Why is this allowed in USA?
Why is this allowed in USA?
because master says so.
Jewish chicks love big black cock I guess?
You are doing God's work, user.
Every white girl secretly loves big black cock.
white bois simply cannot compete
Freedom that's why
because his dick is twice the size of your micropenis OP
>Why is this allowed in USA?
I agree! That dress is hideous!
wtf i hate black people now
>Every white girl loves cock.
cause daddy issues
Because Portman is a (((she))), and you can't push racemixing on the entire world without falling for your own shit-tier memes now can (((you)))?
what's the problem? Seems like 2 perfectly neurotypical adults relaxing and being happy. Does that make autists mad or something?
In. The real world world no one fucking cares kid, decency and morality reign supreme, your agenda is clear, you will not succeed. We will reatore the republic and make America great again, Godspeed patriots.
he can have her, she looks like a fucking witch
Keira Knightley is married to a white guy. Literally the whitest guy you can find. Sorry user
american tradition
its a garbage removal system engineered to eliminate weak reproductive partners.
The KKK hanged this nigger from a tree.
It's allowed because the people who run it aren't a bunch of virgin cuck beards like you faggot.
I would like to penetrate Natalie Portman. I don't care if she can't feel it after black pole's been in her spook hole. Her enjoyment isn't my primary concern.
Says the kike from kikeistan. Thanks ratface.
You muslim-loving fuck
It's pornographic but whatever, God will forgive White people
The KKK dragged this nigger from a truck.
That's Keira Knightley and she's married to a white guy, even has a kid with him.
Came here to post this. Looks like fucking curtains, Jesus.
Its a shoot scene from a short sequel of hollywood comedy Love Actually broadcasted in BBC (Yah not kidding)...real husband of Kira Knightly is this male
I was mistaken.
All these cookie cutter basic bitches Hollywood converts into propagandists through sex blood magic look exactly the fucking same, like they grow them in a lab someplace....
so shes married to a cuck white boi? Sounds about right
it's a scene from a TV Movie you dumb Aussie Leb !
What, actors? I agree they're a bad influence on public opinion and tend to be leftist mouthpieces
Actors should be deported
This is pretty funny the guy is doing nothing and making her do all the work while he records
Idk why but this made me laugh
Some bitch has a gay nigger friend?
44% of jews make $100K. Chart is wrong.
Those are "british" "people" shooting a sequel to Love Actually.
Because it's hot my tree. Get more Vanessa Williams/Zoey Kravitz looking ass muthafuckas...
E N D * R A C I S M* N O W
The White Race has declined in quality, since the Cold War, so the top of social classes shall remain pure of genetic lineage, while the underlings will bear the Mark of the Negroid, as punishment for embarrassing the White Race, as God intended.
Looks like a skinny white cuck
ugly feet, nothing of value was lost
What? All I see is two people who are identical in every way from race to gender.
Why is Padme cheating on Anakin? Sure he might've killed some younglings and lost a couple of limbs but who doesn't every once in a while?
Is she wearing an indian rug as a dress?
Jesus fuck.