
he's fragile.