Hehehe, the goyim fell for it. I guess it'll be a thousand year long Zionist rule over Europe now

Hehehe, the goyim fell for it. I guess it'll be a thousand year long Zionist rule over Europe now...

Other urls found in this thread:


What are they really watching?

Daily reminder that Germans were put in concentration camps by subhuman French cowards who caused WW2 in the first place.

american public TV

Most of the ones crying all look like kids. The older soldiers look bored or slightly intrigued.

Loom at that fuck on the right

>hmm really mekkin me thinikin


The goy.........don't know!

>skepticism intensifies


Pope, please stop.

The future of the white race.

nice try Shlomo, they were watching the Mass Effect Andromeda trailer

Hogan's Heroes

Andromeda be like every has down syndrome.

>Andromeda be like every has down syndrome.
The game was created by roasties so maybe they face-scanned themselves?

my type of guy

Dare I say, he's /ourguy/?

>Half of them are medics
I doubt they were watching concentration camp footage.

>Sup Forums reading tumblr on a reconnaissance task

this guy seems unfazed



Latest episode of Supergirl?

he was already awaken

Lol where is that gif from

>he was already awaken
Yeah, his face seems to say "nice try Chaim"


Apparently from a show called You're the worst. Episode is about beta males or something.

A burger tv show at this point nothing surprises me anymore

I doubt any American on Sup Forums owns a TV at this point, it's pretty fucking bad.

> Apparently from a show called You're the worst
Fox, ladies and gentlemen

Ghost in the Shell

Spoiler: he's actually pimping her out to negroes without her knowledge

Oh yes the same masterminds who made that show about a tranny kid that in one scene was wearing bondage gear

i exclusively torrent EVERYTHING, I only have tv to watch movies from a usb stick

sauce ?

>1945 shoa thread
>while Israel contemplating invading Syria

seriously this board is a parody of itself. you fags are so caught in literally decades old topics that jidf doesn't even see you as relevant anymore
it's like tumblr feminists still claiming their echo chambers promote actual social justice. it's so fucking sad I'm seriously considering dropping the CTR pay and just leave


Even your tag sounds artificial and paid for. That's impressive.

>Spoiler: he's actually pimping her out to negroes without her knowledge


something made Hollywood with a clear message that they should hate themselves and not the poor innocent Jew